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SHOCKER: 3% To 7.5% Of Fans See Your Page’s Posts

SHOCKER: 3% To 7.5% Of Fans See Your Page’s Posts
If you have a business fan page, you want those fans to see your posts, right? Well, the chart above shows that fan page owners are grossly overestimating how many people they’re reaching through posts. (Note: That chart based on pages that together represent more than 400 million fans; it was complied by PageLever, which is in beta and growing its data set. The PageLever charts rock (they’re much cooler than my lame MS Powerpoint table above), and if you want better Facebook Page insights, you should sign up for their beta. The “approximate % of fans seeing posts daily” and “total daily impressions per fan” columns are daily, so these numbers are affected by pages that are not posting daily.) It’s more of a shocker than you thought, isn’t it? I’ve been told that HubSpot recommends a 0.5 percent feedback rate as a goal. If you aren’t thinking about how to get more likes and comments, you probably don’t understand how EdgeRank is reducing your visibility to your fans.

Changes to Facebook Pages "Likes" Means Marketers Need to Think Facebook allows users of its social networking site to comment on its pages without Liking them now. This is a step in a direction that might make advertisers, brand managers and marketing people feel a little uneasy, because it means they may have to start thinking deeply for their brand rather than just counting hits. One of the main benchmarks for tracking brand awareness was in being able to track how many "fans" or followers to a brand page managed by the company or agency. Facebook pages are now like a revolving door. People can come in and leave a comment and can never be seen again. "If a social media manager is using likes to measure the impact of a Facebook page or brand, they are measuring the wrong thing," says Stuart Tracte, Social Media Strategist at Definition 6. We had already reported that just over 41% of people who Like a brand drop that brand page by "disliking" it after any type of marketing or advertising campaign ends. They do not.

The End of Demographics: How Marketers Are Going Deeper With Personal Data Jamie Beckland is a Digital and Social Media Strategist at Janrain where he helps Fortune 1000 companies integrate social media technologies into their websites to improve user acquisition and engagement. He has built online communities since 2004. He tweets as @Beckland. Marketers have built a temple that needs to be torn down. Demographics have defined the target consumer for more than half a century — poorly. The rise of mass-produced consumer goods also brought the rise of mass-market advertising. Marketers created that buy-in by bucketing people into generations. But now, that entire system has broken down. Fragmentation is now the norm because the pace of change is accelerating. With the recent rise of the social web, people self-select into groups so small, so fragmented, and so temporal, that no overarching top-down approach could be successful at driving marketing performance. What if, instead, you could get 500 sales from every 1,000 people you marketed to? Social Profile Data

Privacy: Zuckerberg: Facebook Is Helping People Facebook's recent privacy overhaul, which has been roundly criticized by privacy advocates, was a response to a "new social norm," according to the social network's CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Society is evolving away from the desire to be private and toward an increasing willingness to share more personal information with more people, he said, and his company's new policies reflect that. Webinar: The New PCI 3.0 Standard Learn the steps to take to get your company ready for PCI DSS 3.0 changes coming January 2015. We cover all of the details you need to know as we head to the deadline to complete and pass your PCI DSS 3.0 audit. Just a month ago, Facebook overhauled the privacy settings for its 350 million or so users and was targeted in an FTC complaint as a result -- yet company CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Friday suggested that online privacy has faded in importance in recent years. 'We Just Went for It' An FTC Complaint 'That's Absolutely Incorrect'

Facebook et les relations aux marques - ETUDE En 5 ans, Facebook est devenu une arme de communication massive et les marques ne s’y sont pas trompées. 500 millions d'utilisateurs dans le monde, avec 200 millions de nouveaux utilisateurs sur la dernière année. En mai 2010 Facebook devance Google aux USA en terme de traffic. 15% du temps passé sur Internet est sur Facebook, la moyenne de temps passé serait de 55 minutes par jour, et un utilisateur a 130 amis en moyenne. Facebook est devenu un phénomène culturel: la sortie ce jour du film de David Fincher The social network et la polémique en témoigne...Il semblerait que les créateurs du réseau social pensent à tout et se qualifient eux-même "d'ingénieurs le jour, et sociologues la nuit" développant de nouvelles fonctionnalités, social plugins tels que I Like et Places, une e-boutique pour Pampers avec Amazon et qui font les beaux jours des marques. Facebook est principalement considéré comme un outil de divertissement pour 49% d'entre eux et pour 32% de dialogue. Virginie Achouch

Seth's Blog How To Create the Perfect Facebook Fan Page » Techipedia | Tamar This article is updated. If you are reading this in 2011, please see the new how to build a perfect Facebook page article. This is a guest post by Jesse Stay, founder and CEO of and all around great Facebook Fan Page coder. He’s volunteered to give away a copy of his recent book, FBML Essentials, to two readers. Scroll down to the end of the post for details on how to win. Marketers love Facebook. The best place you can place your brand on Facebook is through a Facebook Page (that’s with a capital “P”, not to be confused with your personal Profile). Maximize Your Avatar Visibility Profile pictures on Facebook can have a maximum size of 200×600 pixels. Install the Static FBML App and Add a Custom Tab Do a search for “static FBML” on Facebook (or just click here), and click “Add to my Page” in the upper-left. Now what you want to do is create your tab. Add Content to Your Custom Tab To add content, click on “Edit Page” again on the left below your Page image. <h1>Welcome!

The Thin Line Between Liking a Brand and Liking Its Social Marketing Several studies have shown that while social brand followers are interested in deals, they have other reasons to connect. Many also want to stay up on the latest news or show their friends which products they support. ExactTarget’s “Subscribers, Fans and Followers” report found Facebook users who “like” brands are even more likely to place importance on showing off their brand choices to friends than brand followers on Twitter or subscribers to opt-in marketing emails. According to ExactTarget, a major reason for this desire is the nature of Facebook itself. Consumers who “like” a brand as a means to their own self-expression are by definition brand advocates, and the earned media potential for marketers among these enthusiasts is high. The reasons for using Facebook still fall largely, for members of all ages, in the “personal communication” bucket. Previous Article

marketing+social media - Dave Facebook Follies: Why Facebook's Recent Change to its User Agree Why are 130,000 Facebook users very angry? The culprit is a small but significant change to Facebook's Terms of Service (its contract with its users) that was made without full notification to all users. The change was a seemingly radical shift: Facebook amended its contract language to reserve the right to continue to use member content forever -- even long after users have closed their accounts or deleted their content. Users post a great deal of content on their Facebook pages, from age, to marital status, to favorite movies, cars, and even political affiliations. In this column, I will outline Facebook's actions and the public's response. Facebook's Foolish Move: Amending Its Terms of Service and Failing to Be Open with Users About the Change This is not the first time that Facebook has caused a public outcry over its privacy practices. How did Facebook notify customers of this change? A few days later, a blog, The Consumerist, drew public attention to the change.

jeffbullas Facebook marketing campaigns seem to be going all warm, caring and fluffy recently as brands realize that solving problems and helping those in need can be a very effective marketing tactic. Three of the Facebook campaigns in this list have an altruistic reason behind their campaigns, from donating $500,000 each to 20 schools to raising funds for the “Make A Wish Foundation”. The marketing goals for the Facebook pages vary but quite often the simple goal of just increasing their fan count to their Facebook page seems to be top of the list as brands have worked out very quickly that being able to communicate to 1,000′s or even millions of fans via a simple status update is very efficient highly leveraged marketing. Companies have also realized that people’s main reason for becoming a fan for the most part is not so charitable, but is about having access to the latest special offers and freebies. 10 Best Facebook Campaigns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

6 Tips for Launching a Product on Facebook Businesses rely on Facebook to increase brand awareness, build community and strengthen customer service (for starters). But how can companies effectively leverage Facebook to amplify new product launches? We spoke with some companies — large and small — that used Facebook to effectively introduce products to the marketplace and generate new sales. 1. To ensure that time spent online is time well spent, businesses must focus on building and cultivating a targeted audience. As sneakpeeq co-founder and president Henry Kim says, “We learned that if you get the right audience to share your product in the beginning — and getting this audience excited about your company is a giant step — you can do this with little money. A growing Facebook community is also an evolving community. 2. In addition to giving away a small number of golf balls, Nike Golf also offered a free shipping promotional code as a “consolation prize.” 3. Account for design restrictions. 4. 5. 6. Share-A-Thon Giveaway.
