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Marmalade - Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

Marmalade - Cross Platform Mobile Application Development

OpenFeint-Binding for iOS and Android NOTE: a newer version of OF has been released. We havent tested that with our code, but we recommend to use the most current version of OF! Downloads OpenFeint Backend Tips/Notes If you get something like: "Program received signal: "SIGSYS"" or "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" than the following might help: Compile for THUMB: (xCode: Target->GetInfo->Build->Compile for Thumb->check it). MAOF.onInitMAOF ( sProductKey, sSecret, sName, sClientId ) Use the other MAOF functions as you like. List of MAOF functions MAOF.onInitMAOF ( sProductKey, sSecret, sName, sClientId ) Call this function in the onInit of your main user AI. Limitations Only leaderboards, achievements and social notifications are supported. Integration Follow step by step. #import "maof.h" to the import statements. In the layoutSubviews-method add maof_registerCallbacks(); after [self setFrame ...] #include "maof.c" in the include section. Insert

The top 14 game engines: The list in full | Latest news from the game development industry We reveal the most essential development platforms out today Develop’s breakdown of the top 14 game engines available today has come to an end, and you can find the full list here. Throughout the week we have been providing analysis of many of the best third-party development platforms on the market for developers of all sizes. From triple-A studios to indies, from PC and console developers to mobile, tablet, browser and HTML5 game creators, there is a game engine for everyone. Below we have a short overview of the platforms each engine supports, with a link to an analysis of each development platform featuring quick facts and short interviews with each vendor. (In alphabetical order) App Game Kit Company: The Game CreatorsPlatforms: Android, iOS, Mac, PCUsed in: Cannon Ball, Hide It Find It, Jumping JackPROFILE BigWorld Company: WargamingPlatforms: Browser, PCUsed in: World of Tanks, Grandia Online, Heroes: Scions of Phoenix, Moego, Realm of the TitansPROFILE BlitzTech CryEngine 3 GameBryo Rapid2D

Single/Double tap management | ShiVa 3D Basics, Scripting (4 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading ... This tutorial explains how to manage a single/double (or more) tap on a the screen of a mobile device. Note this tutorial can be applied to a single/double click with the mouse of your computer. First of all, you have to define the tap speed (delay between each tap). onMouseButtonDown Let’s go! The code should be like that: onMouseButtonUp Now create a onMouseButtonUp handler. Here is the code: onTapAction Now create a handler in which you will execute a script according to the tap count. Conclusion This is the end.

Developers The SDK contains everything a developer needs to rapidly get their project going, polished and deployed, including: A complete version of the JavaScript Engine code is available for developers to browse and use during debugging. The Engine is completely modular allowing developers to select exactly what features they want to use, and modify or replace anything that isn't suitable for their game. The SDK includes a wide range of feature and code samples. The aim of these samples is to cleanly demonstrate to developers how to use all the different parts of the game engine. All of the code is fully documented and explained, and suitable to paste into your own project as a starting point for getting a new feature implemented. A complete set of the latest documentation is distributed in the SDK. The Local server replicates all the APIs provided by the live game servers. Built into the Local server are a collection of tools for debugging the game and assets.

Create a popup window | ShiVa 3D (4 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading ... Learn how to create an iPhone like notification message using HUD components and actions Introduction A popup is composed by a background and windows containing a title, a description and a button to close the popup. The popup will be composed by 2 main HUD components: one for the background and a container to place and scale the popup window. Platform setup In ShiVa Editor, setup your desktop to have the HUD Editor and the scene viewer at the same time. Game setup For this tutorial, you will need to have a game with a Main AIModel. The Background In the HUD Editor, create a new HUD template and create a new component, named Background, full size (100%x100%) and set the ZOrder to 249. Create now 2 actions named appearBackground and disappearBackground: In each action, add a command stopAction to stop the other one. The window Create now the container for the popup window. Add now a child to this container as follow: Title Label Description Label Appear

MonoGame - Write Once, Play Everywhere Authoring Tool > Ipad | ShiVa3D Reference This documentation explains how to build for iPad target with the ShiVa Authoring Tool. Note that the iPhone build is only available on Mac OS X 10.6 and newer systems. Note: xCode 4.5 / Mountain Lion Unfortunately, Apple has completely dropped armv6 support from XCode 4.5. So you have two options: download Xcode 4.4.1 from the Apple developer downloads, install it in a separate directory, and use it to build your appdrop armv6 and compile only for armv7... Prerequisites There is few things to do before being able to compile and upload your application for iPhone: Install XCode Install iOS SDK Please refer to ShiVa Authoring Tool Installation (in section “Required Third Party Tools for iPhone/iPad”) for more details. Step 1 : Content Application pack A game in ShiVa Editor is made of various files : 2d media, 3d media, audio and scripts. You must export all these files into a unique .stk file. Icon Startup splash-screen Startup movie Preview Preview area for the splash-screen and icon Native Code With

Developing games for Windows 8 Windows 8.1 offers new opportunities to create, distribute, and monetize games. Learn about porting your game and preparing a game for the Windows Store. Start developing your Windows Store game Choose DirectX and C++ for your Windows Store games For the most high-fidelity and rich experiences in 3D games, you’ll want to use the Windows 8.1 DirectX APIs. With C++, you have a direct line to the GPU, CPU and low-level services of the Windows 8 platform. DirectX is easier with Windows 8.1 because graphics stack is better integrated. Why create a game for the Windows Store? Perhaps you are a game developer coming from a different platform, or you have previously developed a game on an earlier version of DirectX on Windows. Reuse your code and leverage your game development experience: One of the greatest advantages of the DirectX/C++ development approach is that you can reuse significant amounts of your Windows Desktop game code to create a Windows Store game, a Windows Phone game.

Finding Your iPhone’s Unique Identifier (UDID) - iPhone How To Docs - innerfence Developers Please feel welcome to point your users at this page. We’ve provided some query string parameters you can use to customize this page to your application. To avoid having the long link wrap in an email, you may want to use a URL shortening service like Example Query Parameters What is the UDID? Each iPhone or iPod Touch has a Unique Device Identifier (UDID), which is a sequence of 40 letters and numbers that is specific to your device. Why do we need the UDID? Your iPhone can only install programs that are approved by Apple. How do I get my UDID? You can copy/paste your UDID from iTunes or email it directly from your device by using a free app from the App Store. Email Using the Free App Install and run Ad Hoc Helper. Copy/Paste from iTunes Launch iTunes and connect your iPhone. Paste the Identifier into an email to (You should be able to paste into your mail program or web browser by selecting Edit → Paste).

Source Filmmaker OpenGLES From ShiVa Wiki Devices iPod Toch 1g, 2g 3g (8GB) iPhone, 3g Textures aspect ratio 1:1, textures have to be square and a power of two (e.g. 8x8, 16x16, 64x64; 64x128 f.i. is bad)min size 8x8max size 1024x1024amount 1 texture plus shadow map or 2 textures, blended by "modulate" and "saturate" onlyalpha channel alpha is allowed, but not recommended due to performance reasons, better use masksnormal mapping nospecular mapping noenvironment/sphere mapping notexture clips yestexture scrolling/scaling modifier acceptedtexture filtering mode GPU "default mode" is used (bilinear mipmaped)material settings ambient-diffuse-emissive-specular-shinyness, and emissive will only act as a constant color not depending on the scene and lights Shaders Dynamic Shadows no dynamic shadows allowed. fake dynamic shadows with a flat black (transparent) sprite that lies flat on the ground, if needed. Dynamic Lights The hardware supports up to 8 dynamic lights, 1-2 per oject is the recommended amount. Environment Misc

Open Source Digital Asset Management (DAM) Software Reviews In this article, we introduce the main open source DAM solutions that are currently available (16 at the latest count). Most products mentioned here are primarily web based. In some cases desktop clients may also be provided as an alternative mode of interaction also. Based on feedback received, we have recently changed the order of the products so that pure web DAM systems are shown first, followed by ECM suites and then preservation oriented solutions. In determining which products are suitable to have the description Open Source applied, we have assessed each vendor to identify if they use a licence that is OSI approved as the main criteria for inclusion. We intend to keep this page up to date with new entrants to the market and adjust reviews based on deeper investigation of each product and any information that might come to light. Any vendors who are not listed and believe they should be included may contact us using our contact form and request a listing. Pure Web DAM Pure Web DAM

Authoring Tool > Installation | ShiVa3D Reference The ShiVa Authoring Tool is a powerful software that allows to package your Shiva applications for various target platforms. This is made possible because the code developed on the Shiva Editor is portable and can be executed on various target platforms without any changes. The supported target platforms are: Windows Mac Linux iPhone iPad Android Palm Blackberry Tablet According to the target platform, some additional third party tool need to be installed to allow building the applications for the given target platform. The objective of this document is to explain how to install the Authoring Tool and the required third party tools. Please note that the screenshots have been taken from Windows but the documentation also applies to Mac OS and Linux. System requirements for installation Installing the ShiVa Authoring Tool under Windows Windows XP or higher is required. The ShiVa Authoring Tool for Windows is included in the ShiVa Editor Installater. Mac OS X 10.5 or higher is required. Xcode

Multitouch Management | ShiVa 3D HUD Creation In the Data Explorer, import any picture. In the HUD Editor, create a new template (HUD>Create), named “Picture”. In this template, create a new component named “Picture” too, Label type. Now drag and drop this HUD from the Data Explorer (Resources/HUD/) to the Game Editor, Resource tab, this to have the HUD referenced it the game. Setup Create a new AIModel AIMultitouchManagement and create a string variable named sUnderCursorComponent. Each time the onTouchSequenceChange event will be called, we will store the event parameter. In your AI, create a table variable named tLastTouchState. hud.newTemplateInstance ( this.getUser ( ), "Picture", "Picture" )for i = 0, 9dotable.add ( this.tLastTouchState ( ), nil )end The variables will be stored in this order: - position 0: Previous finger count touching the screen onTouchSequenceBegin, onTouchSequenceEnd Create now a function named reset to empty the sUnderCursorComponent variable and reset the tLastTouchState table: Main script
