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Online Wireframes and Mockups

Online Wireframes and Mockups
Extensive Object Library to Create Any Wireframe Whether its a web page, blog layout or an iOS mockup we have objects to match your design. All the objects are grouped into sensible libraries so you can load only the relevant libraries. This makes it very easy to find objects and provides you with a clutter free drawing area. Specially designed objects like web sharing widgets, signup forms, login widgets makes it extremely fast to come up with beautiful looking designs Professionally Designed Wireframe and Mockup Templates Shown above are some templates available to you get started immediately. Clickable, Interactive Wireframes and Mockups Our object linking feature helps you to create interactive wireframes. Work Together and Get Instant Feedback with Real-Time Collaboration Our real-time collaboration features enable you to create and work on your wireframes together with your clients or peers. Multiple Exporting Options including PDF and SVG

PowerMockup - Wireframe Toolkit for PowerPoint New Project :: (Fluid UI) uses cookies and saves data on our servers in order to provide the Fluid UI service. This data is gathered in order to provide the relevant functionality for your account. The purpose of this article is to inform you what information we store, when we request it and why we need it. Your email address is used to create a unique identifier for your account when you sign up. Third party services providers Fluid UI also uses a number of third party services providers in order to provide the Fluid UI service: Google Google Analytics is used to anonymously track who is visiting our site, how long they are staying and where they are coming from in order to allow us to improve how we sell the Fluid UI service. Accessing or deleting your data

How to Write a Web Site Creative Brief 1Google + When I wrote about creating a standardized web site development workflow I mentioned how the development of the creative brief is a key part of the initial concept phase of a web project. Consequently, I thought it might be useful to go into more detail about what a web site creative brief looks like and how we use it. A creative brief is a short (one or two pages), high-level document that clearly outlines the important elements of the web site - including objectives, target audiences, requirements, and so on. Here's a more general definition of a creative brief that summarizes its purpose quite well: A document that outlines the strategic direction for creative development, covering the specific task at hand, the communication objectives and strategy, and any elements that the executions must contain. Although creative briefs follow a similar format, like any tool, you should customize it to your needs. [Project Name] Creative Brief Summary Current Situation Proposal Target Audiences

Example wireframes Wirify Pro These fully editable wireframes for Microsoft Visio, OmniGraffle, Balsamiq Mockups and SVG (for Illustrator and other applications) have been exported directly from Wirify Pro: To download a document hold the Alt key and click on the download link above. All documents are unedited and created using Wirify Pro 1.7.1 with visible headings. A wireframe with headings exported into OmniGraffle using Wirify Pro: Source: The Guardian Wirify free The following wireframes have been created using Wirify 1.4 and besides basic cropping and resizing they are completely unedited: Source: CNN International Original vs. greeked wireframe vs. Source: The New York Times Source: Wikipedia Source: YouTube Source: Yahoo The page layout and structure of each example are the property of the respective website ownes.

Choisissez votre outil de maquettage ![ Usaddict: Ressources sur l’ergonomie des interfaces (le blog Usabilis)] À l’approche des fêtes, nous avons décidé de remettre à jour notre liste d’outils de maquettage. Parmi trente outils testés, nous en avons sélectionné une vingtaine, en les catégorisant pour vous aider à mieux choisir. N’hésitez pas à réagir à cette liste pour le plus grand bonheur de tous. Vous souhaitant une bonne lecture et d'excellentes fêtes ! Des outils très complets pour des interactions très poussées Axure Axure, est incontestablement indétrônable en termes de maquettage dynamique. Justinmind Justinmind est un concurrent sérieux de notre bon vieux Axure. Une solution plus simple mais efficace Balsamiq Mockup Balsamiq, malgré son manque de richesse en interaction, reste apprécié pour créer rapidement des maquettes. Les outils généralistes Certains outils ont des fonctionnalités qui ne sont pas nativement dédiées au maquettage. Power mockup Power Mockup est une extension de powerpoint, qui permet d’importer une bibliothèque de patterns. Microsoft Visio OmniGraffle Pour les webdesigners Cacoo

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