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Japan Subculture Research Center Posted by jakeadelstein on August 22, 2012 · 7 Comments it’s hard to ignore more than 20,000 anti-nuclear protesters at your front door. A tattooed female artist and a soft-spoken white collar worker have joined with thousands of others to become a voice of opposition that the ruling powers of Japan must reckon with. Posted by jakeadelstein on August 15, 2012 · 11 Comments The “bon” in O-bon (盆) itself refers to the vessels (plates, bowls, tupperware etc) in which offerings are placed for the spirits of the deceased. The physical bowl has come to refer to the holiday or the period where the holiday is celebrated in modern lingo. Posted by jakeadelstein on August 8, 2012 · 2 Comments The National Police Agency 2012 Edition of the annual White Paper on Crime hit bookstores last week with details of Japan’s shocking plan to raise the number of women in the police force from 6.8% to a stunning 10% by 2023. Posted by Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on June 13, 2012 · 1 Comment

Topito : top listes et classements - humour, insolite, utile, et découverte ! Income At Home, Herbalife, and the $8 billion pyramid (via @scoopinion) 57inShare Jump To Close By Matt Stroud and Joseph L. Barron Hansen is a self-employed web developer and researcher in San Diego. “Start making money on your own terms,” said one ad, read by Glenn Beck. A few days later, the Internet Business Starter Pack arrived. His curiosity pivoted. As if that wasn’t convoluted enough, running parallel to Income At Home was yet another business opportunity called Online Business Systems. Soon, he pinpointed the source of all this confusion: all the websites in this network contained the same small-print notice, stating that the copyright on the material belonged to an obscure firm in Barbados called the Centurion Media Group. If you’ve read "Scamworld," you may think you know where this is headed — toward that shadowy netherworld of Internet Marketing and pyramid schemes. Biz opps That isn’t to say that there is some sort of huge mystery surrounding the origins of Centurion, however. He’s no recluse, however. "Pretty much," Hansen replied. "Mr.

Accueil - Le Beau Bug Thu, 03/22/2012 A Point of View: Embarrassing parents and the teenage truth 10 June 2012Last updated at 00:06 GMT All parents are destined to be ridiculous, embarrassing or annoying, warns Adam Gopnik. Recently in America, nothing has been argued about more, or more vociferously, than child-rearing methods. As though such a thing existed. You may have heard, for instance, of the self-proclaimed "Tiger Mom" - that Asian mother who boasted of pushing her kids brutally through school and towards success - though surely the memoir of the Tiger Cub will be the one to read. The real truth about teenage or adolescent kids is simple though, and I will announce it here. It will sometimes be expressed in a tone of pitying condescension, and sometimes in one of exasperated wrath; you can tell depending on whether the modifier or the noun is stressed: "Dad, you are so weird," is almost affectionate, while "Dad, you are so weird," is close to hostile. The 13th birthday arrives, and the genome lights up like a Christmas tree when the mayor throws the switch. "That's your dad?"

TOME 1 Châbez les Tomes 3 et 4 en exclusivitance dans le grogros Livre "Georges Clooney : une histoire vrai" ! (Edition Delcourt - collection Tapas)Sorti en Avril 2013 J'ai calé Sangoku en super Sayan 2 à coté pour qu'on se rende bien compte de la taille massive de ce bouquin. Petite tofo de la cheutran témoignant de la présence des quatre Tomes dans l’édition papier, et leur taillance respective en terme d'épaissance. Et un petit sneak peek de la suite de l'histoire pélo : L'ouvrage de 356 pages regroupe évidement le Tome 1 et le Tome 2, ainsi que les Tomes 3 et 4 , exclusifs au tirage papier, qui clôturent l'aventure bien comme il faut. "Il est putain de cher, mais c'est parce qu'il est putain de gros l'enculay !" -Jean Mou "J'ai tout essayé, impossible de me le rentrer dans le cul, mais bordel j'ai rigolay !" -Jean Dure Ou chez votre libraire, à part si il a eu peur d'exploser son chiffre d'affaire... (dispo dans toutes les Fnac)

Le Noeud Pap' Explore EUscreen Coming soon to EUscreen: How to get started in creating exhibitions How to get started in creating exhibitions Coming soon to EUscreen: How to dive into TV archives by Dr. How to dive into TV archives by Dr. Coming soon to EUscreen: How to use exhibitions in education. How to use exhibitions in education. TrendPolaroids | 50 + trendsources ... wellthatsadorable | Ultra Mag est webzine bruxellois, collaboratif, créatif et engagé. 15 Ways the Internet Changed Marketing | ProspectMX Of all the inventions in the last 50 years, few have changed the world as much as the Internet. Destroying mail, books, television and dignity, life has changed much thanks to our electronic friend. Here are 15 ways, for better or for worse, the Internet has changed marketing. Write a great book and no one may read it. Direct an amazing play and few people may see it. Hit yourself with a hammer and put it on YouTube? Image Source You’d probably rarely visit a store that sold only Old Spice or only one kind of beer, but thanks the Internet tubes, product websites are a reality. Image Source Why drone on and on about your product, when you can get one of the customers to do it for you? Image Source Spam is the scourge of the Inbox, but it also works. Image Source Want 500 million potential new customers? Image Source Google ads work by scanning a webpage, finding key words and then matching those words to available ads. Image Source Image Source Image Source Image Source Image Source Image Source
