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Walker Art Center

Walker Art Center
Housing—as an aesthetic, conceptual, political, and environmental concern—has captured the imaginations and passions of artists and architects in recent years. In a flourishing yet undefined field, Rick Lowe, Rirkrit Tiravanija, N55, the Rural Studio, and others are prototyping creative solutions that range from portable architecture to squatting to long-term community-based design projects. More Presented through an exclusive content partnership between the Walker and Forecast Public Art, this article originally appeared in Public Art Review, issue 49.

Pencil Shaving Portraits Coup de coeur pour ces différents portraits qui ont été pensés par l’artiste Kyle Bean pour le magazine de design Wallpaper* Handmade 2011. Utilisant des copeaux de crayons pour composer des visages, ces réalisations très réussies sont à découvrir dans la suite de l’article. *Barata Display* Site officiel du musée du Louvre ACADEMIA CENAC con dedicación y esfuerzo todo se logra Somos una organización que promueve el aprendizaje a través de capacitaciones en las ramas de arquitectura, ingeniería y diseño gráfico, por medio de talleres que estimulan al desarrollo académico y profesional. Promover el continuo aprendizaje mediante cursos y talleres impartidos por profesionales capacitados rosa b 'Tim Burton' versus 'Art in the Streets': Here's the skinny This summer, two blockbuster exhibitions are dominating the L.A. art scene, both testing the boundary of what constitutes art and both possessing a strong youth appeal. “Tim Burton,” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art through Oct. 31, is an homage to the wild-haired film director of such movies as “Edward Scissorhands” and “Ed Wood.” The show features 700 works from Burton's collections and those of his colleagues. Across town, “Art in the Streets,” at the MOCA Geffen Contemporary through Aug. 8, is a mega-exhibition devoted to the history of graffiti and street art. It features works by noted street artists including Banksy, Shepard Fairey and Space Invader.

Design – Jiani Lu – Design and Photography Toggle sizesToggle sizes Don’t Bullshit Me Print RANE on Behance During the redesign of the magazine IL I was asked to develop, under the creative direction of Francesco Franchi, the visual project of the new cultural section: RANE. The brief was to create a sort of magazine inside the magazine, with its own bold language: the tone of the articles was provocative and challenging and the visuals had to reflect this attitude. The first and foremost inspirations for the project were some futurist magazines like Lacerba and Dinamo Futurista: the name RANE comes from a quote of a medieval poetry work (called L'acerba) from Cecco d'ascoli, which was used by the magazine Lacerba as a sort of payoff (the whole line goes as "Qui non si canta al modo delle rane"). Starting from there, we tried to elaborate a more modern language, incorporating infographics and visual storytelling to accompany the articles content or to build a parallel-yet-related story along them.

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