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Download details: Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation

Download details: Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Documentation

Office Communications Server 2007 Enterprise Deployment - Part 3 | Elan Shudnow's Blog Welcome to Part 3 of this article series. In Part 1, we started off by discussing the goal of this lab. That goal is how to deploy a single Enterprise Edition OCS Server which is connected to an x64 SQL Server 2005 SP2 Back-End Server. We first discussed what the lab setup is going to be using VMware Workstation, and then proceeded to the configuration of our Enterprise Certificate Authority. In Part 2, we went over the preparation and installation of a Front End OCS 2007 Server Pool which were the first few steps in deploying OCS in an Enterprise Deployment. In this Part, I will go over the remaining steps required to deploying our Front End Server in an Enterprise Pool Deployment. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Front End OCS 2007 Server Installation When installing OCS in a consolidated Enterprise Edition deployment, you would perform the following steps: Configure Pool / DNS (Step 4) We are now on Step 4 which is to Configure our Pool and Configure DNS. Example 1: Example 2: Summary

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Impresses TMC’s Tom Keating reported the fact that Microsoft OCS will be called Lync going forward and the name is much more conducive as a Skype alternative as asking someone to Lync you sounds much better than asking them to OCS you. Tom and I recently went to Manhattan with a group of analysts and other media to get a demo of the system at Microsoft's Technology center and put it through its paces. We had a chance to see about a dozen or more machines with various endpoints and spent time listening to Jamie Stark the Senior Product Manager walk us through what this new release will do for customers. The Polycom phone attached to my workstation and integrated with Lync sports HD voice. Conferencing has gotten better as well – they can be impromptu and single-click scheduling allows people within the network and optionally beyond the firewall to participate. I asked how this new version compares to Cisco Quad and Jamie explained that SharePoint is way ahead of Quad – a very valid point.

Elan Shudnow's Blog Inside OCS Echo .. Reply Packets !!!! - Relay Packets of My Life, Studies and Technical Experiences GNS3 Lab & Exercise: OSPF Case Study & Lab Scenario 3 | GNS3 Labs :: Cisco Router Simulator Network Labs & Topologies How are we doing? So! As for me, I’ve beat the deadline for my CCNA expiration as well as the BSCI deadline! Wohoo! Very happy to say the least. Right now I’m working on SWITCH and hope to have this completed by the end of September.. There is a new site online that took the idea of this site (though they say they didn’t know this site existed) and is doing it 100 times better. As for me, I’m studying very hard with the SWITCH studies and a new technical/study/personal blog at GNS3 Vault is a great site! Now onto the lab! This labs come from below. CCNP Building Scalable Internetworks (BSCI 642-901) Lab Portfolio (Cisco Networking Academy) Instructions Plan, design, and implement the International Travel Agency (ITA) network shown in the diagram and described below. Scenario The ITA needs its core network set up for OSPF with the following specifications. Routers Used:3640 (Any type should be fine) IOS: c3640-ik9o3s-mz.124-25b Image: Enjoy .. P.S.

OSPF Single Area | OSPF Scenario: AsianFish inc. is expanding their business towards Europe so they need to expand their network as well. You are responsible for the performance of the network and decided that OSPF would be a suitable candidate for a routing protocol. Because the network at this moment is still small, you decided a single area OSPF should be enough. It's up to you to make it work! Goal: All IP addresses have been preconfigured for you.The following loopback interfaces have been configured: HongKong: /24 Amsterdam: /24 Barcelona: /24HongKong: Configure OSPF (process-id 1) and advertise all networks by using a single network statement. It took me 1000s of hours reading books and doing labs, making mistakes over and over again until I mastered all the protocols for CCNA. Would you like to be a master of networking too? I collected all my knowledge and created a single ebook for you that has everything you need to know to become a master of CCNA. c3640-jk9s-mz.124-16.bin

GNS3 – How to find Pix Images, Pix Serial Numbers and IOS images using Google Posted by Josh on Wed 14 May 2008Categories: Cisco , Cisco Routers , Dynamips , GNS3 , PEMU - [30] Comments One of the major hurdles many people face with GNS3/Dynagen/Dynamips is that the emulators do not come with the Cisco Images to actually build a lab. It seems like once a week, I get an email with a request for an IOS Image, Pix Image, Pix Serial Numbers or Pix Activation codes. Just so I make myself clear, I will not give this information to you. However, I will show you how to scan the net to get it yourself. Google Searches: Google Search for IOS ImagesGoogle Search for Pix ImagesGoogle Search for Pix Serial Numbers and Authorization Keys Be Sociable, Share!

Creating a SharePoint Helpdesk: Part 1 Written By: Rob Fisch -- 3/9/2010 -- join -- contribute -- (30) comments -- Categories: MOSS 2007, Project Management, Workflow, WSS3 < Prev - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | - Next > | Become a paid author Problem I know how to create basic SharePoint lists to track information, but I would like to create a dynamic workflow application for submitting and tracking helpdesk requests. Solution The purpose of this article is to both give you a (MOSS 2007 or WSS3) solution that you can actually use for handling helpdesk requests and to act as a learning solution where you will learn skills to create your own SharePoint applications. Solution description The application begins with a helpdesk request, made by any authenticated user. This solution contains 2 SharePoint lists, 1 site group, and 3 workflows. Assumptions To create this solution you should have a basic understanding about the following: Creating SharePoint lists, able to add and remove fields. Application Roles Let's begin...

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الأيام العشر من شهر ذي الحجة : فضلها ، خصائصها ، الدروس التربوية المستفادة منها * مقدمة : الحمد لله الذي أنعم علينا بنعمة الإسلام ، والصلاة والسلام على من بعثه الله تعالى بشيراً ونذيراً ، وسراجاً مُنيراً للناس كافةً ، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ، والتابعين وتابع التابعين إلى يوم الدين ، أما بعد ؛ فتمتاز حياة الإنسان المسلم بأنها زاخرةٌ بالأعمال الصالحة ، والعبادات المشروعة التي تجعل المسلم في عبادةٍ مُستمرةٍ ، وتحوِّل حياته كلَّها إلى قولٍ حسنٍ ، وعملٍ صالحٍ ، وسعيٍ دؤوبٍ إلى الله جل في عُلاه ، دونما كللٍ أو مللٍ أو فتورٍ أو انقطاع . والمعنى أن حياة الإنسان المسلم يجب أن تكون كلَّها عبادةٌ وطاعةٌ وعملٌ صالحٌ يُقربه من الله تعالى ، ويصِلُه بخالقه العظيم جل في عُلاه في كل جزئيةٍ من جزئيات حياته ، وفي كل شأنٍ من شؤونها . من هنا فإن في حياة المسلم مواسماً سنويةً يجب عليه أن يحرص على اغتنامها والاستزادة فيها من الخير عن طريق أداء بعض العبادات المشروعة ، والمحافظة على الأعمال والأقوال الصالحة التي تُقربه من الله تعالى ، وتُعينه على مواجهة ظروف الحياة بنفس طيبةٍ وعزيمةٍ صادقة .

كم نصاب الزكاة بالريال السعودي إذا أردت أن تحسب النصاب بالذهب فهو المال الذي يبلغ أن يشترى به (85) جراماً من الذهب عيار (24). فلو كان جرام الذهب عيار (24) هو مثلاً بـ (60) فيكون النصاب هو: (85) جرام × (60) = (5100)، وهكذا فكلما زاد ثمن الجرام اختلف النصاب. ********************* وإليك هذا التفصيل: ولابد أولاً من تعريف النقود: فلمعرفة أحكام الزكاة في النقود لا بد من معرفة نوعية النقود المتداولة في عصر النبوة ، فقد كان العرب وقت بعثة النبي محمد - عليه الصلاة والسلام - يتعاملون بالذهب في صورة دنانير ، وبالفضة في صورة دراهم ، وكانت الدنانير ترد في الأغلب من بلاد الروم ، وكانت الدراهم ترد من بلاد الفرس.وقد جاءت الأحاديث في وجوب الزكاة في الدراهم والدنانير. وحتى نعرف نصاب هذه النقود الورقية لا بد من معرفة نصاب الدنانير والدراهم: فنصاب الدنانير : عشرون ديناراً . ونصاب الدراهم : مائتا درهم. والدينار يساوي مثقالاً، وهذا التقدير يذكر العلماء أنه لم يتغير لا في جاهلية ولا في إسلام، انظر (المطلع 134) (فقه الزكاة) للقرضاوي ( 1/ 253 ). والنسبة بين الدرهم والدينار معروفة أيضاً: وهي نسبة ( 10:7) سبعة إلى عشرة.
