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21 fiches pratiques Google pour les professionnels

21 fiches pratiques Google pour les professionnels

Google+ Releasing 'Hangouts on Air' Feature to All Users Google+ on Monday announced it would gradually roll out its "Hangouts on Air" feature to the masses over the coming weeks. The feature lets you broadcast live sessions for anyone to watch — just like Barack Obama did in January. Hangouts on Air can be posted on your Google+ stream, YouTube channel or website by checking "Enable Hangouts on Air." It also allows you to monitor the number of views, record the live session and share it. The feature previously was available only to a small group of broadcasters starting in 2011.

10 Ways to Save Your Life I was recently on a plane and the flight attendant spoke up about the safety information she was about to share. She said, "It is better to know this information and not need it than to need it and not know it. This information could save your life." Good point! Here is a list of "truths" that may save your life—specifically save you from living a life that EVEN YOU believe is not worth living. 1.

Why digital strategies fail… Last December, TNS released its ‘Digital Life’ report suggesting that “misguided digital strategies are generating mountains of digital waste, from friendless Facebook accounts to blogs no one reads.” At last, a major study honest enough to comment on something more than social behaviours and the rise of mobile. Are you surprised? Probably not. But why is this happening? Why when everyone is going ‘digital’ are so many strategies failing to achieve their objectives – why the “mountains of digital waste”? Disque Google Drive is a safe place to back up and access all your files from any device. Easily invite others to view, edit, or leave comments on any of your files or folders. With Drive, you can: Google Analytics Update Connects Social Marketing With The Bottom Line If you’ve been to a marketing conference in the past year or so, or even read an article on the subject, you’ve probably heard someone ask, “What’s the ROI on social marketing?” (Alternate version: “What’s the value of a Like or a retweet?”) That’s what the new features in Google Analytics are trying to answer. Given the increasing importance of social marketing and social network traffic, it was probably inevitable that the Google Analytics team would add social-focused reports. However, Group Product Manger Phil Mui says the new reports take a different approach than most social analytics products, which are more focused on “listening” — counting mentions, retweets, analyzing sentiment, and so on. “Those are important metrics for sure,” Mui says.

Google gets license to test drive autonomous cars on Nevada roads On Monday, the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles approved Google’s license application to test autonomous vehicles on the state’s roads. The state had approved such laws back in February, and has now begun issuing licenses based on those regulations. The state previously outlined that companies that want to test such vehicles will need an insurance bond of $1 million and must provide detailed outlines of where they plan to test it and under what conditions.

60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days: Relationships (Part 7 of 7) By Marelisa Fabrega Readers! This article contains 60 tips to improve your life, divided between 7 areas – Home; Happiness; Learning/Personal Development; Finances; Time Management; Health; and Relationship and Social life. We don’t want to overwhelm our readers with too many good ideas to implement at once. We will publish them one area per day, so you have time to catch up and incorporate the new habits. Enjoy!

A better Google+ notification experience in email Posted by Zohair Hyder, Software Engineer Notification emails are a great way to keep up with what's happening in the Google+ stream: whether someone mentions you, comments on your post, or shares with you directly. It's not always enough to just read these updates, however; sometimes you want to respond right away, right from your inbox. The good news is that starting today, you can reply to Google+ notifications from Gmail. On the desktop, in addition to adding people to circles, and viewing recent Google+ content in the people widget, we're now making Google+ notification emails in Gmail completely interactive:

Shark Tank - 23 Killer Business Lessons The show Shark Tank, where entrepreneurs pitch investors for capital, has some great business lessons . . . 1) If you get what you ask for, take it. Mark Cuban offered one entrepreneur exactly what he requested. The entrepreneur then asked for more and lost the deal. No one likes to do business with someone who gets what he requests and then asks for more; it’s a sign of what’s to come in the relationship.

Management Secrets: Core Beliefs of Great Bosses A few years back, I interviewed some of the most successful CEOs in the world in order to discover their management secrets. I learned that the "best of the best" tend to share the following eight core beliefs. 1. Business is an ecosystem, not a battlefield. Business Etiquette: 5 Rules That Matter Now The word "etiquette" gets a bad rap. For one thing, it sounds stodgy and pretentious. And rules that are socially or morally prescribed seem intrusive to our sense of individuality and freedom. But the concept of etiquette is still essential, especially now—and particularly in business. Life Lessons From Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was a man of action. Over his lifetime, his curiosity and passion fueled a diverse range of interests. He was a writer (often using a pseudonym), publisher, diplomat, inventor and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. His inventions included the lightning rod, bifocals and the Franklin stove.

101 Examples of Social Business ROI A few years ago, I put together a list of social media marketing examples. The list contains 324 examples of brands putting social media to use and at that point in the social media industry’s evolution, it was the best of what was around…but it was early days for social business and ROI. Now that initiatives have been in market, any reasonable business manager would expect to see program results. 10 Reasons Why Top Sales People are Successful: Boost Your Sales Career The top 20 percent of sales people earn 80 percent of the money. Your goal is to become one of the highest-paid people in your profession and accelerate your sales career using the vital keys to success in sales. Fortunately, this is easier than you might think.
