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How to connect Android with PHP, MySQL

How to connect Android with PHP, MySQL

JSON in Android JSON in Android - Tutorial Copyright © 2011, 2012, 2013 Lars Vogel JSON with Android This article describes how to process JSON within Android. It is based on Eclipse 3.6, Java 1.6 and Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread). JSON is a very condense data exchange format. 1.2. Twitter is a great source for JSON. Table 1. Please note that some URIs return a JSONObject object while others return a JSONArray. Create a new Android project called with the package and the activity called ParseJSON. Create the following coding for the activity. /** Called when the activity is first created Warning The code example allows network access in the main thread to simplify the code snippet. To run this example assign the uses-permission to your AndroidManifest.xml for "android.permission.INTERNET". Writing JSON is very simple. 4. Maintaining high quality free online tutorials is a lot of work. Please consider a contribution if this article helped you. 4.2.

Hum | 4 out of 5 dentists recommend this site Android Facebook Connect Tutorial This tutorial is about integrating facebook into your android application. I am going to explain various steps like generating your application signature, registering facebook application, downloading facebook sdk and other steps. Here is an official documentation of facebook integration. Generating App Signature for Facebook Settings To create facebook android native app you need to provide your Android application signature in facebook app settings. You can generate your application signature (keyhash) using keytool that comes with java. Open your command prompt (CMD) and run the following command to generate your keyhash. check the following command how i generated hashkey on my pc. Registering your Facebook Application After generating your app signature successfully, register your facebook application by going to create new facebook application and fill out all the information needed. and note down your facebook App ID Creating Facebook Reference Project 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

how to fetch a data from web server database in android application Playing With Fonts Playing With Fonts Fonts Represent Your Content There's no doubt that your words, your posts, are the meat and potatoes of your blog or website. Those words, along with your lovely colors and pictures, tell your website's story. Fonts come in a wide variety of types and styles, but unfortunately, unless the user actually has that font installed on their machine, they will see something that is only "close", such as a generic serif or sans-serif, to what you wanted to present. In your Theme's style sheet (style.css usually) you can control the font-family (the list of fonts to display), the color, the size, and other aspects of your font. As you can see, you've set more than one font in the font-family. Font families tend to be single words, but on occasion you will find a phrase to represent a font such as Lucida Console. #menu {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, "Lucida Console", sans-serif;..... Fonts in WordPress content post entry post-entry Which Font Font Surveys Font Face

Tutoriels Récemment Google a annoncé la sortie du SDK Android Wear en preview. Android Wear est le prochain gadget Google dans le domaine des montres connectées. Dans cette première partie du tuto, je vais expliquer comment obtenir un accès à cette preview et créer un petit exemple sur Android Wear (création du projet, création de la notification et de boutons). 1 – Pré-requis Pour avoir accès à la preview du SDK, [...] Voici la suite du tutoriel sur le NavigationDrawer, vous trouvez la première partie ici : (Le projet utilisé sur ce tuto correspond à celui réalisé lors du tuto précédant) Cette partie abordera : La gestion du clic sur les différents éléments d’un NavigationDrawer La gestion de l’ouverture et la fermeture du NavigationDrawer lors du clic sur l’icône de l’application située sur l’ActionBar Le NavigationDrawer est un élément permettant de naviguer dans une application Android. Bonjour à tous!

Android, MySQL, PHP, & JSON 4 | Register and Login PHP Scripts In this Android Remote Databases mini series we’ll start setting up our php scripts to register a user, login, write a message, and display some JSON data. We will also be building some temporary front-end php forms to test out our scripts, but eventually we will develop the front-end code within our Android app. Part A: Learn the Basics of PHP Part B: Learn Android 2.20 B – Creating a PHP Web Service for Apps Part C: Coming soon… Developing PHP Script to Interact with our Database The core concept of developing an Android app that connects with a remote database is to have the front-end programming done within the Android application, then send the information to a PHP script to be processed, the script will then interact with the database, and last the information will be returned back to the app. **Note- These scripts will not be too secure since anyone can interact with them, but it should demonstrate the basics of this mini series Step 1: Creating a New User PHP Script register.php v.01

kuler Fragment - Aller plus loin dans le développement Android ListFragment Tout comme les activités, il existe un fragment « générique ». Il peut inclure des listes, des écrans de préférences et toutes les vues du framework Android pour constituer des portions d’interfaces. Par la suite, elles pourront être réutilisées plusieurs fois dans les écrans de l’application finale. Pour expliquer en profondeur tous ces concepts, une explication détaillée des fragments est donnée dans la suite de ce chapitre. Introduction aux fragments Qu’est ce qu’un fragment ? Les fragments ne sont pas simples à comprendre. En temps normal, une application est destinée à être exécutée aussi bien sur les smartphones que sur les tablettes, et peu à peu sur les télévisions connectées. Par exemple, le propriétaire d'un blog pourrait légitimement vouloir développer sa propre application pour offrir une alternative mobile à ses lecteurs. Ce genre de chose est possible grâce aux fragments ! Le cycle de vie des fragments Les activités sont régulées par un cycle de vie. Résultat final

Android Client Server communication Update Galaxy Ace S5830 with Official Gingerbread 2.3.6 Value Pack XWKTM Even though the Samsung Galaxy Ace is not a high end smartphone there are many Android users who own this handset, the affordable price tag and its decent specs, making the Ace one of the most popular Samsung phone. So, its users should be interested in installing the latest OS updates available not only for receiving the latest Android features but also to power up the performances of their devices. As you know there are many ICS and Jelly Bean custom ROMs suitable for your Galaxy Ace, though not all the upgrades are being stable ones. That’s why you should always know how to update your Ace with an official or stock ROM. The best part related with an official update, like the present value pack XWKTM, is that the warranty can be restored in case it was previously voided. As we are dealing with an official release of the Gingerbread platform, for applying the same on your Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 you will not have to previously root your smartphone.
