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Flash mob in the Copenhagen Metro. Copenhagen Phil playing Peer Gynt.

Flash mob in the Copenhagen Metro. Copenhagen Phil playing Peer Gynt.
Related:  2015 Juillet

The 'Busy' Trap Anxiety: We worry. A gallery of contributors count the ways. If you live in America in the 21st century you’ve probably had to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It’s become the default response when you ask anyone how they’re doing: “Busy!” “So busy.” “Crazy busy.” It’s not as if any of us wants to live like this; it’s something we collectively force one another to do. Notice it isn’t generally people pulling back-to-back shifts in the I.C.U. or commuting by bus to three minimum-wage jobs who tell you how busy they are; what those people are is not busy but tired. Brecht Vandenbroucke Even children are busy now, scheduled down to the half-hour with classes and extracurricular activities. The present hysteria is not a necessary or inevitable condition of life; it’s something we’ve chosen, if only by our acquiescence to it. Our frantic days are really just a hedge against emptiness. I am not busy. Here I am largely unmolested by obligations.

3D without the glasses. Uninvited Pythagoras making sure his buddies didn't drink too much Funny as it's true You can't handle the truth! I Spent 4 Years in Janiting School Jehovah's witnesses training center Oatmeal v. FunnyJunk Update: Charles Carreon files restraining order to keep donated funds from being distributed to charities : technology Importing Content Languages: English • Español • 日本語 • Português do Brasil • 中文(简体) • (Add your language) WordPress currently supports importing data in the form of posts (articles) and most of the details or features supported by the content publishing platform. Many of the following Content Import scripts can be found under Tools → Import menu of your WordPress administration interface. If you run into specific problems, a search on the WordPress Support Forum will likely lead to a solution, or try the Codex FAQ. Users of a blogging system not listed here who wish to switch to WordPress are invited to ask for help in the WordPress Support Forum as well. To help you understand the differences between WordPress and other existing software, we recommend you review the WordPress Features and more on Working with WordPress. Before Importing If your exported file is very large, the import script may run into your host's configured memory limit for PHP. Atlassian Confluence Instructions: After Importing b2 b2evolution

Sublime Text 2 Tips and Tricks (Updated) Sublime Text 2 is one of the fastest and most incredible code editors to be released in a long time! With a community and plugin ecosystem as passionate as this one, it just might be impossible for any other editor to catch up. I'll show you my favorite tips and tricks today. Sublime Text 2 is currently available for all major platforms: OS X, Linux and Windows. 1 - Bleeding Edge Versions Sublime is in active development. Download a dev build of Sublime 2 here. 2 - Get a Better Icon Update: here is a better icon. In its defense, Sublime Text 2 is still in a beta state. To integrate it, you need to replace the existing "Sublime Text 2.icns" file with this new one. Please take note of the fact that, if you're using the frequently updated development version of Sublime Text, with each update, the icon will be removed. 3 - Access the Command Palette Similar to TextMate, we can use Sublime's command palette by accessing the Tools menu, or by pressing Shift + Command + P, on the Mac. 8 - Alignment

ENML Editor - Get your hands dirty with your Evernote notes. Student files lawsuit against Human Sexuality professor who required students to masturbate 3 times and keep a sex journal to pass his class : sex Evernote Web HTML editor Pubblicità (PW) <map name="admap74788" id="admap74788"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,728,90" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:728px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" style="width:728px;height:90px;border-style:none;" usemap="#admap74788" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#ffffff;" colspan="1"><center><a style="font-size:10px;color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;font-family:Tahoma, verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-transform: none;letter-spacing:normal;text-shadow:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:normal;" href=" Descrizione dell'autore Note: you can find a description in Italian on my blog. Features: Acknowledgments Condividi

10 Shocking Secrets of Flight Attendants by Heather Poole Heather Poole has worked for a major carrier for more than 15 years and is the author of Cruising Attitude: Tales of Crashpads, Crew Drama, and Crazy Passengers at 35,000 Feet. We begged Poole to reveal 10 workplace secrets. You know all that preflight time where we’re cramming bags into overhead bins? Airlines aren’t completely heartless, though. Competition is fierce: When Delta announced 1,000 openings in 2010, it received over 100,000 applications. All that competition means that most applicants who score interviews have college degrees—I know doctors and lawyers who’ve made the career switch. But you don’t need a law degree to get your foot in the jetway door. The 4 percent who do get a callback interview really need to weigh the pros and cons of the job. During Pan Am’s heyday in the 1960s, there were strict requirements for stewardesses: They had to be at least 5-foot-2, weigh no more than 130 pounds, and retire by age 32.

AlterNote Editor Progeria Progeria (pronunciation: /proʊˈdʒɪəriə/[1][2]) (Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome,[3][4] HGPS, progeria syndrome[4]) is an extremely rare genetic disorder wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at a very early age. Progeria is one of several progeroid syndromes. The word progeria comes from the Greek words "pro" (πρό), meaning "before" or "premature", and "gēras" (γῆρας), meaning "old age". The disorder has a very low incidence rate, occurring in an estimated 1 per 8 million live births.[5] Those born with progeria typically live to their mid teens to early twenties.[6][7] It is a genetic condition that occurs as a new mutation, and is rarely inherited, as patients usually do not live to reproduce. Signs and symptoms[edit] Children with progeria usually develop the first symptoms during their first few months of life. Cause[edit] In normal conditions, the LMNA gene codes for a structural protein called prelamin A. Diagnosis[edit] Treatment[edit] Prognosis[edit]

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