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Google HTML/CSS Style Guide

Google HTML/CSS Style Guide

50 Excellent CSS3 Techniques and Tutorials for Beautiful Design CSS3 has got a huge potential to create very elaborate and complicated details by strictly using CSS and no images. It can carry out a lot of functions as it is based on motion techniques. Many designers all over the world believe that CSS3 is a technique which has unbelievable potentiality which will be used to create wonderful designs in the years to come. At present, it is not being used varied all over the world due to a number of limitations – obsolete browsers being one of them. Many say that it would be the application of the future as it can improve the efficiency of the workflow by substituting waste workarounds as it was once used in the case of Internet Explorer 6. It has many features which are not compatible with the old web browsers and hence it will require some present day internet browsers like Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Chrome, Safari and Firefox to use the CSS3. Create an Audio Player in HTML5 & CSS3 Filter Functionality with CSS3 Create CSS3 Pricing Tables CSS3 Lightbox

Dive into HTML5: In memory of Mark Pilgrim Mark Pilgrim is gone and with him all of his sites and work. I more than enjoyed his book “Dive into HTML5”. It was a bible of transitioning and progressive enhancement back when nobody was certain about the direction of HTML working groups and browser support. Mark Pilgrim left, but this book still lives on. Long ago, when Why the Lucky Stiff disappeared in a similar fashion, I saved his Poignant Guide to Ruby and re-published it online. Today, I’m republishing Mark Pilgrim’s Dive into HTML5. The eBook has an embedded table of contents, working cross-references, well-placed page breaks and tons of others tiny tweaks and enhancements. Download the Dive into HTML5 PDF eBookSee the sources for the HTML version in the GitHub repositoryBuy Mark Pilgrim’s HTML5: Up and Running from Amazon (Kindle/paperback edition of this book)

CSS · Styleguide Your Web, documented · CSSComb - Réorganiser automatiquement ses propriétés CSS CSSComb est un outil gratuit permettant de réordonner automatiquement ses propriétés CSS afin de conserver une clarté de lecture et de maintenabilité. Ordonner d'une manière spécifique ses propriétés CSS dans une feuille de style est quelque chose que nombreux d'entre vous faites déjà manuellement. Tout simplement parce que cela vous permet de conserver une lecture rapide de votre style et de pouvoir modifier rapidement ce dernier si besoin. Imaginons que vous travailliez en équipe sur une intégration CSS, et que votre collègue n'a pas la même rigueur que vous. CSSComb est un outil gratuit qui peut s'intégrer dans votre IDE favori. Il dispose aussi d'une version en ligne efficace: Avec en prime un outil de diff entre la version entrée et la version ordonnée à titre comparatif. CSSComb peut être configuré pour trier les propriétés selon votre ordre préféré, mais l'ordre par défaut est plutôt bien pensé (Les propriétés les plus importantes en premier ...). Site Officiel

HTML5 For Web Designers, Chapter 1 Home HTML is the unifying language of the World Wide Web. Using just the simple tags it contains, the human race has created an astoundingly diverse network of hyperlinked documents, from Amazon, eBay, and Wikipedia, to personal blogs and websites dedicated to cats that look like Hitler. HTML5 is the latest iteration of this lingua franca. While it is the most ambitious change to our common tongue, this isn’t the first time that HTML has been updated. The language has been evolving from the start. As with the web itself, the HyperText Markup Language was the brainchild of Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Sir Tim didn’t come up with the idea of using tags consisting of words between angle brackets; those kinds of tags already existed in the SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format. From IETF To W3C: The Road To HTML 4 There was never any such thing as HTML 1. their documents using an <img> tag. At that time, HTML faced its first major turning point. XHTML 1: HTML As XML No, not really.

KSS · Knyle Style Sheets Inspired by TomDoc KSS attempts to provide a methodology for writing maintainable, documented CSS within a team. Specifically, KSS is a documentation specification and styleguide format. It is not a preprocessor, CSS framework, naming convention, or specificity guideline. Purpose KSS is a set of guidelines to help you produce an HTML styleguide tied to CSS documentation that is nice to read in plain text, yet structured enough to be automatically extracted and processed by a machine. It is designed with CSS preprocessors (such as SCSS or LESS) in mind, and flexible enough to accommodate a multitude of CSS frameworks (such as YUI, Blueprint or 960). KSS focuses on how people work with CSS — it does not define code structures, naming conventions, or methods for abstraction. Style Documentation Unlike TomDoc, not every CSS rule should be documented. Format The basic format for KSS documentation can be best explained in an example: /*A button suitable for giving stars to someone. Styleguide 1.

CSS selectors - mobile Page last changed today Here are almost all CSS2 and 3 selectors, and the CSS3 UI selectors (mostly structural pseudo-classes). This is the mobile table. Last major update on 1 October 2013. See also the CSS3 User Interface spec. iOS 6 WebKit 536 Default browser on iPhone 4S with iOS 6.1.3 iOS 7 WebKit 537 Default browser on iPad 2 with iOS 7.0 Android 2 WebKit 533 Default browser on HTC Legend, Android 2.2 Default browser on LG Optimus something, Android 2.2 Default browser on Samsung Galaxy Pocket, Android 2.3.6 Android 3 WebKit 534 Default browser on Packard Bell tablet, Android 3.2.1 Android 4 Default browser on Samsung Galaxy Note I, Android 4.0.3 Default browser on Sony Xperia S, Android 4.0.4 Default browser on Xiaomi M2, Android 4.1.1 Default browser on Huawei C8813, Android 4.1.1 Default browser on Samsung Galaxy S3, Android 4.1.2 Default browser on HTC One X, Android 4.2.2 Chrome 18 WebKit 535 Default browser on Samsung Galaxy S4, Android 4.2 On Sony Xperia S, Android 4.0.4. Chrome 29 Blink (Chromium 29)

Home - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS Code Style Guide: CSS · ginatrapani/ThinkUp Wiki This is the Code Style guide for CSS. See the main Code Style Guide page for other languages. Indentation Use an indent of two spaces, with no tabs. Names & Capitalization ID names should be in lowerCamelCase. #pageContainer { Class names should be in lowercase, with words separated by underscores. .my_class_name { HTML elements should be in lowercase. body, div { Use External Stylesheets Do not write inline styles or embedded styles unless unavoidable. For performance reasons (see Steve Souder’s blog), always link to external stylesheets using the <link> syntax rather than the import syntax. <link rel="stylesheet" href="a.css"><! Write Valid CSS ThinkUp’s CSS should be valid to the CSS 2.1 specification. Run any CSS you write through the W3C validator and ensure it passes before submitting a pull request. Comments Comments are strongly encouraged. Comments that refer to selector blocks should be on a separate line immediately before the block to which they refer. Selectors selector { } selector { }

A Programming and Designing Blog: CSS Compressing and Caching with PHP Web developers always worried about there website's loading time. Because loading time is very important for a website's popularity. CSS compression and cache can speed up your website. I have created a PHP script for making CSS compression easy. include('function.php'); $css = $_GET['css']; $expires = 60*60*24*14; // Cache lifetime 14 days $baseName = basename($css); $cssCache = 'cache/'. Function.php: General Usage: Store save this script at the root directory as css.php and create a directory named cache.
