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Ten3 BUSINESS e-COACH - Inspiration and Innovation Unlimited! 1000 Ventures, Your 360 Achievement Catalyst! Happiness, Success, Entrepreneurial Creatiivty, Leadership, Self-Improvement, People Skills, Business Success, Kaizen, Lean Manufacturing, Venture

Ten3 BUSINESS e-COACH - Inspiration and Innovation Unlimited! 1000 Ventures, Your 360 Achievement Catalyst! Happiness, Success, Entrepreneurial Creatiivty, Leadership, Self-Improvement, People Skills, Business Success, Kaizen, Lean Manufacturing, Venture
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The Quality Toolbook This is the entire text from my 400+ page book 'A Toolbook for Quality Improvement and Problem Solving', now in around 700 hyperlinked web pages. There is a standard layout in each chapter of: When to use it How to understand it Examples How to do it (step by step) Practical variations There are 33 chapters describing tools in detail here. With the 'Practical Variations' section, there are actually around 100 tools described in detail. Some tools, by definition, have a mathematical content. If you're not sure which tool to use when, The 'Finder' chapter will help point you in a useful direction. History I wrote the book in the mid-90s as a collection of all I could find about the general 'Quality Tools' used for TQM, process improvement, etc. David Straker Related sites which provide many more tools: Many pages on creating change in people.

13 Times Cultural Differences Resulted In Hilarious Brand Fails What happens when the best of global brands are confronted with cultural differences? We see a debacle of sorts. A highly successful product in one part of the world surprisingly tanks in another. 1. Peter Jomes Cook 3. adpost 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. When it comes to globalising a brand, the formula of one-size-fits-all is not the safest bet. Cover image courtesy The world's largest and most trusted innovation website The founder of Patagonia is giving his company away Patagonia founder Yvon Chiounard announced Wednesday he is giving his entire company away to a trust and a nonprofit. Patagonia hide caption toggle caption Patagonia Patagonia founder Yvon Chiounard announced Wednesday he is giving his entire company away to a trust and a nonprofit. Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, who has previously expressed his reluctance at amassing wealth, is giving away his company. The outdoor apparel company will now be in the hands of a trust and a nonprofit organization. "It's been a half-century since we began our experiment in responsible business," Chouinard, 84, said. He added, "Instead of extracting value from nature and transforming it into wealth, we are using the wealth Patagonia creates to protect the source. The Patagonia Purpose Trust will control all voting stock of the company (2%), while the Holdfast Collective, a climate change nonprofit, will own all nonvoting stock (98%). "What a disaster that would have been," he said. toggle caption Patagonia

Inventive online resources for inventors | Webware Last week, I received an e-mail asking if I had ever taken a look at sites and services for inventors. I hadn't. And judging by the size of those sites' communities, I'm guessing that most other folks haven't, either. Web sites Incuby Incuby is an online community designed for inventors who want to get the word out about their inventions. You can then start searching for other inventions. InventBay InventBay enables inventors to list their products to target investors who might want to bring those products to store shelves. When you sign up for InventBay and list your product, the company requires a seven-day period to review your invention before it's placed on the site. InventNow InventNow is a really great idea. InvenTube InvenTube is a place where inventors and investors can work together to make a product a success. The hope is that InvenTube users who own companies or want to invest in your product will like what they see and start working with you. Mobile apps My top 3 1. 2. 3.

Insurance Vocabulary & Worksheets - English Current News Lesson Plans I have created some simple insurance vocabulary worksheets for my students based on the following master vocabulary list : DOC (Word97) Accident insurance - covers the medical expenses as the result of a bodily injury or death. This does not cover self-inflicted injury, intentional harm from another person, homicide, sickness or death from natural causes. Accumulation period - timeframe within a policy period in which deductible amounts are calculated. Actuarial valuation - a review of insurance and calculation that an insurance company makes to determine the premium, rate, and reserves based on the expected expenses of issuing coverage. AD&D — Accidental death and dismemberment insurance. Affiliation of Health Providers — a partnership of health care providers who collectively offer health care coverage to a specific group. Agency of record — the agency that is recognized by the customer as the person who will handle insurance transactions on their behalf. Insured - the policyholder.

Toolkits for User Innovation Toolkits for user innovation allow manufacturers to " abandon their attempts to understand user needs in detail in favor of transferring need-related aspects of product and service development to users along with an appropriate toolkit". User toolkits are based on the idea that manufacturers possess the knowledge of the solution possibilities, while the users possess the knowledge about needs. This information is sticky and can therefore not be transferred easily between the user and the manufacturer. User toolkits can be used in a variety of settings, and has been shown to be applicable in systems ranging from production of electronic circuitry to Apache security software (Franke & Von Hippel, 2003). Content of a toolkit[edit] The process as described by von Hippel has five criteria:[1] Learning by trial-and-errorAn appropriate solution space.A user-friendly toolkitCommonly used modulesResult easily created by user Learning by trial-and-error[edit] An appropriate solution space[edit]

8 Best Examples of Constructive Feedback With Sample Scenarios Being a manager in the 21st century is not at all a child's play. The work culture now demands the managers to lead the workforce by adopting multiple roles as a motivator, a mentor, and a leader all at the same time. And one of the most important aspects of these roles is the ability and the will to deliver constructive feedback to the employees. Feedbacks are an integral part of ensuring an efficient work culture. However, delivering constructive feedback is not as smooth as a hot knife through butter. The tone of delivering the feedback and the words you use may sometimes make your feedback sound more like a criticism which negatively affects the professional relationship. That's why to help you deliver the best constructive feedback to your employees; I present to you a few feedback samples with their relating scenarios. But before beginning with the same, here are some of the essential points that you need to keep in mind while conveying constructive feedback to your employees. 1. 2.

15 Free Tools for Web-based Collaboration No man (or woman) is an island – and this statement can’t be any truer if you’re a designer or developer. Though paid/subscription services like Basecamp and Zimbra are great, individuals strapped for cash have a ton of alternatives that provide similar (if not better) features. In this article, you’ll find 15 free tools to help you facilitate remote/web-based collaboration. Google Docs Google Docs is an excellent application for collaboration. Stixy Stixy is a flexible, online “bulletin board”/drawing board. Project2Manage Project2Manage is a fully-featured, free, hosted solution for project management and collaboration (similar to Basecamp). is a free, web-based application for collaborative brainstorming. Dabbleboard Dabbleboard is a robust, online whiteboard that’s easy to use. Protonotes Protonotes is a free annotation widget for your HTML prototypes. ProjectPier ProjectPier is a self-hosted, open-source, PHP-based project management application. Twiddla Wetpaint Skype Vyew

Money Instructor - Personal Finance, Business, Careers, Life Skills Lessons Organisation 2.0 : 25 Outils de collaboration en ligne Les humains, par nature, s’organisent sous forme de groupes ou de communautés pour développer et cultiver des affinités, des aspirations ou bien des intérêts financiers. Les organisations ainsi constituées prennent la forme de groupes d’amis, d’associations ou d’entreprises. Un système social se crée et se ressource à l’information qui circule entre ses membres . A l’ère du Web 2.0, l’information est surtout numérique et en temps réel. Organization 2.0 Il existe à ce jour plusieurs applications en ligne et logiciels dédiés à la collaboration en ligne. Les groupes d’amis ou associations s’intéresseront aux applications gratuites. IdidWork : outil en ligne de coordination des tâches d’une équipe projet. Co-Op : outil de travail en ligne, semblable à IdidWork. Affinitiz : plateforme collaborative gratuite. Cubetree : plateforme de collaboration en ligne de haut niveau. Social Wok : outil de collaboration adapté aux entreprises qui travaillent avec les applications Google . </b>*}

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