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Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY

Instructables - Make, How To, and DIY

ReadyMade Cool Copper Projects Warm metallic hues are easy to love but often pricey. When you create the look... Easy Doily Bowl Craft a decorative bowl from a doily picked up from a flea market, antique... Camper Birdhouse Encourage birds to stay awhile with an adorable vintage birdhouse. Disposable Cameras There are lots of disposable camera Instructables on the site. It was hard to choose, but I've included some great ones! Need a taser, a coil gun, a flash grenade? Well then, this disposable camera guide is for you! From simple everyday parts you can make this glove which has two modes. Learn how to make a simple but extremely effective Coil gun using only a "few" parts that are fairly easy to obtain by only going to a few places and possibly online. I've come up with a project that i've been contemplating for a long time. Are you tired of having your Ni-Cad batteries that refused to charge and simply die? Well... Caution I'm not liable if your shock yourself and injury or kill your self, working with high voltages can be dangerous!! Before I get too far in this instructable, I would like to say that this was not my original idea. First off, i know conrad2468 made a similar one(hint hint "similar"). Make a simple triggerable strobe for taking action photos with.

DIY Projects, Room Designs, Home Ideas & Do It Yourself Tips for Hands-On People | Fresh Home Ideas Film features: The 20 Best Movie Drinking Games It's St Patrick's Day, and no doubt the pressure is on to head downtown for a few jars this evening (or, if you're a student, when doors open). For the budding film fanatic, though, that cuts into viewing time, so here's the ideal way to keep inebriates and cinephiles alike happy. We've compiled some of the best movie drinking games from the collective wisdom of web-based boozers, as well as adding a few on our own. Sci-fi, gangster flicks, comedies and thrillers, classics and modern hits are all catered for. All of these will get you wasted while doing the public service of keeping you off the streets. Please drink responsibly. The Shining Lazydork is the Wikipedia of movie drinking games, a dedicated resource with hundreds of titles available, including their take on The Shining. Choosing Stanley Kubrick's chiller feels wrong, somehow - after all, it's the tale of an alcoholic falling off the wagon and trying to murder his family. Drink Every Time: AND IF YOU REALLY WANT TO GET WASTED . . .

How to Make Crepe Paper Flowers April 28th, 2010 Email 278 users recommend paper flowers from photos by Rex Barrett for the crimson poppy, (c)2010 the crimson poppy, llc paper flower - red rose - by the crimson poppy Photo: photos by Rex Barrett for the crimson poppy, (c)2010 the crimson poppy, llc You've heard it all before: crepe and tissue paper flowers are fun, easy, economical, environmentally friendly, long-lasting, more or less non-allergenic, and a dozen other fabulous features I take for granted and have failed to mention here. If you're like me, you found online tutorials that had confusing text instructions or a video you followed super-carefully when cutting and gluing and twisting and folding ... and when it was all said and done, you had a globby, lop-sided, not-so-great-looking paper flower that wasn't realistic in the least. The wonderful truth is that crepe paper flowers don't have to turn out that way. When you make paper flowers, here's what you should know:

50 Paper Flower Tutorials & Templates: {Free Here’s a lovely assortment of paper flowers to make, I’ve organized them in a few sections for easier browsing: Bouquets & Centerpieces, Tissue Paper, Crepe, Origami and the rest under general tutorials. Many of these have free templates to download and most are surprisingly easy to make! I’ve also compiled a vintage booklet into a pdf tutorial that you can download. It shows step-by-step how to make crepe flowers (includes images). Ready to see what’s available from around the net? Stained Glass Style: Made with black construction paper and tissue paper of various colors. Double Fringe: You will need double-sided colored paper, scissors, glue, a ready-made or a do-it-yourself slotted tool, or just a wooden toothpick. Tulips: These are made with double sided decorative paper. Ornaments: Easy project made with cheap computer paper. Popup: Made with pages from a magazine.

Planter umbrella stand Strong wind is no friend to most patio umbrellas, but it would take a hurricane to budge this setup. The umbrella rises from a sleeve centered in a flowerpot that's filled with three layers of material: a bottom layer of lava rock to hold the sleeve in place, a center layer of concrete for extra rigidity, and a top layer of planting mix. When there's no need for shade, just lift out the umbrella -- the plants should mask the sleeve. Choose any large pot and umbrella that match your garden decor and coordinate with each other. The container should be broad-based for stability and at least 15 inches tall (ours is 24 inches) and 20 inches in diameter so there's room for the three layers. Use 1½-inch ABS (a black plastic vent) pipe from a home improvement store for the sleeve; make sure the umbrella pole will slip inside it easily. The cost will vary depending on the umbrella, pot, and plants you choose, but it shouldn't exceed $200. Tools Materials How to build your umbrella stand

The Ramseys Finally Have Coasters We finally have coasters! Whoo hoo! As I mentioned in the Linky Love post last Saturday, we have been needing some drinking coasters for a while now. I have been perusing the internet for a DIY coaster tutorial that was easy with a beautiful result. Well, I found out that there are a lot. Fortunately enough, I already had almost all of the supplies on hand! Le Supplies (No, I don't speak French.) First, trace the tile onto your paper and cut it out. It was my intention to pick one theme or the other (yellow or the blues and purples), but I loved them both so I chose to do four in the yellow and four in the blue/purple/flower theme. Next, take your Mod Podge and podge up that tile. Let the tiles dry for 15-20 minutes, then apply another coat on top. Isn't our baby beautiful? The next step is to make felt circles for the bottom of your coasters. Glue them on! The final step is to spray your coasters with the clear acrylic (or polyurethane) spray. Here is the yellow set. And that's all!
