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@Ignatia Webs

@Ignatia Webs

ProfHacker Many of us have favorite tools that suit our workflows well, helping us accomplish our tasks and keep track of needed bits of information. Below you’ll find a list of applications, services, and utilities that I use almost daily. Workflow. I’m a big fan of ToDoist, my preferred task manager. For the way I work, it’s a better option than Apple’s Reminders. The catch is that it doesn’t integrate with Siri, which is really handy for adding items on the go. I know I know. Let’s backtrack a minute. A few weeks ago, coincidentally during Day of DH 2016, it was brought to my attention that Voyant, a web-based text analysis tool, had upgraded to Version 2.0. This has been a popular tool with ProfHackers (I’ve written about using it as has Brian), and the new version is a great improvement. a cleaner, crisper appearance better cross-platform and mobile device support (all tools in HTML5, no Flash or Java Applets) advanced search capabilities, including wil… I was involved in multiple ways.

Introduction : répondre ou débattre Ce billet portera sur la contribution de deux collègues, Alain Beitone et Margaux Osenda, qui ont publié « La pédagogie inversée : une pédagogie archaïque » (des extraits de cet article seront proposés en bleu ci-dessous) Il ne s’agit pas pour moi de « répondre » à leurs arguments ou de les démonter en tentant de démontrer combien le propos serait incorrect, inapproprié, fallacieux … Je l’ai souvent dit : en matière d’innovation (gardons ce concept pour le moment), il me paraît important de considérer tous les points de vue même ceux envers lesquels, personnellement et subjectivement, on ne peut d’emblée marquer son accord. En effet, les propos des thuriféraires et autres évangélistes doivent être considérés avec circonspection voire méfiance, ceux des « grognons » (comme je les appelle chaleureusement) avec attention en ce qui concerne les alarmes qu’ils nous envoient. La classe inversée n’a rien d’innovant ! Introduction I.1. I.2. I.3.

No Access Paper ID 35046 Subscription required for full-text access Purchase individual articles and papers Receive full-text access to individual articles for $9.95 USD each. Subscribe for faster access! Subscribe and receive access to 100,000+ documents, for only $19/month (or $150/year). Already have access? Individual Subscription If you have an individual subscription, sign in here for access Institutional Subscription You don't appear to be accessing the site through a subscribing institution (your IP address is If your university, college, or library subscribes to EdITLib, you may be able access full text articles through a login page. You can search for your instition by name or by location. Login via Institution Preview Authors Nathaniel Ostashewski, Athabasca University, Canada ; Doug Reid, The Education Society, Canada World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Jun 29, 2010 in Toronto, Canada ISBN 978-1-880094-81-5 Abstract Citation

Bienvenido a la Asociación Internacional para el Aprendizaje Móvil | Marcel Lebrun on Calaméo Catégorisation de techniques de rétroaction pour... Catégorisation de techniques de rétroaction pour l’enseignement universitaire Sylviane Bachy Marcel Lebrun Université catholique de Louvain MOTS-CLÉS:... Adobe PDF document Reports, Education, French From Marcel Lebrun Pages: 20 Views: 2 Downloads: 1 Pub. on Feb. 14th 2014 Une application de la recherche européenne Hy-SUP : le cours LPSY1408, un dispositif de formation entre « Métro » et « Ecosystème » Communication... Pages: 10 Views: 23 Downloads: 7 Une application de la recherche européenne Hy-SUP : le cours LPSY1408, un dispositif de formation entre « Métro » et « Ecosystème » Communication présentée dans le Cadre de QPES 2013 (Questions de Pédagogie dans l'Enseignement Supérieur) à Sherbrooke (Québec). Pub. on Feb. 1st 2014 Impacts des TIC sur la qualité des apprentis- sages des... Nous proposons diverses approches méthodologiques, illustrées d'applications concrètes dans le contexte de la mise en place de dispositifs hybrides sur une... Next

There is an “app” for that: Mobile technologies and learning « global-e: a global studies journal Lynne M. Rudasill From the adze maker to the Gutenberg Bible to Project Gutenberg to the mobile “app,” technological advances both impact and support human society. Although most of these apps are developed for the i-device environment (IPhone, IPad, or IPod), many are now being created for the Android operating system and others. Mobile technologies are readily available in academic libraries. Beyond the academic library, applications have been developed that provide support for fieldwork in the social sciences as well as the hard sciences. Although the use of mobile application technology in learning is still new, there is a developing literature on the subject. Further, a developing body of research being published specifically targets mobile devices and mobile learning. Lynne Rudasill is Global Studies Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. References Caron, A. and Caronia, L. (2008). Like this: Like Loading...

Aplicaciones para la buena Each year we host the national Apps for Good Awards to recognise the top apps created by student teams in the Apps for Good course. We work with industry leaders to select the apps that solve a real-world problem in a new way. The judges look for apps that have a good user experience, are technically feasible and have a clearly defined market. The winning teams work with our app developer partners to have their app built professionally and launched publicly, supported by Apps for Good and our sponsors. Apps for Good Awards 2013 Winners The winners of the Apps for Good Awards 2013 solve a range of problems, from helping teens find jobs to supporting people with mental health conditions. Apps from previous years Apps for Good students have created apps that track your Oyster travel data or help you get out of bed by texting your friends.

Lebrun, M., Docq, F. & Smidts, D. (2009). Claroline, an Internet Teaching and Learning Platform to Foster Teachers’ Professional Development and Improve Teaching Quality : First Approaches. AACE Journal, 17(4), 347-362. Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Create a free accountJoin Calaméo to publish and share documents with the world! Rate and comment your favorite publications, download documents and share your readings with your friends. 16 pagesPublished byMarcel Lebrun AACEJ (2009) 17(4), 347-362 Claroline, an Internet Teaching and Learning Platform to Foster Teachers’ Professional Development and Improve Teaching Quality : First Approaches Marcel lebrun, Françoise Docq anD Denis sMiDts Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium marcel. lebrun@uclouvain. be francoise. docq@uclouvain. be denis. smidts@uclouvain. be this article describes the findings of a survey of Higher education teachers and students using the elearning platform claroline. this survey is enhanced by direct observation of the tools really used by teachers. claroline was initially developed (in 2001-2002) to sustain and foster pedagogic innovation at the université catholique de louvain (ucl) in louvain-la-neuve (belgium). it is now used across the world. Tags Pages: 20

100 more social media statistics for 2012 You may have had the honour of reading one of my previous literary masterpieces, 100 social media statistics for 2012 in January. It has taken me just one month to collate another 100 social media statistics from countless (reputable) websites and articles (some of which are listed at the bottom of this article). Actually there may not be exactly 100 statistics here, but I figured it was close enough. I am going to aim to create one of these articles each month or so, so we can all keep up to date with the most recent statistics (and you don’t need to read 30 articles to get a full picture… like I did). And now, for the statistics: General social media statistics 2012 Social media statistics for Asia (Pacific), Europe, South America and North America 2012 Social media for business statistics 2012 Facebook Statistics 2012 Twitter Statistics 2012 Social media for Shopping statistics 2012 YouTube Statistics 2012 Mobile Statistics 2012 And that’s all I have to say about that.

Profesor Mike Sharples - Perfiles Gente - Universitat Oberta Profile For further information see My research concerns human-centred design of new technologies for learning. It involves gaining a deep understanding of how people work, play, learn and interact as a foundation for the design of novel socio-technical systems (people in interaction with technology). Qualifications PhD, 1984, University of Edinburgh, Thesis Title: ‘Cognition, Computers and Creative Writing’. B.Sc. Teaching Interests Teaching innovation: Pedagogy for eBooks project to promote research-led innovation within the OU, by understanding the opportunities to enhance teaching and learning processes of postgraduate students through next generation e-book technology, and examining new pedagogic practices that this emerging technology could support. Production of a series of Innovating Pedagogies reports, to inform policy makers and practitioners of innovations in higher education. Research Interests Mobile and contextual learning Other

Les échos de l'innovation L’Espace des sciences en partenariat avec la Délégation Académique à l’Education Artistique et Culturelle du Rectorat organise les échos de l’innovation. Cet évènement est à destination des élèves de seconde Sciences de l'Ingénieur (SI) et Créations Innovations Technologiques (CIT). L’Espace des sciences offre la possibilité à des lycéens de partager leurs visions, leurs réflexions et leurs compréhensions de l’innovation technologique. Les classes inscrites présenteront leurs travaux dans la salle de conférence des Champs Libres et participeront aux différentes activités de l’Espace des sciences. Prochaine édition : 22 avril 2014 Après le succès des précédentes éditions, L’Espace des sciences en partenariat avec la Délégation Académique à l’Education Artistique et Culturelle du Rectorat vous propose le mardi 22 avril 2014 la 4ème édition des échos de l’innovation. Destinés aux lycéens des filières sciences et technologiques industrielles. Programme Dans la matinée : L’après-midi : Organisation
