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Single Dad Laughing: The disease called "Perfection" As a warning, the following post was written in complete desperation. I have recently learned some very sobering truths from people that I love dearly. These truths have set in motion a quest within me to do whatever I can to make a change. Today is not geared at funny. Today is geared at something much greater. I have to wonder. And chances are it’s hit you too. What is the disease called ”Perfection”? We live in communities where people feel unconquerable amounts of pressure to always appear perfectly happy, perfectly functional, and perfectly figured. “Perfection” is a wife who feels trapped in a marriage to a lazy, angry, small man, but at soccer practice tells the other wives how wonderful her husband always is. “Perfection” is a husband who is belittled, unappreciated, and abused by his wife, yet works endlessly to make his marriage appear incredible to those who surround him at the water cooler. ”Perfection” really does keep people from being real about the truth.

Une déco sous influence celte “ Le triskell est un symbole de l'art celtique ” La civilisation celtique a plus que marqué l'Irlande ! Alors pour donner à la maison une ambiance irlandaise on mise sur une déco sous influence celte. Voici quelques clés qui vous aideront à fêter la Saint-Patrick, le 17 mars. Il faut savoir que l'Irlande est le pays où la civilisation celtique a perduré le plus longtemps car l'île était difficilement accessible au peuple romain. Ainsi l'empreinte de la religion et du folklore celte est encore très présente en Irlande. Côté déco, les Celtes ont évolué durant l'âge du fer alors on mise sur un intérieur qui fait la part belle au métal et au fer forgé. Et surtout, on n'oublie pas le triskell qui est un symbole fort de l'art celtique. Il ne reste plus qu'à trouver une branche de gui, plante sacrée que les druides allaient cueillir en début d'année.

Make a Memory {Summer Sponge Bombs} Here we are, week 4 of the Make a Memory series. Each Monday now through the end of August I will feature a special family tradition from one of my favorite bloggers. It is so important to create lasting memories with our families and this will be a fun way to get ideas for fun traditions we can start with our own families. We are soooo excited to be participating in Make a Memory Monday at A Little Tipsy today!! A few years ago I was planning an activity for our youth at church and I came up with our version of water dodge ball. … and thought it would be a fun addition to our water dodge ball tradition. The girls and I then cut up the mop, sponges and drawer liners to make our components for the sponge bombs. You then decide how big you want your bombs to be… I cut each sponge into thirds {tall thirds} and used two sponges per bomb. and then randomly added the color strips. We then gathered them and wrapped them with a cable tie. Cinch the cable tie down really tight… Aren’t they cute?!?

Lost Realist Biodeug : cours de Biologie et Géologie en ligne (L1 à Maîtrise) - Les cours de Licence 1&2 (ancien DEUG 1 et 2) Felt Your Sweater!: A Felted Wool Tutorial Wherever you might normally stand on the felt controversy, I think that we can all get behind the claim that felted wool? Is awesome. Felted wool has all the benefits of wool for crafting–it’s sturdy, can be shaped, holds a dimensional structure well, is durable, and has an appealing texture–and has the eco-friendly attributes of being natural and second-hand. And yet, the wool sweater you take home from the thrift store requires some work before it becomes that versatile wool felt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Now that you’re finished, make cupcakes! Tags: felted wool, recycling, remaking clothing, Sewing, thrifting About the Author Julie Finn I'm a writer, crafter, Zombie Preparedness Planner, and homeschooling momma of two kids who will hopefully someday transition into using their genius for good, not the evil machinations and mess-making in which they currently indulge.

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman I walked outside on the porch yesterday before leaving for church so that I could scratch Hooker‘s ears and reassure her that I love and adore her, which I try to do once a day so she doesn’t ever doubt it, when lo and behold, I came face to face with this bull. If you want to know the honest truth, before I was able to take my phone out of my back pocket and snap this photo, he was peeing…right there on the ground beside my flower bed. And he wasn’t just peeing—he was defiantly peeing. Finally, the bull finished his business but continued to look straight at me, and I stood there, somewhat frozen, convinced that if I made too drastic a move, he would leap onto the porch, head-butt me, and stomp me into the concrete. So I just continued to stand there, eyes completely locked with Brutus, imagining all sorts of terrible bull-stomping scenarios, until precious Hooker, a few feet away from me, started barking at a distant sound. I don’t get no respect around here! He didn’t say anything.

Savonnerie - Page 2 Intrigant et plus... si affinité ...Quand j’ai vu le savon blanc comme neige de Michèle, j’ai bondi ! Je trépignais pour de bon. Ben oui, je ne suis jamais arrivée à obtenir un blanc "exactement" et rien d’autre que blanc. De plus, Michèle parlait d’intrigant … Ben oui alors, ça ma intriguée au plus haut point. D’un coup, voilà qu’on ne met que du gras dur ! D’un coup, voilà que rien que nos gras durs donneraient un savon blanc??? Ça, c’est pour moi, que je me suis dit … 39% huile de coco bio 30% huile de palme bio 15% blanc de boeuf15% beurre de cacao 1% acide stéarique Eau maximum et soude pour un surgras de 6% 2 cac de sirop d'agave et 2 cac de sel rose de l'Himalaya en grainsArgile noire diluée dans le minimum d'eau pour une partie de la pâte Hop, dans la cave ... Ah! Je remonte à la cuisine ... Ah! Je remonte (encore) à la cuisine … J’ai un petit flacon de sel rose de l’Himalaya qui s’ennuie à mourir dans le placard à épices. Oh la la la, mesdames!! Donc -c’est long, n’est ce pas ? Zut !

Re-Style#54, Five Minute Draped Vest #2 This Re-Style will be slightly different, because I am adding video instructions. Gasp! That's right, I am jumping off the dock and into the dark, cold waters of the unknown. Tutorial Things you need Extra large, Shirt Mens Shirt * I use Hanes Tee-shirts.Scissors Cut where the red marks are. Here is a quick video on how I did itWATCH ME. I hope this video explains it for you. Please leave an Email if you have any questions, so I can reply back to you. How I wore this VestHERE. You can also use it as a scarf , just wrap around your neck and pull one end through the hole. some other vests I have made are Have a wonderful day. Lots of <3, Anne Fundamental attribution error In social psychology, the fundamental attribution error, also known as the correspondence bias or attribution effect, is people's tendency to place an undue emphasis on internal characteristics to explain someone else's behavior in a given situation, rather than considering external factors. It does not explain interpretations of one's own behavior, where situational factors are more easily recognized and can thus be taken into consideration. Conversely, from the other perspective this error is known as the actor–observer bias, in which people tend to overemphasize the role of a situation in their behaviors and underemphasize the role of their own personalities. Examples[edit] Alice, a driver, is about to pass through an intersection. Her light turns green, and she begins to accelerate, but another car drives through the red light, crossing in front of her. Details[edit] Classic demonstration study: Jones and Harris (1967)[edit] Explanations[edit] Cultural differences in the error[edit]

Amulettes et des Talismans - Large offer of different pewter, tin or ceramic pendants: Celtic pendants (Celtic Gods, Triquetra, Tree of Life, Celtic Animal Pendants), Viking pendants (Thor's hammers, dragon ships - drakkars, Viking Gods, Viking Animals), Runic pendants (runic alphabet), Magic pendants (pentacles, magic pendants of medieval Europe and Asia), Zodiac pendants (astrology pendant), Fantasy pendants (sword, war axes, skulls, dragons, fairy beings), animal pendants and others. viking pendants Viking Jewelry, Norse Animal and Rune Amulets. We offer here Scandinavian jewelry, runes, runeamulets (rune amulets), zoomorphic talismans (wolf, bear, ravens), and other viking jewels such as Thor's Hammers, viking coin pendants (bracteate), viking rings. Materials: white metal, tin or brass. magic pendants Celtic, Myth & Magic Pendants, Pagan Amulets, Talismans and Magic Pendants, Witchstore, Witch Pendants, Pentagram Pendants, Pentacles, Egyptian Jewelry, Wholesale Pendant Shop, Wholesale Pendant Store

diy | painted rug Last week I gave a sneak peek at the painted rug I completed in the bedroom. Being forever the redecorator, for now, I am totally loving the end product. In my previous post [here] I gave you the inspiration for the graphic, a beautiful woven rug from Anthropologie. I was looking for something that had no repeating pattern so that I could essentially freehand paint the rug without worrying about spacing and measuring. The organic floral motif was perfect and it was sheer coincidence that the golden yellow was the exact colour I was looking to paint the rug. I love the combination of charcoal grey and golden yellow [see here]. If you are thinking about painting a sisal rug yourself, here are a few tips that gave me a really good finished product [and bear in mind I am no expert, but have done A LOT of painting to A LOT of different materials].
