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Yosemite Range of Light

Yosemite Range of Light

Beautiful web-based timeline software Save interesting articles for later reading on your PC, iOS, or Android device, with ‘Pocket’ If I told you that ‘Pocket’ is the bookmarking service ‘Read it Later’, relabeled and relaunched, would you lose interest in this article? You shouldn’t, because with Pocket not only are the articles that you save bookmarked in the cloud in ‘Read it Later’ or ‘Instapaper’ fashion, but also downloaded in their entirety on your iOS or Android device, such that you are able to read them at any point, even offline. Moreover, the new Pocket implements a handy tagging system, looks very polished and professional, and is completely free on both your desktop and device. There’s lots to like about Pocket. Download to device: no sooner than you save an article or website that it starts downloading on your iOS, iPhone, or Android. Wish list: the ability to share specific tags with other users. Note that Pocket will work with legacy browser extensions that import/export ‘Read it Later’ data, although many of the new features, such as tagging and filtering may not be supported.

Town of Ghosts Colin Rich nous propose de découvrir sa nouvelle réalisation. Ce spécialiste du time-lapse nous démontre une nouvelle fois tout son talent avec cette vidéo en noir et blanc appelée « Town of Ghosts ». Sur une musique de Johnny Cash, cette création rend hommage au 19ème siècle américain et la ruée vers l’or. Un turista diferente en Canarias Terje Sorgjerd, un noruego apasionado de la fotografía natural ha sido uno más de los miles de turistas que han pasado estas últimas semanas por Tenerife. Estuvo de vacaciones en la isla una semana, del 4 al 11 de abril... Sin embargo hay una gran (gigantesca) diferencia entre él y el resto de la marabunta que se apila en las playas tostándose o achicharrándose en la arena luciendo sus barrigas coloradas de sol y cerveza... Ha sabido capturar otro tipo de recuerdos, ha sabido llegar dónde los guías no llegan y ha vivido la otra faceta, apasionante y desconocida, de las islas Canarias: Su cielo. Llegó en el mismo avión cargado de adolescentes juerguistas, frentes pálidas y colchonetas inflables que el resto de turistas. El cielo nocturno del Teide fue su elección... Y es que Terje tiene clase hasta para elegir la música. Al terminar su semana de vacaciones, Terje Sorgjerd se irá con la memoria impresa de luz cósmica. The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.

MapCrunch - Random Google Street View Track payments and create bill reminders for free at is a personal finance management system online that helps you do things like set reminders to pay bills, keep records of money you’ve lent out, and manage personal financial goals. It’s free to sign up and use the site, all of which is very easy. Ever have a friend tell you something like, “You really should get your finances together.” It’s said out of genuine friendship and concern so you start looking into what to do, and one thing you could do is try billbaba, a free web services that offers various tools to help you do just that. Once you set up an account, you’ll be able to start using the various features of the billbaba site. The first thing I did was to set up various different payments I have to make out every month as reminders. In addition to the reminders, billbaba also helps to keep track of financial goals overall and your progress towards each of them. The other feature I can see myself using in the long term on bilibaba is the goal progress tracking features.

A New and Vivid Earthrise Earth can be forgiven its vanity. We may have long ago learned that our flyspeck world does not sit at the center of the universe, that it’s a pint-sized planet in an afterthought solar system, in an outer province of an ordinary galaxy. But say this for Earth: it’s gorgeous. In a universe of planets that too often are burnt umber or ice white or slate gray, ours is a riot of brilliant colors and swirling patterns. NASA has been photographing the Earth and moon in tandem for a long time—from the first black and white image taken by the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft in 1966, to the transformative Earthrise photo taken by the crew of Apollo 8 in 1968, to the celebrated blue marble picture captured by the crew of Apollo 17 four years later. The image shows the complete disk of Earth, with Africa, the Arabian peninsula and South America clearly visible, rising over the moon’s Compton crater, which is on the lunar far side and thus never visible from Earth.

Trippermap - get a flash world map of your flickr photos Send large files up to 2 gigs with WeTransfer WeTransfer has to be one of the easiest, least involved and complicated FREE services for transferring large files on the internet. Simply drag-and-drop files up to 2 GB (one file or many, it doesn’t matter), and add the emails of up to 20 of your friends, who will receive download links (without seeing or otherwise knowing about each other). The files will be hosted for 2 weeks, no registration required, and you can use the service as many times as you want. Casual, low involvement. No pause upload option. Visit WeTransfer.
