-Plates-formes de e-learning et e-formation - 2010 Le répertoire des plates-formes de e-formation, LMS, LCMS et autres systèmes de gestion de contenu et de parcours de formation est séparé en trois catégories: plates-formes open-source,plates-formes publiques ou gratuites etplates-formes commerciales. Certaines de ces plates-formes sont très coûteuses, d’autres sont capables de transformer votre serveur en campus virtuel pour quelques centaines de dollars ou d’euros seulement; ensuite viennent les frais d'adaptation, d’entretien, de gestion et autres. Évolution Après un sommet de près de 300 plates-formes en 2004, une consolidation a eu lieu, mais nous constatons cette année une reprise de la croissance du nombre de plate-formes. La plupart des plates-formes s'améliorent sans cesse et celles qui sont disparues n'emportent pas toujours les entreprises qui les avaient créées : ces entreprises se tournent presque toutes vers la conception de cours et la prestation de services sur les plates-formes bien établies. Ce qui s’en vient
L'e-learning en manque d'imagination, et de collaboratif | Colla « Quand on évoque l'e-learning, il y a tout de suite une levée de boucliers des doyens de facultés, qui déclarent ne pas vouloir proposer de formation à distance », remarquait Mireille Bétrancourt lors des Journées numériques 2010 organisées par l'université Paris Descartes. Une manière pour la directrice de Tecfa (Technologies pour la formation et l'apprentissage), vice-doyenne de la faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'éducation de l'université de Genève, et docteur en Sciences cognitives, d'indiquer combien la notion d'e-learning reste aujourd'hui largement associée à la formation à distance, et l'utilité pédagogique des nouvelles technologies dans le cadre d'un enseignement en présentiel peu explorée. En conclusion d'une présentation sur les outils de visualisation et de représentation et leur potentiel pédagogique à l'université, Mireille Bétrancourt a d'abord insisté sur le fait que les Tice sont un outil à disposition de l'enseignant, mais pas à l'exclusion des autres.
GroupZap — Welcome Totara : distribution commerciale de Moodle pour les entreprises « LMS Selection En janvier 2011, la société Kineo, un des acteurs majeurs du e-Learning au Royaume Uni, a annoncé la sortie de Totara, première distribution commerciale du plus connu des LMS Open Source : Moodle. Pour nous parler de ce projet, j’accueille aujourd’hui Steve Rayson, Managing Director chez Kineo… Sébastien Fraysse (SF): Pouvez-vous présenter brièvement Kineo et ses partenaires, ainsi que leur expérience avec Moodle ? Steve Rayson (SR): Totara est une joint-venture de 3 sociétés : Kineo, Catalyst et Flexible Learning. Kineo est une société fournissant des solutions e-Learning présente au Royaume Uni, en Europe, aux US, en Israel, en Chine et dans le Pacifique. Catalyst est un des premiers partenaires de Moodle et dispose d’une des plus larges, sinon la plus large, équipe de développement open source dans la communauté de Moodle. Flexible Learning est une société e-Learning basée en Nouvelle Zélande, leader du projet Mahara e-portfolio, utilisé par de nombreux clients de Moodle.
How to Make a Screencast for Your Website Having a video on your website can vastly improve your conversion rate. Whether the goal is for users to sign up for your web application or simply to get users to contact you via a web form, a video improves the likelihood of this happening. You need only go to the home page of any new Internet-based startup, and you’ll see an embedded video with a very large call to action beckoning you to play its two- or three-minute video introduction. Videos that demonstrate web applications or web-based services are often called screencasts because they usually capture events on the company’s website. Is it easy to make a screencast? Making Your Own Screencast Let’s assume that you have a web application or web-based service to promote. Planning As with anything, planning is essential. What overall message do you want the video to convey? Tutorials often take the form of an informal screencast. Let’s assume you want to make a short, scripted, well-edited screencast. The Storyboard The Voiceover Script
Élection présidentielle 2012 Il y a environ 2 mois | Rapport sur les frais d'enquête et de surveillance, retrouvez le communiqué d... Il y a environ 2 mois | Lutte contre les violences intrafamiliales; retrouvez le communiqué conjoint... Il y a environ 2 mois | Les inspections de l'administration et de la police remettront à M. VALLS le... Il y a environ 2 mois | [Agenda] Vendredi 7 juin, Manuel Valls se rendra à Luxembourg pour le Conseil... Il y a environ 3 mois | Les démineurs de la Sécurité civile mobilisés à Marseille Il y a environ 3 mois | [Agenda] Manuel Valls se rendra en Corse lundi 3 et mardi 4 juin Suivez nous sur :
Barry Sampson | Open Source LMS – 10 Alternatives to Moodle Since the economic downturn began I’ve noticed much more interest in open source Learning Management Systems (LMS), and it’s no surprise that when people ask what the options are, the answer is usually Moodle. Now, there’s nothing wrong with Moodle, but it certainly isn’t the only open source LMS out there. Because there is no licensing cost involved with open source solutions, its easy for organisations to just jump in and set up the first solution that comes along. There is however a cost to installation and support, either financial or time related. Anyone setting up an LMS has a responsibility to research and choose the solution that is right for the learners and the organisation. As a starting point here are 10 open source alternatives to Moodle. Docebo In use in corporate and higher education settings. eFront The base install is quite minimalist, but this is easily extended with modules available from the site. OLAT A well featured system in its tenth year of development.
The state of social learning The State of Learning in the Workplace Today I first released the State of Learning in the Workplace Today on 1 January 2010 and regularly updated it through the year with new thinking, particularly that of my colleagues in the Internet Time Alliance. I then expanded it to form the first part of my Social Learning Handbook , which was published in mid-January 2011 (You can read a Synopsis here.) Since mid-April I have been continuing my look at the state of learning in the workplace today with some further thoughts ... Learning & Working in the Social Workplace Last updated: 04 June 2011 Part 1: The Social Workplace as a Learning Environment Background In my Social Learning Handbook I discussed in quite some depth how social media could be used to help employees work and learn smarter - that is not just by bolting them onto formal courses, but by enabling and supporting the informal (or non-formal) learning that takes place in the workplace itself. Understanding "learning" in the workplace
13 logiciels de e-learning open source Voici un panorama des logiciels libres et open source de e-learning. Mais avant de découvrir cette liste, un rappel des fonctionnalités attendues de ces systèmes d’apprentissage en ligne également appelés LMS (Learning Management System). Qu’est-ce que le e-learning ? Ces solutions s’adressent à des apprenants (les élèves) en leur mettant à disposition une pllate-forme d’apprentissage, des tuteurs ou animateurs, des contenus textuels ou multimédia didactiques, une stratégie pédagogique et tutorale et des activités de validation de connaissance (source Wikipédia). Je vais m’intéresser dans cet article à la plate-forme d’apprentissage. Elle répond aux besoins suivants : Cette plate-forme doit également supporter le format SCORM qui est une spécification permettant de créer des objets pédagogiques structurés. Comme vous le constaterez ce n’est pas le choix qui manque, voir il y a trop de choix, la force et la faiblesse de l’open source. Panorama des logiciels libres et open source d’e-learning
Why E-Learning is So Effective E-learning is hot. And for good reason. If done right, it can produce great results by decreasing costs and improving performance. Also, unlike a one time classroom session, the elearning course is available for others. This includes the static elearning course as well as any ongoing conversations in networked communities. Recently, I had a conversation with someone new to elearning and it struck me that she didn’t fully understand the value of elearning. E-learning Supports the Organization’s Goals Improved training costs. E-learning Supports the Learner’s Development Real-time access. E-learning Nurtures a Learning Organization & Community Ongoing access to resources. Elearning is good for the environment. One of the challenges with making elearning effective is how you manage the courses and access to resources. If you’re using a learning management system you might consider how that impacts the learning. Elearning is cost effective and can produce great results. Tidbits:
Five Best Screencasting Tools - Screencast - Lifehacker @TuxBobble: depends on how poor the competition is. I've tried Camstudio and Jing and both are, basically, crap. Jing point-blank refuses to work, whereas Camstudio can see my soundcard but is inexplicably incompatible with it, not to mention the videos it record are terrible - jerky, messed up picture that bears no resemblance to what was actually showing on-screen. I'm going to give Screentoaster a try but, if it's as poor as the other two, for Windows that pretty much leaves Camtasia to win by default. @Step666: I'm very hopeful that you're right. @TuxBobble: as I'm not a software engineer, I would have to be honest and say that my view on piracy is probably a little different to your own. It's not that I fully condone it, merely that I feel that if software was priced a little more realistically, then the motivation to pirate it would disappear. @Step666: Agreed entirely. #speakup
Rapid E-Learning 101 Rapid elearning can mean many things. For some it means easy tools that let you build elearning courses without special programming skills. For others, it means being empowered to quickly share your expertise with others. Ultimately, it’s usually about getting the right information to people at the right time while operating at the speed of business. Rapid E-Learning 101 If you’re just getting started with elearning, this series brings you up-to-speed. How to Get Started with E-Learning I get a lot of emails asking how to get started with elearning. But the real tip is to practice what you’re learning, even if it’s simple in the beginning.
eFront: Open Source Authoring Tools for e-Learning As an e-Learning consultant I was always a fan of open source software. Why? The answer is simple. In this post I am not going to talk about open source learning management systems such as eFront[1] but rather dedicated open source “authoring tools”. => If you know a free or open source authoring tool that is not included in the list I will highly appreciate if you write a comment with a link! Free & Open Source Authoring Tools for e-Learning What2Learn makes it easy for e-Learning developers to create interactive games and quizzes and track learners’ attainment. xical.org With Xical you can produce web-based slide shows, tutorials, tests and whatever else you can think of that can make use of integrated rich media, such as audio (speech and music), video, animations or interactive visual diagrams and the likes. ClassTools.net Create free educational games, quizzes, activities and diagrams in seconds! eXe Wink CourseLab Quandary Hot Potatoes