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Down To Mars kalinkakalinka Nerdcore show me the world! Accidental Chinese Hipsters Tessa Chong sent me the above image with the explanation that she had seen and drawn the man from memory on a trip to Toronto. We got to talking, and the following interview and her interpretations of some other noted Accidental Chinese Hipsters ensued. You can see more of her work here. ACH: How old are you and where are you living now? TESSA CHONG: I am 27 and living in Amsterdam. ACH: You introduced yourself to me as a fellow “halfie.” TESSA CHONG: My mother was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. My parents met in the 70s when they were both living in London. ACH: Do you mean that your dad hit on your mom without sharing her language? TESSA CHONG: No, he spoke in English to her. ACH: Do you think you have experienced the traditional (stereotypical) strict Asian parenting? TESSA CHONG: I didn’t experience any of that stereotypical Asian parenting. ACH: What’s the reason you’re doing your blog, The Sketchorialist? I think the photos on your blog are great.

Future Garage | The Future's Bright, The Future's Garage

ich hinterfrage kein germanistikstudium mehr, solange es solche eloquenten seiten garantiert.... by corni Jan 3
