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"Livre Jaune" n° 5, 6, et 7 Cela te conviens t'il ??? et voici leur A DIEU......... ils repprennent leur soucoupe volante et rpartent chez eux.....hahahahaha ahahahhaahahhahaha ahahahahahahaaaaaa Les connaissant (du moins un d'eux) je peut te dire que tu n'auras pas de problemes, venant d'eux, si tu met leurs livres en PDF accessible....mais je peux rien garantir si leurs droits d'auteurs sont achetés par d'autres, qui certainement feront aussi des manipulations, des effacements et autres censures dans leurs livres......comme d'hab......

Culture Libre | Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1888) International Headquarters Site d'information français d'actualités indépendant et participatif en ligne | Mediapart Crop Circles Aug. 12 Montauk Project Anniversary Now these images have nothing to do with the Montauk project, but they is a stong association with Montauk and England via Aleister Crowley who performed a Magickal experiment on August 12, 1943, the Anniversary of the Philadelphia experiment at Men-Al-Tol in Cornwell, England. I would receive an astonishing letter several months later that would close the case as regards whether or not the Wilson brothers had existed. It was from a man named Amado Crowley who claimed to be an illegitimate son of Aleister Crowley. Not only did he remember his father talking about the Wilson brothers. but he also provided clues which revealed that the odds of his lying ahout his parentage were nil. Amado not only verified the existence of the Wilson brothers, he gave a spectacular account of his father's whereabouts on August 12, 1943 (the day of the Philadelphia Experiment). This beautiful formation has appeared at Wayland Smithy on this day August 12th, The number 12 is significant within this design.

L'écho de Sophie Michael Jackson Justice, information en continu. Actualités, Politique, Football, People, High Tech
