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Underscore.js 14 outils en ligne simples et efficaces pour les travailleurs du web Ce billet est une sorte de «Note pour plus tard» pour garder sous le coude quelques outils en ligne que j’utilise régulièrement ou que j’ai redécouverts dernièrement. Ils vous permettront de partager des bouts de code, prendre des notes, créer des penses-bêtes, sauvegarder vos bookmarks, partager des textes, valider votre prose (CSS, HTML, XML, RDF), placer du faux-texte et des fausses images (placeholders) dans vos pages web. Vous (re)découvrirez également des dictionnaires, des correcteurs orthographiques et des ressources web à garder sous la souris. Le tout réparti entre développement web, édition & travail collaboratif et dictionnaires et ressources. Développement web jsfiddle — Idéal pour partager des bouts de code ou mettre en place des tests avec HTML, CSS, jQuery (ou Mootools, etc.). Edition & travail collaboratif Réseaux Dictionnaires et références yoyodesign — Nombreuses traductions d’articles et de recommendations du W3C.

documentcloud/backbone Bootstrap Toolbox - Tools, Utilities, Generators and Templates Ever since it was initially released, Bootstrap has taken the internet by a storm. It keeps growing in popularity with each passing day — and why shouldn’t it be popular? After all, where else do you find a responsive framework with such an extensive library of pre-styled components, and a community that offers many, many extras and addons? In this collection, we have put together some of the best Bootstrap resources. Nay! Boostrap Tools & Utilities Bootstrap wysihtml5 Bootstrap-wysihtml5 is a Javascript plugin that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful wysiwyg editors. Bootstrap wysihtml5 → Bootpag – Dynamic Pagination The Bootpag jQuery plugin helps you create dynamic pagination with Bootstrap (or any other HTML page for that matter). Bootpag → Bootstrap Modal Bootstrap Modal extends Bootstrap's native modals with additional functionality by introducing a ModalManager class that operates behind the scenes to handle multiple modals by listening on their events. Bootstrap Modal → Bootbox.js

mbostock/d3 Google Map Builder by MyNameIsDonald - Build a Google Map for your website in just a few clicks. Redactor WYSIWYG editor on jQuery by James Fenimore Cooper Winding its way among countless islands, and imbedded in mountains, the "holy lake" extended a dozen leagues still further to the south. With the high plain that there interposed itself to the further passage of the water, commenced a portage of as many miles, which conducted the adventurer to the banks of the Hudson, at a point where, with the usual obstructions of the rapids, or rifts, as they were then termed in the language of the country, the river became navigable to the tide.​ "Come," he said, with a good-humored smile; "the buck that will take to the water must be headed, and not followed." The route taken by Hawkeye lay across those sandy plains, relived by occasional valleys and swells of land, which had been traversed by their party on the morning of the same day, with the baffled Magua for their guide.

Online JavaScript beautifier Examples Demos. Lots of demos. *neo glasses* View source on all these demos to see what they're made of. All the demos live in examples in the source tree. Static renderer This example statically renders documents on the server. View 'html' » General Editor This example shows the use of an Ace editor which can edit any ShareJS document. Edit anything » Wiki This example demonstrates using ShareJS to implement a wiki. Explore the wiki »
