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Business & Revenue Model Examples

Business & Revenue Model Examples
Business Model of Doorsteps Doorsteps sells its online service via a subscription fee to agents and loan offices, but also takes a commission on services of other service providers, whom receive leads through the platform. Business Model of Patients Like Me Patients like me offers a free health community service to its users. They make money by selling the data, generated by the community, to pharmaceutical companies. Business Model of Kaggle Kaggle makes money in two ways: With Kaggle competition, they receive a “listening fee”for each competition posted on the platform. Business Model of Friendsurance Friendsurance works as a broker between Policy Holders and existing Insurance Partners. Business Model of Gympact With the motivational service for free, GymPact takes a cut when they pay out to members who successfully met their Pact. Business model of Narrative Selling camera devices ($279) + subscription service on the data storage system ($9/month). Business model of 3D Hubs

OVAM SIS Toolkit Het ontwerpen van een product of dienst is een proces van waardecreatie. De OVAM SIS Toolkit is een omvattend ontwerpinstrument om duurzaamheidsprincipes te integreren in innovatie- en designprocessen, dat u helpt de waardecreatie te vergroten. SIS staat voor 'Sustainable Innovation System'. De OVAM SIS Toolkit omvat een reeks overzichtelijke fiches, drie posters en twee dobbelstenen die u samen met uw collega's in een brainstormsessie of designproces kan inzetten. entrepreneurial design Dear readers You might have realized that I have written just a few post in the last months. The reason is very simple. The work with Thomas and the others is absolutely stunning but also very time consuming since we do not like to stick to the first best solution but thrive for the best. And this means a lot of iterations and testing. Bringing the whole team behind the same ideas and values takes time. The bad news for most of readers is: The toolbox will be in German. And since we want to foster entrepreneurship in all parts of society we decided to write in plain and simple German with little Fachvokabular (technical vocabulary). So here come the two requests: For all German speakers, if you like the idea about the toolbox, please enter your mail in our list so we can inform you about the progress.The second request goes to all experts in business model innovation, strategic innovation management, customer insights via jobs-to-be done technique or entrepreneurial design. Cheers Patrick

How to: Business Model Blocks 16 blocks to visualize your business model All our business model examples are visualized with this set of 16 building blocks. To give more insight in how this works, we give a brief overview of the different building blocks. Using a common, visual language enables you to easily communicate business models to different audiences, to learn from successful models in other industries, and to quickly generate new variations and business models of the future. Once you grasp the building blocks below, check out our business model tools to design your own business model in seconds. Share the results in your organization and let us know what you think about this method. Part I: Six players 1. This is where your business model starts to get shape. 2. The second most important block is the company. 3. The one that receives the product and gives something in return, is the consumer. 4. 5. 6. Part II: Ten items to transfer 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. (Virtual) credit systems are on the rise. 15. 16.

Créer son entreprise : notre carnet d’adresses pour concrétiser Lever des fonds, dénicher un espace de travail, enrôler de bons équipiers… Une fois trouvée votre idée de business, tout reste à faire. Voici des pistes pour obtenir de l’aide, des conseils et, surtout, pour gagner du temps. Faire germer votre idée Dès le départ, soyez -accompagné. Réseau entreprendre. Réseau BGE. APCE. Protéger votre concept Déposer ses créations est toujours payant. INPI. Trouver des locaux Tentez l’hébergement. Incubateurs publics. Pépinières. Accélérateurs. Obtenir les financements C’est le nerf de la guerre. Réseau entreprendre. Aides de l’état. Associations d’investisseurs. Fonds d’investissements. Recruter efficacement Une bonne équipe, c’est la clé de voûte de votre ­projet. Pôle Emploi. Salons pro. Espaces de coworking. Adrian de San Isidoro Pour créer une entreprise en franchise, vous propose un moteur de recherche pour trouver des enseignes qui recrutent >>> Pour vous abonner en ligne, cliquez ici.

(60) NESTA Customer journey mapping: Mapping out customer experience excellence Customer journey mapping could hold the key to analysing and improving the customer experience. Only recently a report from the Cabinet Office recommended CJM for authorities to provide a more efficient and cost-effective service. Arne van Oosterom outlines how it can help organisations - and lists the 10 key ingredents to a customer journey map. A product or service is merely a means to an end. The real deeper value lies in the story attached. I don’t want to own a coffee maker - I need to wake up early with a little help from a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, most organisations are not capable of listening to stories. People-centred approaches like Design Thinking, Social Design and Service Design have emerged because it provides us with useful methods and tools to bridge the gap. Change causes friction Only those who are adaptable survive. And it’s exactly in this area where the biggest business opportunities lie. Building a culture of trust A quick guide to customer journey mapping

Resources & Tools for Paper Prototyping Paper Prototyping Paper prototyping is a commonly used method for testing and evaluating ideas in a very early stage of development. Mostly known for prototyping user interfaces, paper prototyping can also be used to make customer journeys, visualize ideas or just to have some fun. People say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that’s true, a prototype is worth a thousand pictures. “The longer it takes to develop, the less likely it is to launch.” “The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else.” Templates to print Smartphone wireframe pages If you want to start developing app ideas, paper is a great way to start. User Interface Elements Having an offline library of sample buttons, icons, screens, … to glue on your templates, makes screen design even possible with children! Customer Journeys Sometimes you just want to tell the story. Tools to use DIY Wirephone-holder “If you can’t make it, fake it!” POP-app UI Stencils Oh yes they exist, iPhone stencils!

b09be37e 797e 4446 b513 931549f50c2f original Het Vlaams Innovatienetwerk Deze wiki telt momenteel 134 artikels over innovatie. Het is de bedoeling dat deze wiki uitgroeit tot de VIN-encyclopedie rond Innovatie. Als netwerklid kan u de wiki editeren en kan u onze wiki verrijken. Het agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie is een overheidsagentschap opgericht in 1991 door de Vlaamse regering, voor de ondersteuning van technologische innovatieprojecten in Vlaanderen. Hiervoor beschikt het IWT over verschillende financieringsinstrumenten waarmee het jaarlijks zo’n 250 miljoen euro financiële steun verleent, zowel aan bedrijven als aan onderzoeksinstellingen en innovatie-actoren. Het IWT heeft ook een belangrijke coördinatie-opdracht die doelt op een hechte samenwerking van alle actoren in Vlaanderen die met technologische innovatie bezig zijn: deze actoren zijn verzameld in het Vlaams Innovatienetwerk. Tenslotte heeft het IWT een belangrijke taak bij de voorbereiding en het beheer van de innovatie-initiatieven van de Vlaamse regering.

Startup compensation strategy & critical resources The competitive operating environment of the business world, demands that companies—including startups—recognize and compensate their most critical employees in order to succeed. Rewarding this top talent involves developing a critical resources compensation strategy. This type of strategy typically focuses on employees with one of both of the following: One or more scarce skills (i.e., skills required for success that are in low supply and high demand)Key behavioural qualities or competencies that are critical to the company’s success (e.g., leadership, ability to influence, competitive knowledge, communication skills) After identifying these employees and their critical attributes, it is necessary for your startup to create a compensation strategy that focuses on their retention and motivation. For information on an integrated retention and motivational strategy, see Employee retention strategies: Keeping top talent at your startup and Motivating employees at your startup. 1. 2. 3.

MongoDB For Beginners: Setting up MongoDB For PHP Before diving into this, I recommend that you read the following related articles if you have not: The MongoDB server is built to already work with your current web server. The problem is that you’ll need to install drivers for your preferred backend language – PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Perl, whatever. I won’t go into the process of installing WAMP/MAMP because this is a bit off topic from Mongo. But there are very easy-to-follow tutorials which already exist for installing WAMP and installing MAMP on either Operating System. Note: You can still work with your MongoDB server without a web server. You can get some output from the MongoDB process by visiting the localhost address using your installation’s specific port number. MongoDB will default to 27017. This address should still work properly regardless of your local web server being online or not. Now I’m going to walk you through installing the PHP driver, and we’ll finish up developing over MongoDB’s PHP class library.

#Étude : L'économie collaborative, un marché qui pourrait peser 100 milliards de dollars d'ici trois ans L’étude « Ubérisation : partager ou mourir ? » menée par Monitor Deloitte donne de la substance à ce terme aujourd’hui galvaudé. Le cabinet en dévoile les grandes caractéristiques et livre quelques pistes aux entreprises traditionnelles pour qu’elles luttent, ou plutôt qu’elles embrassent ce phénomène. Impactant de nombreux secteurs économiques, l’ubérisation ne se résume pas qu’à un terme choc inventé par un publicitaire de renom et utilisé à toutes les sauces par les jeunes pousses qui pensent ainsi mettre l’accent sur le coté disruptif de leur idée. L’économie collaborative, un marché qui double de taille tous les 18 mois… L’ubérisation, selon Jean-Marc Liduena, senior partner chez Monitor Deloitte, c’est « le développement rapide et exponentiel de l’économie collaborative, ou on-demand, c’est le « New DIL » du 21ème siècle : Disruption, Innovation, Leadership ». Tiré vers le haut par l’innovation mais plombé par la réglementation

INNOKINETICS - Human Self-Sustainable innovation cultures Designing Beautiful Business — Business Innovation Design They say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. And beauty is ascribed to people, objects and situations that bring pleasure. If this is true, in business, pleasure in the eyes of the beholder is the experience customers feel when engaging with your brand. A business that delivers experiences that consistently exudes the feeling of pleasure by evoking senses of the customers' is a beautiful business. Philosophers like George Santayana and Thomas Aquinas have long explored the notion of beauty; to understand what constitutes beauty, as it is, by itself. A 13th century philosopher, Thomas Auinas stated that beauty has three qualities: integrity, harmony and radiance. Businesses that seek to gain competitive advantage through value differentiation need to be aware of the qualities of beauty and apply design principles to guide them on designing strategy and management to deliver differentiated offerings and experiences to customers. Balance (Expectations)
