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CSS3 Family Tree

CSS3 Family Tree

Resque with Redis To Go - :: ToGo Resque is a queueing system that is backed by Redis. Common use cases include sending emails and processing data. For more information about Resque itself, visit This tutorial will cover setting up Resque with Rails and Redis To Go. Being a Rails programmer, the easiest solution for background processing was Delayed Job. Delayed Job checks the queue every second. Every single website and project that I have been involved has at one point required a queuing system. This tutorial is very similar to the systems that FlightCaster, and even Redis To Go uses. Enough with the context, lets get started. Set Up Rails This is going to be a Rails 3 app, so get the latest gem. Create the application: Modify the Gemfile to include Resque. Install all of the gems and dependencies using Bundler. Set Up Redis To Go Go to Redis To Go and sign up for the free plan. Create a Job Jobs are Ruby classes or modules that respond to the perform method. . Looks like we hit a snag.

Backbone.js TDD with jasmine part one: The model - Łukasz Kazimierz Bandzarewicz Initial Ruby on Rails application The initial rails application can be downloaded from github repo: 000-basic-app@tdd-with-backbonejs The basic application provides model Task(name: string, complete: boolean) and corresponding controller with RESTFUL json interface: GET /tasks.jsonPOST /tasks.jsonPUT /tasks/:id.json Don’t forget about rake db:create:all and rake db:migrate. Now you can run rails: rails s and navigate to and you should see nothing special, just an another todo list app without any fancy features and JavaScripts. Gems used in the project twitter-bootstrap-rails - for nice basic layoutjquery-rails - a gem to automate using jQuery with Rails 3underscore-rails - underscore.js asset-pipeline provider/wrapperbackbone-on-rails - A simple gem for using Backbone.js with Rails (>= 3.1), based on thoughtbot’s ‘Backbone.js on Rails’ Gems included in development and test environments: Also in . Sinon.js - standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. Create .

SIMILE Project Backbone.js on Rails talk - Jason Morrison On Tuesday, September 20, I gave a talk at the New Hampshire Ruby Users Group on Backbone.js on Rails. I’ll be giving a very similar talk on Tuesday, October 11 at boston.rb and a version more targeted to front-end developers on Wednesday, October 26 at the Boston Front End Developers meetup I have posted the Backbone.js on Rails slides online, and the slide source is on my GitHub. As an aside, I’m using landslide for the slides – I love the resulting HTML and interface, though I’ve heard great things about deck.js. People found the resources sections useful. Testing Push synchronization Get started with Backbone

PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API Resources, For Real This Time Yellow Pencil - Responsive Web Design Process Understanding Type Families - Everything You Need to Know Introduction Bold, italic, condensed, black, Roman? What does it all mean? Getting started with typography can be a little confusing. But understanding the different styles within each type family can make it a little easier. A type family is a group of different type styles under a single name. There is no set number of styles that are a part of a typeface. Having a variety of options within a type family is an easy way to add variety to a design project while maintaining a consistent look. Roman The Roman style of a typeface is the default, basic typeface. Italic An italic typeface is a variation which allows for the slanting of characters. Bold Typefaces which have an alternative style with a thicker stroke than the original are considered bold. Light Typefaces that have thinner strokes than the default or Roman version are called light. Extended Extended type styles are wider than the Roman standard. Condensed Condensed type styles are narrower than the Roman variant of a typeface.

Disposing of view and model objects in Backbone.js
