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Project of How → An open interactive library of techniques and insights, that makes your creative output better.

Project of How → An open interactive library of techniques and insights, that makes your creative output better.

Welcome to 3D Crime Scene - Paul Breuninger Crime scene reconstruction training and consultation for criminal justice professionals. Best of the Best Cop sites Best 100 Cop Sites LIVING BRIDGES Planet | This site is the cat’s pajamas We wrote the book on Horror Netflix is a gift and a curse. Since it’s arrival on the Home Video scene, the company has all but destroyed video stores and rental services as we knew them, and re-invented the way we get our movies. Streaming is the way of the future, and Amazon and many other video services have followed suit and created their own ways of getting the instant gratification we are all seeking. However, Netflix is still the leader in this area, and one would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t kick down the 8 bucks a month for unlimited movies. Contracted Contracted is a recent addition to the service, released a few months ago. The Lair Of The White Worm Ken Russell’s follow-up to the 1986 film Gothic was this loose adaptation of Bram Stoker’s less-known final novel, The Lair Of The White Worm. We Are What We Are Another recent release that was just added the service is Jim Mickle’s excellent follow-up to Stakeland, this American remake of We Are What We Are. Drew : The Man Behind the Poster

European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning – EURODL is an electronic, multi-media journal on distance and e-learning distributed on the Internet. It publishes the accounts of research, development and teaching for Europe in its most inclusive definition, exploring the potential of electronic publishing. EURODL presents scholarly work and solid information about open, distance and e-learning, education through telematics, multimedia, on-line learning and co-operation. We are delighted to inform that the EDEN Executive Committee assigned Dr. Dr. EDEN is pleased to inform that, an Agreement is now signed between EDEN, as owner of EURODL and the Versita/De Gruyter Open company, providing publishing services for over 400 journals. Current issue.

Transmédia (2/2) : le marketing de l’attention La convergence des outils et des technologies conduit-elle à la convergence des contenus ou à leur divergence ? C’est peut-être ainsi qu’on pourrait résumer l’enjeu qui sous-tend la question du transmédia, sujet coeur des Masterclass internationales du Transmédia qui se tenaient à Marseille la semaine dernière. Après avoir observé ce qu’est le transmédia, intéressons-nous à ces enjeux. Médias : complémentarités ou concurrences ? Susana Ruiz est une artiste qui donne des cours à la division des médias interactifs de l’école des arts cinématiques de l’université de Californie du Sud. Image : Darfur is dying, le jeu. « Les documentaires par exemple, s’ils sont souvent passionnants, ont un vrai problème de participation ». Image : page d’accueil de l’initiative Women & Girl Lead. En observant cette profusion de supports, on peut se demander si les médias entrent en complémentarité ou en concurrence les uns avec les autres. Impliquer pour quoi faire ? Les usages aussi ont évolué. Hubert Guillaud

Sustainable Behavior Change Campaigns: Messy, Complex, Critical The job of a sustainable behavior practitioner is to help people see the bigger picture, and make the arguments about sustainability that an appeal to their wallet cannot do. Dr. Adam Corner Increasingly, companies are realising that sustainability means more than implementing a few more rules, regulations and benchmarks – it means engaging directly with the question of human behaviour. Whether it is the actions of their customers – playing more and more of a role in whether particular products can achieve their sustainability potential – or employees themselves, many businesses are starting to ask how they can influence behaviour in a sustainable direction. Awareness & Facts: Not Enough in Sustainability At first, it was assumed that once people knew how environmentally damaging their actions were, they'd soon start making changes. So what should we be doing instead? Developing a Sense of Environmental Identity peer group. Looking for Leadership: Building on the Power of Social Queries?

Inside the Disney Vault If you like this story feel free to share... It's hard to deny the impact that Walt Disney and his legacy have had on the world. In their theme parks, television network, music, and of course their films, the world of Disney has reached out onto new horizons, always putting themselves at the cutting edge of technology and current trends. now give you list. Starting at the bottom, we will climb the ladder of the Disney animated filmography, and in doing so enlightening you readers out there that there is still some magic in these films no matter how old you are. 49.Home on the Range (2004) It's hard to call a Disney movie awful, but this is as close as it gets. The third of four (and soon to be five) computer animated movies made solely by Disney Animation Studios is their worst of the bunch. Another computer animated film from Disney that didn't work for me. This movie seemed to be a bit too much like some of the other movies Disney has made over the years. Bella notte!

Michele Tumminello | Università degli Studi di Palermo - Type to search for People, Research Interests and Universities Searching... Change Photo AboutPapers28 Add Contact Information Add Social Profiles(Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Message Michele Michele Tumminello Università degli Studi di Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche e Matematimatiche, Faculty Memberedit Complex Systems Science, Multivariate Data Analysis, Clusters & Networks, Data Analysis, and Data Mining<div>()</div> Papers Reorder Add Paper Statistically validated networks in bipartite complex systemsmore by Michele Tumminello Many complex systems present an intrinsic bipartite structure where elements of one set link to elements of the second set. Many complex systems present an intrinsic bipartite structure where elements of one set link to elements of the second set. Journal Name: PloS one Publication Date: Mar 31, 2011 Download (.pdf) View on Share EditDeleteMove section Journal Name: arXiv preprint physics/0609036 Publication Date: Sep 5, 2006 Add File View on En enero de 2010, con mi trabajo Geekonomía. Un radar para producir en el postdigitalismo, el Laboratori de Mitjans Interactius (LMI) de la Universitat de Barcelona i Publicacions i Edicions UB, la editorial de publicaciones científicas de la principal universidad pública catalana, hemos lanzado la Col·lecció Transmedia XXI, un ambicioso proyecto editorial con el objeto de producir contra la invisibilidad y de promover el trabajo de nuestros investigadores en formato libro y bajo dos sistemas de distribución en paralelo: 1) el tradicional, con precio de portada y venta en librerías y en Internet; 2) e-books con diseño diferenciado, actualización y contenidos extras para aprovechar todas las virtudes de la Web social, editado bajo licencia copyleft y de acceso gratuito en la Red. Como Coordinador Editorial de la colección, con este post anunciamos el lanzamiento en abril de 2011 del segundo libro: Aprendizaje invisible.

The New Internet World: A Global Perspective on Freedom of Expression, Privacy, Trust and Security Online by Soumitra Dutta, William Dutton, Ginette Law Soumitra Dutta INSEAD - Technology and Operations Management William H. University of Oxford - Oxford Internet Institute Ginette Law INSEADApril 14, 2011 The Gobal Information Technology Report 2010-2011 – World Economic Forum in collaboration with INSEAD, comScore, and the Oxford Internet Institute, April 2011 Abstract: Worldwide diffusion of the Internet is focusing debate around values and attitudes that are likely to vary across cultures, particularly around online freedom of expression, privacy, trust and security. Number of Pages in PDF File: 36 Keywords: Internet, Freedom, Privacy, Trust, Security, Public Opinion Accepted Paper Series Suggested Citation Dutta, Soumitra and Dutton, William H. and Law, Ginette, The New Internet World: A Global Perspective on Freedom of Expression, Privacy, Trust and Security Online (April 14, 2011).

The Future of Reading and Writing is Collaborative 11.23.10 | Dave Boardman is an English teacher at Messalonskee High School in Oakland, Maine. Although he teaches a traditional English curriculum, his students aren’t producing typical five-paragraph essays or even research papers. Take the case of “Tilman,” a writing assignment a struggling freshman produced a couple of years ago. “Tilman” is a moving video that tells the story of Patrick Tillman, the NFL player who quit football to fight in Afghanistan and came back in a body bag. “I think the definition of writing is shifting,” Boardman said. In his classes, Boardman teaches students how to express their ideas and how to tell stories —and he encourages them to use video, music, recorded voices and whatever other media will best allow them to communicate effectively. “The written word is coming to life by being a key part of multimedia,” Boardman said. – Bob Stein, Institute for the Future of the Book Essentially, the writer is a synthesizer of the information and ideas.

Die Phobie vor dem Trauma überwinden Von Michaela Huber Professor Onno van der Hart ist einer von Europas führenden Traumaforschern mit internationalem Renommee. Er war unter anderem - Präsident der International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) und in früheren Jahren bereits Vizepräsident der International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD). Onno van der Hart unterstützt zahlreiche KollegInnen als Supervisor und Ausbilder in ihrer Arbeit mit komplexen traumabedingten Störungen. Seit etlichen Jahren arbeitet er zusammen mit den Kollegen Dr. Michaela Huber, selbst Traumatherapeutin, Supervisorin und Ausbilderin, die van der Hart seit Jahrzehnten kennt und schätzt, besuchte den bescheidenen Gelehrten und Psychotherapeuten in seinem kleinen, von Akten überquellenden Arbeitszimmer an der Universität Utrecht. Huber: Onno, du bist geboren und damit ein Kriegskind… Van der Hart: Oh ja, das stimmt. Van der Hart: Meine Eltern waren im Widerstand gegen die Nazis aktiv, sehr aktiv. Huber: Das ist ja interessant.

Transmedia: aprender a narrar | guionactualidad Por Alfredo Caminos Imaginemos alguien que captura, con un celular o móvil, imágenes y sonidos. En pocos minutos hace una edición en el propio teléfono y lo cuelga en una de las redes sociales ¿Es una obra audiovisual? Sí ¿Necesita guión? No. Si decimos guión nos referimos a un texto narrativo escrito donde la obra se interpreta de la lectura textual. Volvemos al ejemplo. El propio aparato o dispositivo de construcción es el guión, el medio tecnológico es el guión y la forma. El operador de Transmedia o narraciones similares, cuando trabaja solo, no requiere de comunicarse con otros. En todo caso, el guión tradicional seguirá vivo para quien lo prefiera, le convenga y para producciones muy controladas; pero para las producciones transmediales, donde prima la velocidad a la calidad, la sorpresa al medio de difusión, la obra antes que lo habitual, el guión no existe o no debe denominarse de esa manera. En ese panorama ¿hay que aprender Transmedia? Bibliografía PORTO RENÓ, D. (2008).

Harvard Professor Finds That Innovative Ideas Spread Like The Flu; Here's How To Catch Them You can hear it in the way we speak: Songs are infectious, trends are contagious, videos go viral. We use disease to describe data. Information acts like illness. As it turns out, so does innovation. While Google helps us understand the way the flu moves and a Facebook app can ferret out who might make you sick, what's missing from the sniffly conversation is that disease and ideas both travel along social networks--the real-life kind. Enter network science, an emergent discipline drawing from sociology, medicine, and statistics. "Things don't just diffuse in human populations at random. The key is exposure. "Individuals located centrally within a network will be at both an increased risk for the acquisition of a pathogen," Christakis says tells Fast Company, "and an increased risk for the acquisition of novel information." Of course, being aware of ideas doesn't necessarily mean anything--it's what you do with it. "What we found was striking," Miller says.
