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Flipping my Spanish Classroom

Flipping my Spanish Classroom
Related:  Recursosfernanda84

Emails y cartas en inglés: reclamación - hotel. Página principal...Índice de cartas y emails... Sir I have just returned from my holiday in Greece at the Hotel Athens in Hania, Crete that you expressly recommended. Firstly, the hotel was not "alongside the beach" but in a very seedy and run down area of the city. Secondly, there was no "good-sized swimming-pool shaded by palms" but a dirty, deep hole in the ground with no water in it and not one palm tree to be found! Lastly, the hotel room did not "boast an ample balcony with views of leaping porpoises in the bay", in fact; I could not see anything from my bedroom window except the stone wall of the block of flats 5 metres from my invisible balcony! As you may imagine, due to the obvious distress these revelations caused me after embarking on this holiday with such high expectations (raised by you), I trust that you will not be surprised that I shall be consulting my lawyers about taking further action against you. Yours cordially Vanessa Wilmott-Smythe En español... Señor: Cordialmente,

The Flipped MFL Classroom | The LanguagesResources Blog There has been an increasing buzz over the flipped classroom in recent years, and this weekend I have been thinking about it a bit more and how I can apply the idea to my classroom. The aim of the flipped classroom is to develop pupils’ autonomous learning experience, giving them choice and flexibility over what and how they learn. So, what work would I want pupils to look at, at home, without me? Ideally I’d want them to be able to have a chance to learn the elements which they find hardest to concentrate on in lessons. For some weaker ability pupils, this could be learning – or at least being exposed to – new vocabulary or new grammar concepts (perhaps for higher ability pupils), however, I wouldn’t want to use the videos as a direct replacement for teacher instruction as I am a firm believer of introducing language in the TL and I enjoy using a variety of techniques to do this, a lot of which require teasing out the language from pupils, and a video would not do this. Like this:

¡Vámonos! Sra. Spanglish Rides Again Témoignages | Classe Inversée Le modèle de classe inversée est aujourd’hui utilisé par des dizaines de milliers de professeurs, et certaines écoles s’y sont même entièrement converties. Grâce à l’ampleur prise par le mouvement durant ces dernières années, nous avons désormais le recul nécessaire pour apprécier les résultats et les challenges de ce modèle. De nombreuses discussions ont lieu chaque jour et les retours d’expériences sont riches en surprises, en conseils et en anecdotes. Vous verrez que ces témoignages concernent le plus souvent les mathématiques, c’est notamment dû au fait que les outils en ligne sont souvent plus aboutis pour cette matière (voir par exemple ceux de Khan Academy), mais les résultats sont similaires dans les autres disciplines. - Dans les collèges- Dans les lycées- Dans les universités Dans les collèges - Une moyenne de classe doublée en 6 mois au collège Egan Junior High à Los Altos Courtney Cadwell utilise les cours de Khan Academy pour l’une de ses classes de mathématiques.

Inspiratie activerende didactiek moderne talen by Evelien Hoekman on Prezi Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts When Flipping Your Classroom #edchat Produce material for YOUR students to engage them outside the classroom. Generic content works as a starting point but students have greater faith in their own teacher’s input.Decide on a workflow solution and stick to it. I use Edmodo to set assignments and annotate responses. Students are happy with this solution as it is cross platform and supports learning with library and backpack resources.Set specific deadlines for your students. If they are given a date then unfortunately that can be construed as midnight!! The old hand-in mantra of next lesson doesn’t fit the ‘flipped‘ class idea and as such can present a problem.Provide access for students who aren’t connected to the internet at home. Expect students to watch/read your material just because you tell them to. This post is in response to the success we have had with workflow and assessment for learning this academic year. Please contact me if you would like to discuss the ‘flipped’ class as I am very keen to hear any new ideas.

Spanish Is Your Amigo — Everything you need and nothing you don't. À la découverte de la pédagogie inversée: le pourquoi « Annick Arsenault Carter Comment se fait-il que certaines régions du Monde parlent de classe inversée depuis déjà deux ans et que j’en ai seulement fait connaissance il y a quelques mois? Vous la connaissez? Si vous lisez ce billet, il y a de fortes chances que vous êtes familiers ou familières avec celle-ci et/ou que vous cherchez, tout comme moi, à la comprendre davantage. Pourquoi fait-elle fureur? Dans l’article Warning : Flipping Your Classroom Might Lead To Increased Student Understanding Teaching Science and Math on précise qu’il s’agit d’une philosophie et non d’une stratégie. J’aime bien que l’article souligne qu’il faut changer le statu quo, car le statu quo ne fonctionne pas. We all know how students like to interact with one another as well. Quant aux élèves et parents, il faut comprendre la dynamique à mon école. Il n’est plus question du pourquoi, mais du comment! Like this:

Handige tools #1: werken met digitale prikborden | Tumult Een paar maanden geleden zag ik de uitzending 10x beter onderwijs van de NTR, over nieuwe media in het onderwijs. Nieuwe media zouden het onderwijs interactiever en effectiever kunnen maken. Wie wil dat nou niet? Digiborden, iPads … Een groot aantal digitale leermiddelen kwam voorbij. Maar een leermiddel wordt pas effectief door de manier waarop je het gebruikt. Wil je je lessen interactiever en effectiever maken? Hoe, waarom, wat? Sommige van onderstaande lesideeën kunnen natuurlijk ook op papier of mondeling uitgevoerd worden. Deze lesideeën kunnen met de meeste van deze tools uitgevoerd worden: Ik ga nu in op de specifieke mogelijkheden van twee verschillende tools. Padlet Op Padlet maak je ‘walls’ aan. Doelen stellen Maak een wall aan en zet er een opdracht op. Tip: zet het scherm van de beamer even uit wanneer de leerlingen aan het typen zijn. Presentatie of werkstuk voorbereiden Laat leerlingen hun presentatie of werkstuk op Padlet maken. Klaar voor de start?

Flipped MFL lessons | My occasional ramblings 12 Jan Having read quite a few tweets and blogs (and even this ebook) about flipped learning and having had a short training session on the concept by a colleague (@twentspin) at school I became convinced that this was a more effective way of teaching and set about creating my own flipped learning lessons. With every new thing that I try in the classroom I chose to use it with one class to start off with so that I didn’t become overwhelmed and I could make errors without it affecting too many pupils. The aim, of course, will be to roll this out to other classes when I’m more confident with the technology and how the lessons should be presented. At a recent training course looking at using iPads in the classroom by @joedale I was told about the Explain Everything app by @njdixpin who assured me that it was well worth the £1.99 fee. So with the technology ready I set about producing my first flipped video. The pupils all engaged really well with the video. Like this: Like Loading...

Reflections of a Spanish Teacher
