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Crash Restraint

Crash Restraint
When attaching support lines to a harness for suspension, I use a novel method that people frequently ask me about, and I've been meaning to document for a long time. Serendipitously, I ran into Kali from Kink Academy a few months ago at Wicked Grounds, and she asked me to film some instructional videos for them on suspension -- so I managed to slip this in there, and they've graciously agreed to allow me to use screenshots from those videos to illustrate a blog post here. This method was inspired by the Tatu hitch , during a Fetlife discussion whose details are now murky in my memory -- in any case credit is due both Tatu and Jack Elfrink for making me aware of that knot, upon which this is based. Thanks also to Mecha-Kate for modeling for these. Single Point Attachment, with Carabiner Starting with the bight end of a doubled rope, form a new double-bight and pass that under the point you are attaching to, while keeping the center-bight on the side it started on: Hanger, with Carabiner

Sex Sling Plans "A totally wonderful DIY guide for the happy kinky home adventurer. This book is great! I love it!" Compared to commercially made slings, this homemade sling is: More versatile Better quality Much cheaper Everybody should have a sex sling! back to top "Well, the book itself is beyond wonderful - it will help me so much and solve so many things I was having just little problems with. Jack Elfrink Dot Com CRAM - Chicago Rope and Mummification Club Basics Now when I first wanted to learn rope bondage, there was no one local to teach me (which is why I teach anyone who wants to learn). So there is a lot of misconceptions about rope bondage. There is usually 3 things I hear from people when I first mention doing rope bondage. That they don't know any knots, its too hard to do, and it takes too long too do. But Japanese rope bondage is really easy to do. Knots Now usually the first thing I hear from people about rope bondage is they were not in the boy scouts so they don't know to tie tons of knots. Square Knot. Animated Square Knot Square Knot Profile (see how it is clean and both tails are on the same side, and it wont slip when pulled) Granny Knot Profile (see how the tails go to each side, and the knot is diagonal, your DON'T want that!) Half Hitch (and Hitch and a Half). Larks Head: The thing I use the most, which really is not a knot, is called a larks head. Basic Techniques Bar Wrap

Ageplay Two adult women costumed in sexualized clothing and accessories associated with children, including hair bows and dolls (woman on left.) Ageplay or age play is a form of roleplaying in which an individual acts or treats another as if they were a different age. Ageplay is role playing between adults, and involves consent from all parties. Portraying any age can be the goal of ageplay, from babies, to the elderly. Usually this involves someone pretending to be younger than they actually are, but more rarely can involve assuming an older role.[1] Sexual ageplay[edit] Ageplay can be sexual or non-sexual. Ageplay can enhance power dynamics, and allow a partner to feel more comfortable with their dominance or submission. Ageplay is not considered pedophilia or related to pedophilia by professional psychologists.[4] Individuals who ageplay are not attracted to children, but instead enjoy portraying children, or enjoy childlike elements typical of children present in adults. See also[edit] [edit]

Casting a Circle The Purposes of a Circle A sacred circle has several purposes, the most significant of which is to define an area where formal ritual work can be performed. A circle is a place in which the rules and conditions are different to that of the everyday world. A circle is not a barrier, but a doorway to another world. To contain any magickal energy raised and to prevent its dissipation until it has been used up is another purpose of the circle. The sacred circle does not need to be physically represented (drawn or marked on the ground), it just needs to be visualized. The circle is a spiritual entity. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This completes the casting of your circle. How to Close a Circle Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say, “Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scared circle closed. What is Thou looking for?

9f6875293c9c589abd893aa848fecefa Witchcraft, Wiccan and Pagan Index | Celtic Connection The Sacred Geometry of Personality, Thought and Feeling The rules of the game are about to change. And by about to, I mean they already have. *wink* Long, long ago, there was a realm filled with happy faces and sad faces. And all the smiles got mad at the frowns. All the frowns got mad at the smiles. Today, the war continues on…. Certainly history has defined that telling each tribe their view is wrong – is NOT the answer. The world we see is but a thin film. We like things to be simple and easily digestible. I will not save you. The key to suffering is to learn and practice loving thy self, and knowing that you are everyone and everything – and thus self love is the practice of loving All. There are many ways that we can put this into practice. And there is the male way. Sacred Geometry is the study of particular 3D shapes in the Universe. Every Yin has a Yang. If we are to truly learn something new, we must apply our knowledge of Sacred Geometry to a world other than the physical world. Platonic Solids vs Archimedean Solids

Black magic History[edit] Like its counterpart white magic, the origins of black magic can be traced to the primitive, ritualistic worship of spirits as outlined in Robert M. Place's 2009 book, Magic and Alchemy.[3] Unlike white magic, in which Place sees parallels with primitive shamanistic efforts to achieve closeness with spiritual beings, the rituals that developed into modern "black magic" were designed to invoke those same spirits to produce beneficial outcomes for the practitioner. Place also provides a broad modern definition of both black and white magic, preferring instead to refer to them as "high magic" (white) and "low magic" (black) based primarily on intentions of the practitioner employing them. He acknowledges, though, that this broader definition (of "high" and "low") suffers from prejudices as good-intentioned folk magic may be considered "low" while ceremonial magic involving expensive or exclusive components may be considered by some as "high magic", regardless of intent.[3]
