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Tiny r(E)volution – A small home. A big life.

Tiny r(E)volution – A small home. A big life.
Related:  Cabanesonethousandanswers

Ce couple a passé 20 ans à construire sa propre île, auto-suffisante en nourriture et en énergie.... Ça fait rêver ! Vous rêvez de vivre dans la nature ? Alors voici quelque chose qui devrait vous inspirer ! Un couple d'artistes canadiens, Wayne Adams et Catherine King, a décidé de vivre d'une manière vraiment unique. Ils ont tous deux construit une maison sur l'eau, mais attention ! Il ne s'agit pas simplement d'une péniche réaménagée ou d'une maison sur pilotis... Baptisée Freedom Cove, leur habitation se trouve à Tofino, en Colombie Britannique. Voici un petit résumé de cette formidable épopée. 1991- La naissance Au tout début, la maison de Wayne et Catherine était plutôt modeste, et ressemblait plus à une sorte de cabane... ...Puis, petit à petit, le premier bâtiment commença à prendre forme. Après presque deux ans de travaux, la maison flottante était déjà plutôt jolie et avait fière allure. Petit à petit, années après années, notre couple d'artistes-bâtisseurs a ajouté de nouvelles plate-formes à la maison ainsi que des bâtiments annexes. Oui...

Nonindigenous Aquatic Species The data represented on this site vary in accuracy, scale, completeness, extent of coverage and origin. It is the user's responsibility to use these data consistent with their intended purpose and within stated limitations. We highly recommend reviewing metadata files prior to interpreting these data. Citation information: U.S. Additional information for authors Contact us if you are using data from this site for a publication to make sure the data are being used appropriately and for potential co-authorship if warranted.

Reflective Insulation | Foil Insulation | Radiant Barrier Insulation Ce poêle à bois portatif se plie et chauffe tentes, yourtes et petites maisons Ce petit poêle à bois portatif, qui peut être plié en un paquet compact et facile à transporter, peut chauffer l’intérieur d’une tente, d’une petite maison ou d’une yourte. Créé par l’entreprise Anevay établie à Cornwall, au Royaume-Uni, ce petit poêle léger est appelé Frontier Plus. Le poêle comprend une plus grosse cheminée que les autres poêles portatifs, ainsi qu’une fenêtre de vitre sur la porte avant. Selon la page Kickstarter du Frontier Plus, la cheminée mesure 10 cm de diamètre, ce qui lui donne une plus grande puissance d’aspiration pour évacuer la fumée. Pour mieux peaufiner votre feu, vous pouvez utiliser un régulateur d’air secondaire sur la porte pour ajuster la quantité de chaleur générée et ainsi éviter de surchauffer les petits espaces. Le poêle comprend aussi des pattes ajustables et une plaque supérieure qui vous permet de faire cuire une multitude de choses. Voici la vidéo Kickstarter du poêle à bois Frontier Plus. Plus d’info: Kickstarter

Lionfish | Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Since 1994, the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) has maintained an on-line educational section on non-native species as well as an on-line exotic species reporting page. Divers are encouraged to submit any sightings of non-native species via this sightings reporting form. Since 2006, REEF has been working in close partnership with government agencies and partners throughout the region to help develop lionfish response plans, train resource managers and dive operators in effective collecting and handling techniques and conduct cutting edge research to help address the invasion. To aid in this effort, REEF currently enlists interested divers and snorkelers to join organized lionfish research and removal projects and encourages public participation in helping address the invasion. The Invasive Lionfish Web Portal is a clearinghouse for all vetted invasive lionfish information and serves as a platform to promote discussion and inquiry.

Carrying off the art of one carry-on Phileas Fogg had Passepartout, Bertie Wooster had Jeeves and Sir Edmund Hillary had a retinue of stalwart Sherpas. The rest of us, alas, must schlep our own bags. That's the best reason to pack light, but it's not the only one. By limiting ourselves to one carry-on, we can be off the plane and halfway to Boulevard Saint-Germain while others huddle expectantly around the luggage carousel. Packing light offers less tangible but very real benefits. People routinely profess amazement bordering on disbelief that I can travel for weeks at a time with only a carry-on. Some general thoughts about the quite bearable being of lightness: -- The amount of stuff you think you need is directly related to the size of your luggage. -- There's really no difference between packing for a week and packing for a month or longer. -- Carry-on allowances vary by airline. -- A lot of travelers treat their day packs -- like their garages back home -- as overflow storage space. -- Leave your hair dryer at home.

Portable Home ÁPH80 ABATON à conçu l' ÁPH80, un petit logement préfabriqué conçu pour deux et dimensionné pour être facilement transporté par camion. Il mesure 9 mètres par 3 mètres soit 27m², avec la chambre à une extrémité et la salle de bains à l'autre, et entre les deux l'espace de vie. About IGERT : Genetic Engineering and Society Center Our Vision Our vision is of a group of interactive students, trained in technologies used for manipulation of pest genomes as well as methods needed to assess the environmental and socio-cultural appropriateness of specific products of these manipulations. The Background Last year the world saw the first open field release of a genetically engineered mosquito in association with a project aimed at suppressing dengue fever. How will societies and environments react to this new technology? And, what implications will these reactions have for ongoing research and application? The Opportunity The advent of Genetic Pest Management (GPM) offers an opportunity to learn from past experiences and train a generation of students before wide-scale application creates consequences for which GPM researchers, and the communities these hope to aid, are poorly prepared. The Challenge and Goals For more information, please read our GES Statement on Productive, Inclusive and Ethical Communication. Back to top

Zen and the Art of Minimalism – Part 1: Zen Philosophy — Minimal Student Image Credit Drue Kataoka There are a great many articles, ebooks and blogs about how exactly to be more minimalist – how to step by step, get rid of stuff. But, I thought it would be interesting to break it down and explore the background of minimalism and what, if anything, it has to do with Zen philosophy. No matter how small it may be, few people can deny that there is a ‘wave’ of minimalism happening right now. It has become such a big part of my life now that I wondered where minimalism came from. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly where minimalism originates. Letting go of attachmentReducing suffering and increasing happinessMindfulness and focusKindness and compassion A traditional Buddhist, such as a monk, lives an extremely minimalist lifestyle because their belief in these principles flow into their everyday life. So, taking each of the above principles, I like to think minimalism can be connected to: I don’t claim to be wise or experienced. I’d love to hear your opinions.
