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Naomi Rose can help you with: how to write a book, writing a book, short story writing, writing child book, tips on writing a book, steps to writing a book, writing your own book, writing a non fiction book, Book coaching, Book-writing guidance, Help by Naomi Rose Reprinted from Massage Magazine, Issue 104, Sept. – Oct. 2003 Most people don’t think of massage and writing as having anything to do with each other. After all, one is nonverbal, the other verbal. Even the human brain relegates these abilities into different hemispheres, the right and the left. But massage therapists and bodyworkers do need to write sometimes: for professional reasons (brochures, educational literature, newsletters, articles, even a book); for personal expression; or to heal a larger spectrum of people than can fit, one by one, on a massage table.

15 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Star Trek Did you know that the famous Vulcan salute was invented by Leonard Nimoy and based on a priestly blessing performed by Jewish Kohanim? Also, if you’re looking for an amazing Gift for a Star Trek fan, be sure to check out Star Trek Federation: The First 150 Years, a hardcover book documenting the first 150 years of the intergalactic democracy up until the year 2311. [Via Reddit]

Horrible Cards Horrible Cards are Copyright © 2012 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. The Oatmeal 30 Very Funny Books By Gina Barreca, Ph.D. It's a dreary day, so I thought I'd indulge myself and come up with a list of my favorite comedies. A caveat, however: this is not a fancy English-professor-y list of the finest, most exquisitely crafted, most erudite or intellectually sophisticated works on paper in the language. Drawing Personality Test Everyone knows that a proper landscape drawing contains a mountain a path, like a dirt hiking trail or even a paved highway some trees. So be sure to include those in your picture below -- just click and hold the mouse button to draw. 15 Kid’s Books You Need To Read With this list I’m counting only works I read before I, personally, hit puberty, which means that anything published after 1975 is automatically excluded! By “classic,” I mean for us old farts. This list also includes Young Readers, which I chose to interpret as having no true lower age limit, except that, obviously, very young Literature isn’t part of it — no Dr.

Origami X-Wing instructions Here are step-by-step instructions for how to make an origami x-wing, as seen at Picocon 22, and demonstrated by Alex Crosse. He is a proper Origami club person; the terribly un-technical descriptions are entirely my (Dormouse's) fault. This was done using a 15cm-square of thin paper, coloured on one side and white on the other - the x-wing ends up coloured all over. Lots of Jokes - Anger Management When you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know, take it out on someone you don't know, but you know deserves it... I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I'd forgotten to make. I found the number and dialed it. A man answered, saying 'Hello.'

cs.virginia A Thoughtful Look at Men and Women SHE DRIVES FOR A RELATIONSHIP. HE'S LOST IN THE TRANSMISSION By DAVE BARRY CONTRARY to what many women believe, it's fairly easy to develop a long-term, stable, intimate, and mutually fulfilling relationship with a guy. Of course this guy has to be a Labrador retriever. Most popular High or Child Posts, Pg. 1 Submitted on 30/10/11 60 Guesses Ate a whole large bag of spicy kettle chips You were High!

7 Creepy Video Game Easter Eggs Youll Wish Were Never Found Video game Easter eggs can be a fun way to motivate players to continue exploring a game they've completed ... or they can be terrifying experiences that make sure the players never go near that game again. We've told you about those Easter eggs that took years to be found; here are some more that we wish had remained undiscovered. #7. Portal 2 -- Hidden Messages and Rape-y Sounds

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