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Aojiru Aojiru was developed in October 1943 by Dr. Niro Endo (遠藤仁郎, Endō Nirō?), an army doctor who experimented with juices extracted from the discarded leaves of various vegetables in an attempt to supplement his family's meager wartime diet. He credited the cure of his son from pneumonia and of his wife from nephritis to aojiru, and in 1949 concluded that kale was the best ingredient for his juice.[1] Aojiru was popularized in 1983 by Q'SAI (キューサイ?) The taste of aojiru is famously unpleasant, so much so that drinking a glass of the liquid is a common punishment on Japanese TV game shows.[3] However, new formulations of aojiru have attempted to minimize the bitter taste of the original. See also[edit] Health food References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b "Japanese Aojiru - Tree Kale Juice".

The latest from 自说自话自作践 一晃五个月过去了,用四个字可以形容我这五个月 —— 一事无成,再加四个字可以是 —— 不如去死。才五个月你就这样?以后等你的可能是五十年。 好奇怪,明明这五个月以内的二十多年的我的人生都可以用这八个字形容,为什么这五个月比较严重呢? 少年们,珍惜现在的时光吧。 青春直须在家玩,莫使光阴虚度过。 老孙终于能坚强勇敢的一个人出去了,大人物也走的差不多了,终于可以清静一会儿了。 说点这两天平凡无聊的小事。 本来已经下定决心写一篇荡气回肠的观后感了,没想到看到最后一集的时候会情不自禁的骂出了我操。 是啊,怎么会变成这样呢? 结尾怎么会变成这样呢? 这里在说动画片《NANA》,也称《世界上的另一个我》,这个“也称”十分诡异,甚至还有人给它配词说什么“这个世界上肯定有另一个我,做着我不敢做的事,过着我想过的生活”,真不知道这些哈姆雷特是怎么看出这么偏题的思想感情的,先不说她们俩谁的生活是对方羡慕的,她们俩的相遇才是最美好的事好嘛!!! 豆瓣有人说“想看的就看到20集吧,这一集娜娜奖励奈奈,让她见到了自己喜欢已久的明星,一切就停在这里吧。 只想说一句,此剧里的Schultz太喜欢了。 I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor. We all want to help one anot 不是不乐意马原考试完全没中 不是不乐意吃饭的碗里有一个热死的苍蝇 不是不乐意晚上的螺蛳粉非常辣 不是不乐意唱歌的时候完全不着调与不会歌词 不是不乐意吃了又冷又油的炸鸡翅 不是不乐意别人在我之前回家 不是不乐意想要的东西完全搜不到 不是不乐意学期结束的饭卡里多了200块 不是不乐意一笔又一笔的零钱 不是不乐意天气很热 不是不乐意宿舍是个反空调 不是不乐意每晚都被虫子咬 不是不乐意不给剪头发 不是不乐意游戏里面的队友傻逼的不会跑位 只是不乐意为什么没人听懂我说话或者说我不说话都懂我 只是不乐意为什么我不乐意的时候没人知道我不乐意 只是不乐意为什么我突然的不乐意 只是不乐意为什么没有省心的人儿或者为什么不干脆就只剩我一个人 只是不乐意不明不白的活着也不乐意千万百计的死掉 只是不乐意上网 只是不乐意和世界说话 只是不乐意天天迁就别人的活但又好像非常的自我了(= =!) ·····&mi 最后的演讲——各位听众,我要说的是,愿神保佑你们。 开始进入文章的主题~ 我416去的,第一天的吃的都在里面拍的。

If FOX News Existed Throughout History Drum Notation | Learn How To Read Sheet Music Although most drummers do not like to admit it, being able to read sheet music and notation is a very important aspect to drumming. It took me a number of years before I decided to learn this material, but when I did, I was surprised on how much it helps. Learning how to read music, and how to understand drum notation brings you to a new level of drumming – a musicians level. Sheet Music We will begin by going over the basic symbols and notations for standard music. There will be many measures to the music. If you didn’t already know, the black dots are called notes. Drum Notation The first thing you need to know about drum notation, is not everyone has the same way of doing things. What you want to do is break down every space on the measure, and make every line and space represent something. For the toms, we will use the blanks spaces in the middle to represent each tom. The snare is usually the most important one to see. Cymbals are usually placed above the hi hat. There you have it!

Postcode Anywhere - UK and international address management software, postcode finder web services and more Funny Quotes | Funny Pictures | Funny Quotations Tumblr Silly Things It is no great secret that, over the years, Wikipedia has seen many colourful moments of fun. Also no great secret is that Wikipedia has seen many forms of vandalism. Occasionally, an edit falls into both categories: it is vandalism, needing to be reverted, but it is also creative, and some Wikipedians find it entertaining. For many years, the bits of vandalism and/or fun that struck people's fancy were kept here on a page called "Bad Jokes and Other Deleted Nonsense", or "BJAODN". In fact, it was one of the oldest pages on Wikipedia, having been created some time before January 26, 2001. Here is the original explanation of the page: We need a page where bad jokes and other deleted nonsense can rest in peace. However, in 2007, consensus (sort of) shifted against keeping most BJAODN on Wikipedia (see Wikipedia talk:Silly Things), and it came to be viewed by many as encouraging vandalism. Historical content[edit] Best of Jokes[edit] Hoax articles[edit] San Serriffe[edit] Wet floor sign[edit]

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