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TypingClub TICE et eTwinning : des outils très utiles pour un projet - eTwinning dans l'académie de Versailles Travailler le son, créer des diaporamas, des magazines en lignes, des sites... Offrir aux élèves la possibilité de collaborer grâce à des outils conviviaux et ludiques... Tous les logiciels présentés ci-dessous ne demandent aucune connaissance particulière et sont accessibles à tout utilisateur habitué à manipuler des logiciels. Ils sont tous gratuits, libres pour certains et téléchargeables sur Internet sur les sites tels que : Framasoft Ils vont vous permettre de travailler de manière conviviale et performante. Créer une image interactive avec le logiciel "Images Actives" Ce logiciel vous permet de créer des zones interactives sur une image. Ce logiciel est téléchargeable sur le site officiel sur lequel vous trouverez également des exemples et des tutoriels, en cliquant sur l’onglet "Le logiciel". Création de modules interactifs Créer ses propres modules interactifs directement en ligne avec LearningApps : Travailler les photos Xnview, Photofiltre, Picasa Image déformée : Jalbum

Gamification: Creating a Level Up for Your Students If you have thought about adding an element of gamification to your classroom, having students level up might be fun to do. How do you do this….. The answer is always a spreadsheet In Google Drive ( create a new Google Sheets. In the bottom left of Google Sheets is a plus icon to add a tab. Remember when playing a game it is easy to get from level 1 to level 2. When I play World of Warcraft and I start a new toon I can get to level 14 in one day. Points and then Level Let column A in your spreadsheet be the minimum points (XP) needed for a level. Since we are using gamification you might want to call your assignments or tasks “quests.” If you know all of the quests in advance you can list them on the first tab. If you are going to create the list as you go, you will need a 2nd spreadsheet. Master Quest List Go to Google Drive and create a new Google Sheets. Note that the “Check Off” column is not part of the master quest list. ImportRange Fill Down Like this:

Page d'accueil Navigation 1. Le sommaire se trouve à gauche de la page. A chaque instant vous pouvez revenir à la question que vous souhaitez en cliquant sur ce sommaire. 2. Pour que ce cédérom fonctionne correctement et pour pouvoir visionner tous les documents, vous devez disposer des programmes suivants (téléchergeables gratuitement sur les sites indiqués) : - Adobe Reader : Adobe Reader est un logiciel qui permet de visualiser et d'imprimer des fichiers PDF (Portable Document Format) ; - Open Office : Si vous n'avez pas de logiciel Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Open Office vous permet de visualiser les présentations (diaporamas) créées dans PowerPoint Vous pouvez télécharger les documents en cliquant sur les icônes : documents au format word. documents au format pdf . documents au format ppt. Coordination et réalisation du projet : Micheline Maurice [ ] & Chirine Anvar [ ] [ haut de la page ] Copyright © CIEP

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Logiciels et services pour l'enseignement, la formation et la création multimédia Didapages 1 est un ancien logiciel windows qui ne fonctionne pas sous Mac, Linux ou Windows 8. Il est fortement recommandé d'utiliser Didapages 2 ! Didapages 1 est un logiciel destiné aux auteurs de cours et d'outils pédagogiques. Il permet de créer très simplement des livres multimédias et interactifs pour l'auto-formation, l'enseignement en classe ou la formation à distance.

10 Exit Slip Prompts that Will Work for Any Class - Teach 4 the Heart If you’re not using exit slips, you really should try them. Basically, you give students a quick prompt at the end of class (or for elementary, at the end of the day or the end of a subject). Then the students have just a couple minutes to write an answer and turn it in. Why You Should Use Exit Slips: Writing increases students’ participation. So now that I’ve hopefully convinced you to try out exit slips, let me give you a few ideas of what you can ask. Easy Exit Slip Prompts Write down two things you learned today.Pretend your friend was absent from class today and s/he asks you to explain the lesson. Do you use exit slips in your class? Additional Resources: Photo by lacla21.

Plurilangues - La recherche Internet en lettres et langues Un petit ouvrage bien pratique, regorgeant de petites astuces qui permettront aux internautes d'optimiser leurs recherches sur la Toile. Trouver une information ? Facile, il suffit de cliquer sur Google... Eh non, pas si facile car les internautes savent bien que l'on y perd souvent beaucoup de temps pour des résultats de qualité médiocre. Conçu comme un outil multilingue, très pratique et étayé de nombreux exemples, cet ouvrage vise à aider les internautes à mieux se repérer sur la Toile, à en éviter les écueils et connaître les astuces pour y trouver rapidement les informations pertinentes. Mêlant références, éclairages sur les enjeux citoyens de l'information numérique et pistes pédagogiques, l'ouvrage s'adresse à tous ceux qui sont passionnés de lettres et de langues : enseignants, étudiants, documentalistes, bibliothécaires ! Claire Larsonneur est normalienne, maître de conférences en littérature et traduction. Source : 4e de couverture

Classroom Behavior Management Site Safe harbor for 'Captains of the Classroom' Click the ship's wheel for a welcome message from Dr. Mac A warm & hearty welcome to you! You've reached this granite planet's most visited and respected classroom behaviour management web site. Here you'll find thousands of positive and respectful strategies & interventions for promoting appropriate behavior (in kids AND the adults who serve them). The United Federation of Teachers says of "A wild, witty and highly practical site for educators challenged by student (mis)behavior. As a Thank You! In order for the procedure to work, you must be signed into Facebook when you click here. Somehow, over 1100 "likes" disappeared. What's New at BehaviorAdvisor? Daily behaviour management tips & discussion on our facebook page (search for Behavior Advisor) 2. A character assessment instrument based on the Circle of Courage model for re-orienting youngsters with severe behavioral disorders. 5. You're missing out!! 1. 2. 3. 5.

19 Big and Small Classroom Management Strategies The year I started teaching seventh- to twelfth-grade English in Minneapolis, Prince launched his song about urban ruin, "Sign o' the Times." That song was an apt musical backdrop for the lives of my students, most of whom lived in poverty and challenged me daily. That year also afforded me the opportunity to be assaulted with a stone, two chairs, a Rambo knife, a seventh-grade girl's weak jab, and dozens of creative swear words. Fortunately, classroom order improved when I learned that successful classroom management depends on conscientiously executing a few big strategies and a lot of little ones. Big Strategies: Fundamental Principles of Classroom Management 1. A hypnotist's first induction technique often involves directing subjects to focus on something they're already doing. Teachers, like hypnotists, can string along a series of requests by asking students to do something most are already doing, then waiting for 100-percent compliance, and finally issuing another directive, etc.

Setting Classroom Expectations Put 20 to 30 children in a room for six hours a day, and things will occasionally get a little rowdy. But if a classroom is consistently out of control, that will have a negative impact on student learning outcomes and the stress level of the teacher. There is a way for teachers to take control up front: by setting clear classroom expectations. According to ASCD, setting clearly defined parameters for classroom behaviors accounts for 25% of the factors that affect classroom discipline. Defining and communicating classroom expectations will help students develop mature social skills, learn more, and will create an overall classroom atmosphere that’s welcoming and safe for everyone. Expectations For Students Setting classroom expectations and developing learning goals collaboratively puts students at the center of the learning process. It’s important that teachers understand and develop two kinds of classroom expectations: behavior expectations and learning expectations. Setting An Example

Ideas for student rewards and incentives In part one of this post series, I explained why ‘rewards’ isn’t a bad word and argued my case for why they should be an integral part of the classroom. In this post, I’m going to share how to do that. I’ve found that the most effective way to use rewards with students is with a combination of a consistent reward system and unexpected now-that rewards, so I’ll share ideas about both. Easy Reward Systems A reward system is different from a behavior management system. ‘Flipping your card’ and ‘moving your clip’ are behavior management systems: students are only acknowledged when they misbehave. Keep track of how many times students are making good choices in the classroom by assigning team points–compliment kids and make a slash on the board to keep track. Now-That Rewards These are unexpected rewards given to students AFTER they’ve demonstrated exceptional behavior. How do you use rewards in the classroom? Read Part 1 of this post series: The day “reward” became a bad word
