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Le Messager – Quotidien d'informations et de debats au Cameroun

Le Messager – Quotidien d'informations et de debats au Cameroun Medialternative Blog du CDF/FCD - Afrique Le Blog de KAGATAMA Kagatama Blog 081219. Le Soir- Prison à vie pour génocide E ntré dans sa dernière ligne droite avant la clôture de ses travaux, le Tribunal pénalinternational pourle Rwanda, qui siège à Arusha, en Tanzanie, a... Adobe PDF document Newspapers, News, French From Pages: 1 Views: 25 Downloads: 0 From Pub. on Feb. 18th 2010 Le rénouveau congolais. Kinshasa, RDC, Carnet de notes... - Amis d'Afrique, de RDC, et d le blog cheikfitanews The Global Conference on the Prevention of Genocide - SourceWatc The Global Conference on the Prevention of Genocide "The McGill University Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism is privileged to host the first major international conference of its kind on the prevention of genocide. From October 11th to 13th, 2007, in Montreal, Canada, The Global Conference on the Prevention of Genocide will bring together from around the world survivors, witnesses, legislators, diplomats, activists and others whose lives have been forever changed by humanity’s most horrific invention. It represents the first major non-governmental conference on genocide since the United Nations, in 1948, first moved to label and criminalize what Winston Churchill once called “the crime that has no name.” "The Conference is made possible by generous support from the Echenberg Family Foundation and is organized by the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and the McGill University Faculty of Law." [1] International Young Leaders Forum Young Leaders Facilitators [3]
