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DIY – это то, что сейчас действительно в моде, Что такое DIY? В буквальной расшифровке — do it yourself – это возможность сделать модным любой предмет гардероба за считанные минуты, даже не обладая особыми навыками! Подписаться на нужный блог или категорию можно нажав рядом с его заголовком кнопочку в виде синих очков. Вы сможете писать в этот блог и получать на почту уведомления о новых материалах в нем. Подпишитесь на блог, чтобы получать уведомление о новых постах и иметь возможность в него писать
Jim Darling Illustration & Design
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Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol (/ˈwɔrhɒl/;[1] August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was an American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement that flourished by the 1960s. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became a renowned and sometimes controversial artist. The Andy Warhol Museum in his native city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, holds an extensive permanent collection of art and archives. It is the largest museum in the United States dedicated to a single artist. Warhol's art encompassed many forms of media, including hand drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, silk screening, sculpture, film, and music. Early life (1928–1949) In third grade, Warhol had Sydenham's chorea (also known as St. As a teenager, Warhol graduated from Schenley High School in 1945. 1950s 1960s Campbell's Soup I (1968) Attempted murder (1968) 1970s 1980s
koikoikoi | Be Creative
LS Identity - Leta Sobierajski
LS Identity LS is the personal identity of Leta Sobierajski, including a logo, business cards and letterhead. The collateral is printed in a set of white and sunshine yellow with a patterned reverse side.
Plastik Banana
Plastik Banana is a multidisciplinary design studio located in Zaragoza. We are specialists in brand design, art direction, editorial design and illustration. Our process begins with a focus directed towards an investigation by having a close relation with the client. We deal with each project as something unique to give an individualized response.
Faiblessed | Between Blessings & Weaknesses
Accueil | Ruban Collectif