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20 Tools Every User Experience Pro Should Know About Updated August 26, 2015. It’s no surprise that many of you really dug our last list of essential tools and services to help you be an awesome UXer. So we decided to update our previously released list of essential tools we think you’ll love! From research to testing, to prototyping, to copywriting, and everything in-between, we’ve got you covered. Pricing Simply the Best Services & Features Trusted by 2 million users StarterFREE100Monthly Submissions, SSL Secure Submissions, 10 Receive PaymentsUnlimitedForms, Reports Fields per Form Bronze1,000Monthly Submissions, SSL Secure Submissions, Receive PaymentsUnlimitedForms, Reports Fields per Form Silver10,000Monthly Submissions, SSL Secure Submissions, Receive PaymentsUnlimitedForms, Reports Fields per Form Gold100,000Monthly Submissions, SSL Secure Submissions, Receive PaymentsUnlimitedForms, Reports Fields per Form At JotForm, every single user (yes, even free!) has complete access to all of our features.

The Farming Technique That Could Revolutionize the Way We Eat - Roman Gaus On an early June morning in 2010, I stood outside the Aquaponics research facility at the University of Applied Sciences, perched on a green hilltop in Wädenswil, Switzerland, 20 minutes outside Zurich. The lab director, Andreas Graber, had finally given in to my persistent calls requesting a visit. Graber, Switzerland’s most prolific aquaponics researcher, had been publishing on the subject for eight years — a long time in this young field. Graber greeted me, and we stepped inside. The lab, bright and humid under its greenhouse roof, contained a few round fish basins, each about 6 feet wide. Building a Drupal site with Behaviour-Driven Development (This article first appeared on the Agile Collective blog.) The Global Canopy Programme (GCP) needed to retrieve news syndicated from many public sources, manage it via an internal application, then re-syndicate it reliably to several public-facing websites. This application—called Forest Desk—needed to be described and built “just in time”, both to fit the clear initial requirements but also to adapt to any discoveries made along the way. Background

How To Make The Super StratoVulcan Paper Airplane Fast, long range and versatile, the Super StratoVulcan is a simple but capable development of the StratoVulcan paper airplane. The Super StratoVulcan is designed to be able to better operate at higher angles than its predecessor, and has reconfigured leading edges like the comparable Turbo Vulcan and AeroVulcan. Being closely related to the StratoVulcan and being designed around the same time as the Turbo Vulcan and AeroVulcan, the Super StratoVulcan's development period was rather short due to its retention of most of its basis' configuration.

40 Quick Ways To Use Mobile Phones In Classrooms Added by Katie Lepi on 2012-10-13 Your students have smartphones. If you’re looking for some simple and straightforward ways to easily integrate these powerful little devices into your classroom, look no further. The following 50 tips are simply that: tips. So use a few and toss the rest. SCaLE 14x interview with Victor Gajendran, Ticketmaster I had the chance to talk to Ticketmaster's Victor Gajendran who will be attending (and speaking) for the first time at SCaLE 14x this year, which is taking place on January 21 and 22 in Pasadena, California. He'll speak to attendees about how his company uses open source and how to empower your small teams to be part of a large, effective whole. Find out more about his talk, Lessons learned (the hard way) by doing DevOps at scale, in this interview. I know people would love to hear about the free or open source technologies you're using. What can you tell us? The fact that Ticketmaster has been around for 40 years is reflected in its tech stack.

Let's Stop Focusing on Shiny Gadgets and Start Using Tech to Empower People Even though Red Burns was one of the most influential figures in the tech industry over the past 30 years — most famous for co-founding the groundbreaking Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at NYU, and in a sense, the beginnings of interaction design — it’s not uncommon for technophiles to have never heard her name. Two weeks ago, she passed away. But much more needs to be said about one of the smartest, gutsiest women I ever knew, and about what she thought about education, technology, design … and life. Red wasn’t particularly interested in IPOs or the latest tech fetish, even though she was always exceptionally proud of her students and their accomplishments.

Reality Editor: Programming Smarter Objects The Reality Editor is a system that supports editing the behavior and interfaces of socalled “smarter objects”, i.e. objects or devices that have an embedded processor and communication capability. Using augmented reality techniques, the Reality Editor maps graphical elements directly on top of the tangible interfaces found on physical objects, such as push buttons or knobs. The Reality Editor allows flexible reprogramming of the interfaces and behavior of the objects as well as defining relationships between smarter objects in order to easily create new functionalities. This paper describes the different functionalities of the Reality Editor and presents several examples. Live presentation at the Uplinq 2013 Keynote Autors are: Valentin Heun, James Hobin, Pattie Maes

reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework The HTML Presentation Framework Hello There reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML. Homeless, Unemployed, and Surviving on Bitcoins Paul Harrison, Chris Kantola, and Jesse Angle, scrounging for bitcoins outside a public library in Pensacola, Florida. Photo: Michael Spooneybarger/WIRED Jesse Angle is homeless, living on the streets of Pensacola, Florida.

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