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Free Video Lectures, Video tutorials and Online Video Courses

Free Video Lectures, Video tutorials and Online Video Courses

CSS3 Patterns, Explained Many of you have probably seen my CSS3 patterns gallery. It became very popular throughout the year and it showed many web developers how powerful CSS3 gradients really are. But how many really understand how these patterns are created? The biggest benefit of CSS-generated backgrounds is that they can be modified directly within the style sheet. This benefit is void if we are just copying and pasting CSS code we don’t understand. Important note In all the examples that follow, I’ll be using gradients without a vendor prefix, for readability and brevity. The syntax described here is the one that browsers currently implement. If you are not yet familiar with CSS gradients, you can read these excellent tutorials by John Allsopp and return here later, as in the rest of the article I assume you already know the CSS gradient basics: The main idea I’m sure most of you can imagine the background this code generates: background: linear-gradient(left, white 20%, #8b0 80%); See this example live

YouTube Playlists for Learning Programming YouTube has been very good platform for learning any thing. Earlier you have seen 400+ courses on YouTube and 130+ NPTEL courses. There are few more courses especially about computer programming. These are contributed by various individuals. thenewboston: thenewboston is a great youtube channel, has more than 2o playlists covering topics Python, C, Java, iPhone development and web programming like HTML, CSS, PHP. Xoax has more than 200 videos but mainly focuses on C++. PHPacademy As the name suggests, it focuses mainly on PHP and some on MySql. There are more videos on small projects like writing your own search engine for your database, pagination, creating a rating system etc… Related posts: Get more stuff like this

Take Any College Class for Free: 236 Open Courseware Collections, Podcasts, and Videos Written by: Thomas Broderick Universities, colleges, and private organizations offer free online college courses to help students acquire new knowledge and skills. These courses cover a variety of traditional academic topics and other subjects that can lead to career advancement and personal enrichment. Courses occur online, allowing learners from all over the world to participate. At the end of a course, students may qualify for an official certificate. Some institutions charge a small certificate fee. Most online courses provide an introduction to a topic, although there are some intermediary and advanced courses. Some free college courses use the term massive online open course (MOOC). Benefits of Open Courses Free online college courses allow students to learn from home, a significant advantage for learners who prefer to eliminate a commute. In a free college course, learners can explore new academic topics without incurring high tuition costs. Should You Take Open Courses?

Free video lectures,Free Animations, Free Lecture Notes, Free Online Tests, Free Lecture Presentations Using CSS gradients - Web developer guide CSS gradients are new types of <image> added in the CSS3 Image Module. Using CSS gradients lets you display smooth transitions between two or more specified colors. This lets you avoid using images for these effects, thereby reducing download time and bandwidth usage. In addition, because the gradient is generated by the browser, objects with gradients look better when zoomed, and you can adjust your layout much more flexibly. Browsers support two types of gradients: linear, defined with the linear-gradient() function, and radial, defined with radial-gradient(). Linear gradients To create a linear gradient, you set a starting point and a direction (specified as an angle) along which the gradient effect is applied. Simple linear gradients Here's a linear gradient that starts at the center (horizontally) and top (vertically), and starts blue, transitioning to white. background: -prefix-linear-gradient(top, blue, white); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, blue, white); Using angles Size

34 Photoshop Tutorials That Will Leave You Looking Like A Pro Design This time we are bringing you a lot of Photoshop tutorials on all sorts of topics. It's meant to be a good collection for those who aren't quite pro yet, but want to be. From making amazing business cards to bringing a stone statue to life, these take us through hours and hours of practicing those skills. These tutorials are some of the best and varied out there. If you learn to master some of the techniques and tricks from these, you will be sure to land on your feet looking like a pro! Great and Interesting Photoshop Tutorials Photo Strip The warp tool is used to create a twisting effect (you need Photoshop CS2 or above). Create a Hellacious Flaming Skull This tutorial goes through all the steps of creating a flaming skull in Photoshop. Customized Product And Label Pay close attention when you do this tutorial. Print-Ready Business Card Design up a simple business card in Photoshop and get it ready for print with crop marks and bleed. Conclusion

Colleges and Universities that Offer Free Courses Online See our list of the top schools offering free courses online. Learn about what types of courses are available to find the school and courses that are right for you. Online Courses for Credit Plenty of free resources are available online for students who want to learn a new topic, but these free options don't generally lead to college credit. Education Portal offers this style of distance learning with quick, engaging video lessons and self-assessment quizzes. Free Online Non-Credited Courses Students who want to use the free university resources can go to the school's link, scroll through the list of available courses and lectures and view or download the available content. Carnegie Mellon University at CMU Open Learning Initiative This university offers free online courses in the sciences, languages, engineering and social sciences. Johns Hopkins University at JHSPHOPEN Courseware Massachusetts Institute of Technology at MITOPENCOURSEWARE Open University at OU LearningSpace

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