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FlickrPoet is part of Stories In Flight, an ongoing exploration of storytelling in the age of the Internet. Just enter a paragraph of text, a poem, some lyrics or even just a few random words and FlickrPoet will find matching photos on Flickr based on a search of tags, titles and descriptions of the photos. - You can re-run the search with other images by clicking "Show Story" again. - Poems and lyrics seem to work best, hence the title, but feel free to experiment. - Please let us know if you have suggestions on how to improve FlickrPoet. If you like FlickrPoet, you may also be interested in another project: MapSkip - Places Have Stories. Stories In Flight and FlickrPoet are © Thomas Sturm. Privacy Policy: All user information collected on this site will never be sold or given to other businesses or individuals outside of the team behind Trademarks: All trademarks and copyrights contained herein are the property of their respective holders.

Bilder aus dem Magazin "NEON" Chronik einer Liebe Passend zur Titelgeschichte erzählen im NEON-Blog zwei weitere Paare ihre digitale Liebesgeschichte - wir zeigen ihre unbearbeiteten Nachrichten. »Wir sind alle egozentrisch« Die 26-jährige Zosia Mamet aus der Serie »Girls« erzählt im NEON Blog, was man macht, wenn ältere Frauen in der U-Bahn über Oralsex reden möchten. Die Fluchthelferin Einen Tag lang haben wir Deutschlands berühmteste Poetry-Slammerin Julia Engelmann begleitet. Im Blog gibt sie Tipps für einen gelungenen Auftritt. Neu: NEON für dein iPad! Die zehn Zufalls-User der Woche

Created equal – Contrasts of Life, Beautiful photography project by Mark Laita “Created Equal” is an amazing photo project of photographer Mark Laita that focuses on the contrasts between people, the lives and cultures through beautiful portraits in black and white. Bilder des Tages FOCUS Online Bilder des Tages 15. April 2014 Tools for Creating, Hosting, and Printing Infographics About a week I was asked if I could write a post about tools for making infographics with students. A well constructed infographic can convey a lot of information in a compact, visually-pleasing manner. The process of creating a good infographic requires students to analyze and succinctly summarize data and facts that they've gathered through research. Here are some good tools that students can use to create infographics. Canva is always the first tool that comes to mind when I'm asked about creating infographics. Canva offers a large variety of templates for creating infographics.

Panoramio - Photos of the World Bilder des Tages Meme Generator Gute NachrichtenIhr Meme wurde soeben veröffentlicht auf Kunstplaza. Schlechte NachrichtenSie haben vergessen, eines oder mehrere der Pflichtfelder auszufüllen. Memes sind ein echtes Internet-Phänomen, das vor allem im englischsprachigen Raum stark verbreitet und enorm beliebt ist. Der Begriff “Meme” bezeichnet ein seltsames oder lustiges Bild oder Video, das sich online wie ein Lauffeuer verbreitet.

SuperLame! Comic Word Balloons, Speech Bubbles, and Thought Balloons, etc. Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Easily add text to images or memes. ← Transparency color. Used as background since this image contains transparency. Click to change. Sprechblasen

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