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Comprendre le Graph en 3 minutes

Open the Graph | « Global Pages » : une Page fans Facebook, une communauté de Marque et une multitude d’expériences géolocalisées I Made Some Free Facebook Connect Buttons In PNG & PSD If there is one site that has influenced me the most this year, it’s the invite-only designer showcase Dribbble. The attention to detail in the work on there is amazing. It’s made me step back and realise that I have to improve, everything from font usage to organising layers properly.

Responsive Design New UX Cards Introduction With Twitter Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos and media experiences to Tweets, helping to drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of markup to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “Card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to their followers. The Tweet embedded below shows a Player Card along with 140 characters: Drive engagement from your Tweets The different Card types each have a beautiful consumption experience built for Twitter’s web and mobile clients: Summary Card: Title, description, and thumbnail.Summary Card with Large Image: Similar to the Summary Card, but with a prominently-featured image.App Card: A Card with a direct download to a mobile app.Player Card: A Card that can provide video/audio/media. To learn more about how the Card meta tags and web crawler work, check out the Getting Started Guide. Drive app downloads from your Tweets Get started in 4 simple steps Ready to get started with Cards?

Balsamiq Libraries Updated on Tue, 2014-01-21 23:42 These libraries, while not necessarily tested by Twitter, should support Twitter API v1.1. Want your library to be included in this index or need to update the details we have? Submit your library for inclusion! Libraries built and maintained by Twitter Java hbc — A Java HTTP client for consuming Twitter's Streaming API Libraries built for the Twitter Platform Multi-platform Temboo — by @temboo — Framework for working with Twitter via many platforms including iOS, Android, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Node.js asptwitter by @timacheson — "the simplest possible way to implement Twitter within a classic ASP website" -- now supports API v1.1 twitcurl by @swatkatsrants — Twitcurl is a C++ twitter API library based on cURL. Clojure twitter-api by @adamjwynne and @peat (announcement) ColdFusion MonkehTweet Twitter API by @coldfumonkeh Go twittergo by @kurrik (examples) — a library for accessing Twitter's REST API. Javascript / node.js Lua/Corona SDK Objective-C Perl Python Ruby Qt

10 meilleures applis (UX) Dans le cadre de l’organisation de la conférence UXD4startups, les lecteurs de Maddyness avaient plébiscité les meilleures applications en terme d’expérience utilisateur. 10 applications sont sorties du chapeau, dont voici la liste. Capitaine Train L’application smartphone Capitaine Train n’est pas encore sortie mais semble prometteuse aux vues de la qualité de l’expérience utilisateur, présente sur la plateforme web. Réservation, consultation et services après-vente sont les gros points forts de cette alternative à la SNCF, en plus de la gestion de son historique de réservation. Dropbox Dropbox est un service de stockage et de partage de copies de fichiers locaux en ligne créé en septembre 2008. Uber Lancé en France à l’occasion de LeWeb 11, Uber, service de voitures privées, permet une alternative aux taxis traditionnels. Rise L’application Rise Alarm Clock permet d’afficher l’heure et de programmer des alarmes avec plusieurs choix de design. Path Voyages SNCF Paypal Google Maps pour Iphone

Le Protocole Open Graph fr Must-Have Social Meta Tags for Twitter, Google+, Facebook and More At Moz, we strive to include social media metadata in all new pieces of content that we publish. This allows us to optimize for sharing Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinerest by defining exactly how titles, descriptions, images and more appear in social streams. Think of it as conversion rate optimization for social exposure. The implications for SEO are also significant. Knowing exactly which social meta tags to include can be confusing even to experienced webmasters. To help ease this problem, I created four social media tag templates that you can fill out, customize for your own use, and share with your team and others. How to use these templates Simply copy and paste the template into the text editor of your choice. The first three of these templates are optimized using a typical "article" markup and data, ideal for blog posts and most written content. When you are done, don't forget to test and apply for approval. 1. This slimmed back version runs lean and fast. 3: The Full Monty A.
