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Learning Technology
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Project-based learning, the USA and Authentic Video in the EFL classroom | Elisabeth Horn The Globe Trekker/Pilot Guides video collection is a treasure trove for any English teacher. It encompasses extensive material from every corner of the world, and especially English-speaking countries are lavished with attention. Australia, Canada, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, England – you name it. Even individual cities are endowed with an approx. 50-minute complete video of its own, like London, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans to name but a few. Covering the United States satisfactorily in the language classroom is a daunting project, especially if you want to give your students more than a superficial understanding of its history, geography, language and people. To date, Globe Trekker offers a range of videos on the USA, covering practically every individual state, and, so it seems, more is coming every new season. In addition to making this initial decision, there are quite a lot of follow-up issues to consider: The route travelled in the video “Deep South”

.facebook_-1027388451 Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Interactive Visual Featuring 6 Ta... June , 2014 This is an interactive image (created using Thinglink) that features a bunch of useful iPad apps that you can use to do tasks that you would traditionally do using a pen and paper. I really liked the idea of providing alternatives to do things digitally. For instance, instead of taking notes in a notebook or on paper you can use Evernote or any other note taking app to do it on iPad. The good thing about doing things digitally is that you have the added advantage of accessing, editing, and sharing your work across different devices and platforms and also saving it on the cloud to access it anytime anywhere anywhere you go. As is the case with the all the interactive Thinglink images I shared here in the past, the app icons shared here are hyperlinked, just hover your mouse over any of them to access it on the iTunes app store. Source: Apple A Day

MobileLearning Presentation brought to you by American TESOL! Check out their other video presentations! Click here for the resources, post & recording Talking Tom - Kids talk to Tom and he repeats everything said with a funny voice, pet him to make him purr, pour a glass of milk for him, and poke his head, belly or feet, grab his tail. Story Robe - Create digital stories using images and video from your camera or photo library. StoryKit - Create an electronic storybook by drawing on the screen, uploading images, recording sound effects and voice, laying out the elements of the story (text boxes, images, and sound clips) freely by dragging them or pinching to resize, reordering pages, and uploading to the StoryKit web server. Fotobabble - Quickly create and easily share talking photos in 3 steps (Snap or select or a photo, speak into the microphone to record audio, share with friends via email, Facebook or Twitter). StoryCorps Read Me Stories- Children’s books Animoto

Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These PagesIf you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Would you like to help? If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Copyright © 1997-2010 by The Internet TESL Journal Pages from this site should not be put online elsewhere.Permission is not required to link directly to any page on our site as long as you do not trap the page inside a frame.

Roar – Katy Perry – ESL lesson plan | Anna Edu The song “Roar” perfectly fits the topic of gender roles/stereotypes, feminism. Besides, it’s a great source of idioms, set expressions and phrasal verbs. That’s how I would use it in class. 1. Tell the students that we’re going to study 7 new expressions (slides 2-4). Having introduced them, I’d ask some questions to use them in speech. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. in ESL lesson plans by Anna Att googla – är det så enkelt? | Mias klassrum Mina 7or har fått varsin dator. Är det bra så? Sätt igång och jobba? Nej, vi måste faktiskt lära dem använda den också. Tillsammans med min VFU-student har jag plockat fram lite grundläggande instruktioner kring informationssökning på nätet och källkritik. Efter en genomgång och några exempel fick eleverna parvis leta information om olika saker på nätet. Den första frågans syfte var att få eleverna att leta rätt på ett annat lands toppdomän. Här var syftet att hitta lgom många sökord, inte skriva in en hel fråga på google. Fråga tre var en typisk språklärarfråga. Fråga fyra är en liten flört med de elever som intresserar sig för internetflugor, för Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster är onekligen ett populärt internetfenomen. Den sista frågan är svår på flera sätt. Då jag själv bara medverkade på en av de två lektioner då eleverna fick arbeta med detta vet jag inte riktigt hur det gick med de sista frågorna. Här finns övningen att ladda ner.

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