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Radio Time Machine

Radio Time Machine

The Daily Affirmations Dance Party There may be trouble aheadBut while there's moonlight and music and love and romanceLet's face the music and danceIrving Berlin, “Let’s Face the Music and Dance” You know the Woodstock generation of the 1960s that were so full of themselves and conceited? None of those people could dance.Charlotte Pingress, “The Last Days of Disco” Seems like lately its just been one sort of tumult after another. What can we do about that? So, let’s shake it off before we plunge in to the abyss. At least, let’s pretend like we’re having a dance party. Now, what makes for a good dance party? The format here is basically a playlist. The songs span the 1960s to the 1980s. There’s no music from the 1990s. So get your date a corsage, get a haircut, wash your car, put on a tie, and head on over to the Daily Affirmations Dance Party. The 1960s Dance Party The 1970s Dance Party OK, now that the 1960s dance marathon has finished, lets move on to the 1970s. Part 1 is pre-disco, early 1970s stuff. 1980s Dance Party

ZT for Kids! The Music Maze Tweereal - real-time twitter activity map 7 Alternatives to Pandora and Last.FM | Mystery Tricycle Whether you are annoyed by the ads on Pandora, the limited number of skips, or the abyss of cruel 30-second song teasers from Last.FM, many online listeners are growing weary of mainstream methods of hearing new music. While the Pandora algorithm is strong, and the Last.FM related artists tool is pretty useful, don’t fool yourself in to thinking that there aren’t other great ways to expose yourself to new music in the depths of cyberspace. Here are 7 alternatives to Pandora and Last.FM that will infuse your day with an uninterrupted stream of music that large record companies haven’t managed to squash under their thumbs yet. StumbleAudio StumbleAudio has a killer recommendation engine that works better for me than Pandora’s. Songza Songza uses a recommendation engine that runs for each ‘channel’, but unlike Pandora, channels are not tied to specific listeners and rather are community property. Musicovery Stereomood Ah, the power of the ‘tag cloud’. 8tracks Grooveshark The Hype Machine

SoulPancake Brain Pickings
