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WorkFu + Find work opportunities, discover talent.

WorkFu + Find work opportunities, discover talent.

@Impress | 爱影响 模块化的衡量 由于社交网络非常复杂,无法用单一指标来衡量影响力。因此,我们建立不同的指标,并且以可以自由组合的模块呈现。 惩罚僵尸粉丝 由于僵尸粉丝泛滥,导致许多账户的影响力被高估,我们建立了一套判定并惩罚僵尸粉丝的机制,可以有效降低影响。 由数据驱动 所有的模块都经过抽样数据测试,并且一直在被修正和完善。 数据不说谎 经过我们的模型量化,给你的社交网络影响力一个量化的评定。 影响力指数的变化,可以清晰的衡量背后因素的变化。 不只是数据 如果只提供一堆「高深莫测」的数据,并不能发挥效用,重要的是对与数据的解读。 我们不提供最复杂的数据,只提供最相关的数据,我们希望数据能够驱动商业,能够将数据挖掘转化成生产力。 前所未有的图形化 输入任意一条微博的网址,就可以得到微博传播轨迹图。 你可以切换任意一个节点作为中心视角,准确的找出所有的「关键人物」,通过「关系」模块来完成社交网络关系管理。 最易用的CRM 在微博上有太多太多的粉丝,每天也会收到许多@,到底该如何管理在微博上的关系呢? 「一点编辑」「一点添加」「拖拽变换」,用过一遍就能熟练掌握:这也许不是最强大的CRM,但绝对是最易用的CRM系统。 请输入邀请码 连接微博 还没有邀请,立即索取一个! *邀请码的有效性会在连接新浪微博完成后检查,请不要中断连接过程以免验证码失效。 索取邀请码 邀请码将会通过Email的方式发送给你,请关注我们的官方账号以获取最新消息。 不是网址,也不是UID。 邀请码将会发送到这个Email中 请用几句话介绍一下自己,拥有以下特点之一会有更大机会获得邀请:(1) 企业帐号,(2) 拥有小小的知名度,(3) 拥有自己的博客,并且关注微博以及Web 2.0 App,(4) 愿意为爱影响提供反馈。 索取邀请 Bad Ads, Big Returns The higher-quality the ad, the better its impact? Maybe not, in today’s saturated market. In April, the Plenty of Fish Ad Blog put out a post that quickly made waves among the technorati and advertising-focused, as its conclusions were antithetical to the common sense surrounding how to garner the attention of the public. You see, Plenty of Fish put together a slick, normal Facebook ad, and they made a utterly terrible one in Paint. Here’s the two ads: Now, the numbers. Of course, one study is hardly gospel, but the results were intersting enough that it piqued the curiosity of many. I love it. However, I have no eye for such things, and so I showed the above ads to TNW’s design guru, Harrison Weber, for his perspective: “Oh, this is absolutely terrible, but equally brilliant. Terrible, it’s the new good.

The Complete Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet In June of this year, we published an infographic listing all of the sizing information for images on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. It was a wildly successful piece of content, totally blowing our expectations out of the water. Unfortunately, while its popularity has flourished, nearly every social network instituted changes to their image sizes, rendering most of the information on the infographic out of date. We knew we needed to update the information on the cheat sheet, but we weren’t comfortable with simply adjusting one or two figures on the blog post and leaving it as-is. We’d also received a lot of feedback, both on the design and information it contained. We decided to redesign the entire sheet and incorporate a few more social networks. We also decided to permanently redirect the old sheet here, so that shared tweets, pins, likes, and so on, would lead to the correct sizing dimensions. Embed the cheat sheet on your own blog or site using the embed code below!

麻球游戏 - 全球领先的在线游戏运营平台 WorkFu Taps Your Social Connections to Find the Perfect Job WorkFu, which first caught our attention back in January pre-release, is a gorgeous Web app that uses your existing social networks to find work opportunities for you, or talent that is relevant to your company. Bolstered by a handsome UI and the purpose-driven FU score, which automatically ranks your technical and social compatibility with jobs, this site has tons of potential to overtake the old giants in this space. Upon signing up through Twitter, your smart profile is automatically created. To find out more, I spoke with WorkFu co-founder Mike Kus… HW: Not trying to pick on LinkedIn, but what’s out there now for the career market that simply isn’t provided? MK: Our vision for WorkFu is to be the social platform at the heart of your working life, be you talent or business. HW: How is WorkFu different from everything else? MK: WorkFu is a social, opportunity network that’s built on Twitter. The sign up process is frictionless and takes just a couple of minutes. HW: What’s the FU Score?

Welcome - Timely by Demandforce 新浪微博抄袭了 Twitter ? | 爱范儿 · Beats of Bits 在 Twitter 用户看来,新浪抄袭 Twitter 这事证据确凿堪比姚晨的单身证明。而有些微博用户的看法则正相反: Twitter 的那个 t ,不就是抄袭自 吗? 站的离这两拨人远一点,你也许会发现,微博虽然继承了 Twitter 的规则和框架,但是,在细节甚至基本理念上,还是有些不同。 有评论 互联网每年都涌现出大量网站,但是,能有效颠覆旧规则的? BBS 算是颠覆了门户:虽然仍在很多等级之下,但用户总算有了发言权。 而 Twitter 没有评论的设计理念可能很简单:推都是平等的。 没有哪个推是附属于另一个的,从此, Blog 中正文评论的等级消失了。 而新浪“微博”却名副其实:他是带评论的,很像“微型博客”。 显示图片 Twitter 是四两拨千斤的艺术。 帮助 Twitter 绕开这些的,是短链接。 帮助 Twitter 成就今天价值的,也是短链接。 渠道的价值巨大,而且维护成本相对较低( Blogger 们则需要不停的生产内容)。 Twitter 上线之初未必想的如此明白了,但是他们慢慢看得很清楚了。 图片呢? 新浪微博是支持图片的,理由似乎要单纯的多:博客可以,微型博客为什么不可以? 开放 开放曾经是 Twitter 的杀手锏。 Twitter 一路做大的过程中,很多公司随他成长(比如 Friendfeed )。 对于 Twitter ,开放不是一种技术选择或者姿态,而是一种生存方式:只有拥抱开放,小公司才能集中有限的资源做最重要的事,才能抵御因为眼红扑上来的互联网巨头。 新浪则本来就有足够的资源。 另外, 3Q 大战中舆论对腾讯群起而攻之也说明:就算反垄断法的约束是浮云,把垄断优势利用的太露骨,口水也会淹死人。 最后的话 Startup 更容易做出颠覆性创新。 Twitter 就是在长期竞争中慢慢脱颖而出的。 新浪微博不是个经得起推敲的产品。 但是,新浪对时机,速度,力度的把握,则是另一种艺术。 战略玩的好,用户数量迅速拉上来,产品就退居次要地位了。 问题是,战略,市场这些很高端,很吓人的词儿,和普通中文用户有什么关系? 你我在被弹窗,被绑架之余,也活该被战略,被粗糙吗?

Facebook Is Testing out Region Switching for Pages If you’re a global brand and want to be able to reach as many people as possible with your marketing message, you might have difficulties in getting those people to the right brand page you’ve created for them. : The Digital You Mobli - See the world through other peoples eyes Mobli - Share Photos & Videos! With PhotoGrid you can make your photos collection into amazing collage. #1 Collage app on Android, over *** 51 Million*** users like PhotoGrid.* Top1 in Photography over 11 Countries.* Top5 in Photography over 46 Countries. Photo Grid's simple interface and outstanding menu of pre-designed grids make it the best collage app on the market. - CNET We love Photo Grid. It can work hand in hand with Instagram to quickly produce beautiful results... and its interface is so intuitive that anyone will be able to master it - PC Advisor Best Instagram collage maker for Instagram to make grid pictures on Instagram. Photo Grid offers five different collage types, and lets you pull in photos from Facebook, Instagram, Flickr, Dropbox, and the highly dubious Google Image Search. PhotoGrid add video maker function which is more powerful than Flipagram. Photo Grid is a free app with lots of options for creating collage, as well as Instagram video slideshow accompanied by music. FAQ and answer

5 mobile apps that could kill business cards Business cards are an important part of life, helping us quickly swap contact details and turn a brief meeting into a valuable long-term contact. The thing is, business cards are so 20th Century. There are now a number of companies vying to replace them with far more tech savvy solutions. Bump One of the highest profile replacements for business cards out there, Bump is an app for iOS and Android that lets users exchange their details between devices by simply “bumping” them together. The service lets you set up multiple profiles for different social settings and it works cross-platform, meaning that an iPhone can ‘bump’ an Android device, for example. My Name Is E This solution couples a good-looking Web-based “virtual business card” with a Bump-like wireless contact sharing service via its app for iPhone and mobile website for other platforms. Jumpscan Jumpscan places all your contact information into a single QR code image. SnapDat Another competitor in the space is SnapDat. Google Goggles Hipster Habit App Is a Pocketable, Printable Mini-Book Designed to Help You Create or Remove Habits in 30 Days I may be alone here, but for what it's worth, I'm not clicking any link where there is no indication what kind of material it leads to. I may be alone, but I'm not replying to any link where there is no indication what kind of person it leads to.... [kidding! As I tell people who encounter my big dog for the first time is "It's healthy you were concerned at first. [This comment was not paid for or soliticited in anway way, nor am I related to or interested-in dating anyone on the staff either centrally or distributedly, and my wife can testify to that. Little palm-held printable super-nice customizable booklet planner previously featured on Lifehacker.
