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Running on Happiness

Running on Happiness

25 Reasons Why You Should Dress Up Every Day - College Fashion Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4 A few weeks ago, a reader left a comment that made me think about the things we wear every day and why we wear them. She was asking for advice on what to do when people ask “why are YOU so dressed up?” That comment got me thinking about dressing up and what that means. Since when did it become an unusual thing to put effort into what you wear and have fun with fashion? I was immediately inspired to create this list. So why dress up? Because life’s too short to blend in. Because you’re only young once. Because fashion is a method of self expression. Because you never know who you’ll run into. Because it obviously annoys some people (like the guy who asks why YOU are so dressed up). Because you never know, there’s always a chance you could get snapped by The Sartorialist (or maybe the girls over at Street Spotted)! Because you deserve to look your best at all times. Because you’ll never improve your sense of style if your default look is “I give up”.

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