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5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite

5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite
The hardest stereotypes to break are the ones that are so old as to go all the way back to hunter-gatherer days. After all, how can you argue with biology? Women carry the babies, men have the upper body strength to tackle gazelles. Nobody made that up out of thin air. But if society has taught us one thing, it's that it becomes way too easy to attach amendments to that bill, claiming that all sexual and gender stereotypes date back to the early days of human evolution. Of course, in reality ... #5. For most families, finding out the gender of their baby early on is crucial, since everyone needs to know what color of clothes and toys to get them -- pink or blue? Getty"Margaret, you get little Steve out of that outfit this instant." If it's a girl, don't forget to paint the room pink and get pink curtains. But at One Time ... If it's starting to seem pretty arbitrary, that's because it totally is. "Don't worry, Junior, dogs are your friends!" This goes beyond colors, too, by the way. #4.

Seventeen magazine vows not to alter images, to 'celebrate every kind of beauty' Seventeen publishes a "Body Peace Treaty" vowing to show "real girls and models"It's in response to a teen-led petition signed by 84,000 calling photo altering dangerousThe teen behind that petition celebrates a "huge victory" after the magazine's announcementBut an ex-model questions why the magazine didn't admit to ever seriously altering images (CNN) -- When teenage girls check out Seventeen magazine, they'll be getting the complete picture -- no ifs, ands or Photoshopped butts about it. That's the pledge the magazine's staff made in its latest edition, after a push led by a Maine 14-year-old to combat the practice of tweaking pictures and picking models whose appearance give teens an unrealistic perspective on what is beautiful. "We vow to ... never change girls' body or face shapes. (Never have, never will)," the magazine states as part of its "Body Peace Treaty" from its August edition, a copy of which CNN obtained Thursday. 8th grader fights airbrushed images "'Seventeen' listened!"

[French] Les Inuit et le raffinement des trois genres : Pourquoi les anthropologues ont longtemps décrit les sociétés inuit comme peu développées, simples et adeptes d’une sexualité collective ? Bernard Saladin d’Anglure : Au début du xxe siècle, Marcel Mauss, dans son Essai sur les variations saisonnières des sociétés eskimos pense que les Inuit ont une vie sociale qui oscille entre deux pôles : un individualisme estival fondé sur la famille nucléaire, la vie laïque du groupe, et la production individuelle ; et un communisme hivernal, parental, économique, religieux et sexuel, s’exprimant dans le partage et l’échange généralisé des biens, des gibiers, des enfants et des conjoints, et dans de grands rituels collectifs. Mais les Inuit fascinent surtout les anthropologues par les moyens qu’ils inventent pour s’adapter à un milieu très hostile. A-t-on imposé aux Inuit un système de nom de famille occidental ? Vous décrivez une éducation des enfants bien éloignée de la nôtre… Vous parlez même de transsexualisme…

Magazine - Why Women Still Can’t Have It All The culture of “time macho”—a relentless competition to work harder, stay later, pull more all-nighters, travel around the world and bill the extra hours that the international date line affords you—remains astonishingly prevalent among professionals today. Nothing captures the belief that more time equals more value better than the cult of billable hours afflicting large law firms across the country and providing exactly the wrong incentives for employees who hope to integrate work and family. Yet even in industries that don’t explicitly reward sheer quantity of hours spent on the job, the pressure to arrive early, stay late, and be available, always, for in-person meetings at 11 a.m. on Saturdays can be intense. Indeed, by some measures, the problem has gotten worse over time: a study by the Center for American Progress reports that nationwide, the share of all professionals—women and men—working more than 50 hours a week has increased since the late 1970s. Revaluing Family Values

Researcher reveals how “Computer Geeks” replaced “Computer Girls” | The Clayman Institute for Gender Research Asked to picture a computer programmer, most of us describe the archetypal computer geek, a brilliant but socially-awkward male. We imagine him as a largely noctural creature, passing sleepless nights writing computer code. According to workplace researchers, this stereotype of the lone male computer whiz is self-perpetuating, and it keeps the computer field overwhelming male. Not only do hiring managers tend to favor male applicants, but women are less likely to pursue careers a field where feel they won’t fit in. It may be surprising, then, to learn that the earliest computer programmers were women and that the programming field was once stereotyped as female. The "Computer Girls" As historian Nathan Ensmenger explained to a Stanford audience, as late as the 1960s many people perceived computer programming as a natural career choice for savvy young women. Two women operating ENIAC The "ENIAC Girls" The world described in the Cosmopolitan article seems foreign to us today.

Le vrai mec et la vraie fille : deux abrutis bien trouvés Quand j’ai écrit le Manuel du vrai mec, cet « étalon priapique au QI de moule » (sic) censé servir de modèle au genre masculin, on m’a suggéré d’écrire aussi sa version fille. Parité oblige, je m’y suis employée, et voici le portrait de la Vraie Fille Féminine, cette ravissante idiote qui s’habille en rose à paillettes. Ils font un joli couple, c’est sur: aussi abrutis l’un que l’autre. Mais oui, ces deux imbéciles virtuels, là, on est bien d’accord qu’y en a pas un pour attraper l’autre, mais on est aussi d’accord pour dire qu’ils sont très différents… Complémentaires, diront les bien-pensants. Si j’étais une Vraie Fille Féminine (ce qui est impossible, mais bon, c’est juste une hypothèse), je me contentais de parler de l’égalité des sexes, de préférence après m’être départie de toute velléité féministe (on sait jamais, je pourrais déplaire à quelqu’un, et de là à finir vieille et seule dévorée par ses chats, il n’y a qu’un pas très vite franchi). Le sexisme contre tous Certes non.

Gender and Biased Perceptions: Scientists Rate Job Applicants For the last week of December, we’re re-posting some of our favorite posts from 2012. Originally cross-posted at Ms. Larry H., Shayna A. The results are sobering. So not only was there a gap in perceived competence and fit for the position, but professors were less willing to engage in the type of mentoring that can help students gain both skills and confidence in their abilities — which can be especially important for under-represented groups. And despite what you might expect, female professors were just as likely to do this as male professors were. The professors were also asked to recommend a starting salary. The authors point out that these findings are especially noteworthy because, unlike many studies of gender bias that use college students or people who have never had to make the type of hiring or mentoring decisions they’re being asked to engage in for the study, this sample was made up of scientists who are active in their fields, regularly working with students.

Smearing of feminism – a history through illustrations « GenderBen! Cartoons have been sources of entertainment, political point-making, and propaganda for centuries. When I think of the subjugation of women in this medium, it is often through sexualisation. Betty Boop, Jessica Rabbit, Wonder Woman, the list goes on. This little comparison has been doing the rounds on the internet lately, and it illustrates the point nicely. The poster for the film ‘The Avengers’, as is. Pose styles reversed. Feminists however, for longer than the word has been in common parlance, have been the targets of predictable, oppositional lampooning. A little background history first, though. So, this first picture is from 1906, and was showing ‘women of the past’ contrasted against ‘what women are becoming’. From 1910. caption: Millitant Suffragette – “I have smacked policemen, broken windows, assaulted Ministers, broken up meetings, done ‘time’, shouted myself hoarse – to prove myself a fit mate for you! J. 1912. “Mr. I put these two together due to being so similar. Ah. 2012.

Les rubriques du genre | L'appareil des apparences Capture d'écran du site réalisée le 12 juillet 2012 Capture d'écran site et agrandissement de la colonne de jeux, réalisés le 12 juillet 2012 Sur les sites pour enfants spécial-garç et, les jeux proposés sont classés en différentes catégories : “sport, tir, combat, aventure, stratégie, réflexion…” pour les uns, “cuisine, habillage, décoration, maquillage, séduction, coiffure, bébé, amour, beauté…” pour les autres. Censées couvrir l’essentiel des intérêts des uns et des unes, elles reprennent des stéréotypes de genre. Sur le site internet de Marie-Claire, les intérêts des femmes sont également regroupés en rubriques “mode, beauté, forme et santé, enfants …. ” et la similitude avec les thématiques destinées aux petites filles est saisissante. Capture d'écran, bandeau d'accueil, site, réalisée le 11 juillet 2012
