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Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web

Piwigo is a photo gallery software for the web - An OpenSource PHP Image Gallery Piwigo - Android Market Enjoy your photos being placed on a world map. PhotoMap is a photo gallery that lets you browse through your geo photos in a fascinating way. It helps you finding and visiting beautiful or important locations again. Relive your vacation by jumping virtually from location to location. If your photos have no geo position until now, please activate the "store location" option of your camera app or simply use the integrated camera starter in PhotoMap. PhotoMap enables you to:✔ Quickly browse even large amounts of photos exactly where you took them.✔ Enjoy preview pictures situated on a zoomable world map (photo map). Use PhotoMap if the position and description of photos is important to you. digiKam - Photo Management Program | Manage your photographs as a professional with the power of Open Source

Pikachoose jQuery Image Gallery Piwigo, partagez vos photos sur le web Cet article a été publié il y a 2 ans 9 mois 20 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Piwigo est un logiciel libre de galerie photo pour le web. Au passage, j’attire votre attention sur le terme partage et pas stockage. Veillez aussi à faire des sauvegardes sur au moins un autre support de vos fichiers, car le disque dur de votre ordinateur n’est pas infaillible non plus. Les fonctionnalités Un gestionnaire de galerie photo vous permet de classer vos photos selon différentes méthodes pour offrir ensuite à ceux qui les visualisent différentes possibilités de navigation. Les albums : ils permettent de définir une arborescence de classement comme on peut le faire sur son ordinateur grâce au système des répertoires. Cette dernière fonctionnalité me permet de faire le lien avec le système d’extensions ou de plugins de Piwigo. L’apparence de la galerie peut également être personnalisée au travers de thèmes.

ImageResizer - Batch-resize and convert your images in just one click with maximum comfort. – Plastiliq Software Batch–resize and convert your images in just one click with maximum comfort. Key features: Convert images Support of many popular image formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP and TIFF. Resize images 7 useful modes including Width and Height, Width, Height, Percentage, Fit and Desktop. Improved drag & drop Support for drag & drop for files and folders (including subfolders). Easy–to–use Drag & drop mouse operations, image previews, tooltips and other useful features. Quick start See our compact and illustrated User Guide for more details. Runs on Microsoft Windows Runs on Windows (32/64-bit). Screenshots: User Guide: See our compact and illustrated User Guide for more details. Additional languages. History of changes.

Galleria — A JavaScript gallery for the Fastidious Piwigo : Google+ button Direct competitor to Facebook, Google+ is a social media launched in June 2011, only 3 months ago. Subscriptions have been publicly opened for about 1 month. The photographers are very present on Google+. By “circling” a few of them, you get a nice photo stream to browse. the first click lets you say publicly that you like a photo or a gallery page (equivalent to the “like” button of Facebook) Google+ : +1 a photo or a page from your Piwigo photo gallerythe second click lets you share the photo as a message in Google+ and all the people who “circles” you will see the photo in their stream, with a link to your Piwigo gallery. Google+ : share a page from your Piwigo photo gallery By the way, if you’re already on Google+, add me in you circles: Pierrick Le Gall profile on Google+.
