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How Much Do Music Artists Earn Online? - (Private Browsing)

How Much Do Music Artists Earn Online? - (Private Browsing)
Recently, the UK government passed The Digital Economy Act which included many, perhaps draconian, measures to combat online music piracy (including withdrawing broadband access for persistent pirates). Much was proclaimed about how these new laws would protect musicians and artists revenue and livelihoods. But how much money do musicians really get paid in this new digital marketplace? This image is based on an excellent post at The Cynical Musician called The Paradise That Should Have Been about pitiful digital royalties. (Thanks to Neilon for pointing that out). I’ve taken his calculations and added a few more. As ever, this was incredibly difficult to research. Note: these figures do not include publishing royalties (paid to composers of songs). If you have any experiences, data or royalty statements to share, please post below!

INFOGRAPHIC: Why Content Marketing Matters - (Private Browsing) October 17th, 2011 by Steve Maloney Our friends at BraftoN have put together a great infographic on the importance of content in the world of SEO. It’s an established fact that search engines give preferential ranking to sites with the freshest and most pertinent content, but it’s eye-opening to really dig into how important content really is. As Google Fellow Amit Singhal is quoted as saying, “Our site quality algorithms are aimed at helping people find the ‘high-quality’ sites by reducing the rankings of low-quality content.” The BBC has a duty to be distinctive Car Booty: the type of daytime show criticised by the BBC Trust in its review. Photograph: BBC/Leopard Films The recently negotiated licence fee settlement, which will last for the remaining six years of our current royal charter, has predictably been the source of much debate.

Label Me / Dischord Records Words by Rick Moslen Growing up, many of us believed in punk rock but never considered ourselves “punk.” We moshed at shows, bought $3 Epitaph compilations, and complained about Green Day not being a real punk band, but despite a few oddly colored hair manifestations, we never looked the part. Then high school arrived and we discovered Fugazi (cue Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus). An Introduction to Crowdfunding [Infographic] - (Private Browsing) Driven in part by the explosion of vibrant social-networking media, the crowdfunding sensation now stretches to the far reaches of the globe. Fostering creativity, philanthropy, and growth, crowdfunding sites have fundamental social and economic impact, and are altering the allocation of capital. This great new infographic — commissioned by the crowdfunding site PleaseFund.Us in collaboration with — provides insights into crowdfunding including: Its definitionTrendsGeographic prevalenceNumber and location of crowdfunding sitesLaunch datesTypes of crowdfunding models and the evolution of funding ideologiesStimuli and triggersSuccess storiesCrowdfunding and social media The Infographic was created by – contact: Dorothy Sanders

Can 'double screening' help TV producers? The final episode of Lost in May was one of the world's great TV experiences – 59 countries either simulcast the show or showed it the same day. The epic fantasy adventure wound up after 121 hours of television, screened in 220 countries, with a two and a half hour special that pulled in 13.5 million viewers in the US alone. The series had always been a darling of the online world, so when its co-creator Damon Lindelof started talking about the internet when accepting an award, it seemed likely he would thank people for their dedication or explain how they had built the fan base. But no. Instead, Lindelof read out messages posted on Twitter by fans. "My very first tweet," wrote one.

PROFILE: Dex Romweber All the Requisite Billies: The Untold Legend of Dex Romweber When a Nashville journalist asked Dex Romweber about a new song the guitarist had recorded, Dex told him, “It’s a kind of a dark, sort of hillbilly blues…folkie, rock & roll thing. 30 Top Infographics for Web Developers and Designers from 2010 - (Private Browsing) An infographic or informative illustration gives an informative presentation of different objects with a combination of text and image . This may be in the form of map , chart , blackboard , instructional design or an interactive application. It is intended for the transfer of information , data and expertise . It is used by journalists in news and background articles, financial reports, on public transport as an explanatory picture, and for scientific or educational purposes.

Great TV sponsorship creativity : Sponsorship & branded content : TV Toolbox : Thinkbox Getting closer to content Viewers love television and they can’t get enough of it. According to figures from the Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB), in 2013 the average TV viewer watched 3 hours and 52 minutes of live, linear TV a day of which two thirds (66%) was to commercial TV TV is cultural glue: people love talking about TV, off- and online, almost as much as they love watching it. In fact, the only subjects we want to discuss more than TV are friends and family. Just a glance at the immense number of groups on Facebook dedicated to TV shows and ads, or the number of TV event Tweets out there, demonstrates its cultural importance.
