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Get popular free downloadable tools to use in the classroom

Get popular free downloadable tools to use in the classroom

10 Tools for Creating Class Puzzles and Quizzes There are many different sites on the internet that allow you to create your own puzzles and games to use either directly in class, or which can be linked to/embedded into your VLE. Here are 10 to get you started. 1. Classtools Net Classtools is already one of my favourite websites, home of the Countdown Timer and Random Word Picker. 2. SuperTeacherTools is dedicated to providing technology tools for teaching that are quick and easy to download, learn, and start using in your classroom. 3. Zondle enables teachers and students to create games to support exactly their learning needs: phonics games, science games, language games and lots more 5. Download these free programs and create your own interactive games and activities. 6. Puzzlemaker is a puzzle generation tool for teachers, students and parents. 7. Textivate is a simple web tool which allows users to automatically generate a range of interactive browser-based activities based on any text of up to 500 words. 8.

Interactive Classroom Get real-time feedback on how well your your students are learning by harnessing the power of polling questions from Microsoft's Interactive Classroom. This PowerPoint and OneNote add-in lets you insert customized classroom polls (multiple choice, yes/no, or true/false) and notes into your presentations, while your students get to participate with subject material in real-time. With Microsoft’s Interactive Classroom add-in, your classroom becomes more engaged, more involved, and truly interactive. An easier way to grasp your students’ understanding The Interactive Classroom Add-in for PowerPoint and OneNote increases student participation and learning during presentations. Microsoft’s Interactive Classroom lets you: System requirements: Additional requirements: A network connection is required to start or join a session. Interactive Classroom was developed by Microsoft Education Labs and The Education Labs team has moved on to other adventures.

TeacherTube - Teach the World TodaysMeet CTE - Setting Learning Outcomes What are learning outcomes? Why set learning outcomes? How can you develop learning outcomes? Next steps What are learning outcomes? Learning outcomes are measurable statements that articulate what students should know, be able to do, or value as a result of taking a course or completing a program. As a result of participating in (program/course name), you (students) will be able to (Action verb) (Learning statement). Some examples: Students will be able to describe the key characteristics of the different classes of planets. Looking at the previous sample learning outcomes, imagine what course lectures might entail, what learning activities might be effective, and how student learning might be measured. Why set learning outcomes? Setting learning outcomes will make it easier for instructors to: Make hard decisions about selecting course content. Having access to articulated learning outcomes (in a syllabus, for example) helps students: How can you develop learning outcomes? Next Steps

8 Overlooked Useful YouTube Tools When most people think about YouTube they think sharing videos and or about all of the videos they can discover. Most people don't think about the useful editing tools that are built into YouTube. The YouTube video editor has some useful features for teachers and students. 1. Create photo slideshows. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A Presentation App That Forces You To Tell Better Stories The dangers of bad a PowerPoint presentation are manifold. It might just mean putting your audience to sleep, or running afoul of the High Council of Information Design. But if your presentations have wider reaching concerns, like those given routinely by members of the U.S. Armed Forces, bad slides can have far greater consequences. In the military’s hands, as Brigadier General H. R. While you’re probably not guilty of mucking up complex geopolitical strategy with your bad slides, chances are you’ve made some crappy ones--or, at the very least, been subjected to some--at one point or another. The app, as its name suggests, is all about brevity, enabling users to make clean, concise slide shows--or decks--with a heavily streamlined feature set. After you pick your image, your text is automatically formatted nice and big to fill the screen. The point, Tratt explains, was to make a slide show app that’s easy to use--and impossible to screw up.

Training Program Design Basics The next phase after performing initial training program design research is to design the program framework, content modules, evaluation and program promotion/registration strategy. Learning Objectives Learning objectives or outcomes are what you want the training to do. Training Program Framework The program framework is the logistical shell of the training program. Training Budget Training budgets can vary greatly depending on whether you developing a large program to a large audience and are using outsourced training vendors or are using mostly internal resources and training a small group of participants in-house. For example, an outsourced training needs assessment survey could cost upwards of 25-50K if it includes the management of survey distribution as well as collection and formal analysis of the findings, whereas a survey conducted internally using an online survey tool such as SurveyMonkey could be a very low cost option. Developing Modules Module outlines should include:

Free Stock Photos - 24 Awesome Sites with Stunning Images Death To The Stock Photo Death to the stock photo is an email subscription based service that sends you free stock photos every month. The images are licensed for commercial use so they can be used wherever you like; they are mostly made up of general lifestyle shots. DesignersPics DesignersPics gives you access to a multitude of high resolution images for personal and commercial use. Gratisography With a range of niche/strange images, Gratisography is one of my favourite stock photo sites. IMFree IM Free has a huge collection of images, sorted into specific categories that you can download. ISO Republic ISO Republic has a library of images aimed to serve high-res photos to designers and developers, who don’t have the budget for professional photography. Jay Mantri Jay Mantri is a photographer who has some great, obscure images that you can download and use for free. 7 new high-quality photos are uploaded to his site every Thursday. Life Of Pix Little Visuals Lock and Stock Photos Magdeleine

Mind Mapping Users' Stories Training people in Mind Mapping is extremely satisfying since we are constantly hearing stories of how Mind Maps have totally transformed how people work and learn. What do you use Mind Maps® for? Has drawing a Mind Map ever improved your presentation skills, made you considerably more organised or given you a ground breaking idea? Have you ever used a Mind Map for something unusual? Do you have any ideas for using Mind Maps that you would like to share with others? Do you use them for group projects or for study? Whether it's to tell us you used the tool to develop a revolutionary invention or to organise your monthly budget - we want to hear your stories! Here are a selection of Mind Mapping User's Stories In 1993/4 I used a mind map on an A2 sheet when setting up my training company. I use Mind Mapping to brain dump after a phone call or other event when I wasn't able to take adequate notes. I have used Mind Mapping to look at the rules of golf in a different fashion. ^ Back to top
