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Biblioteka internetowa Wolne Lektury

Biblioteka internetowa Wolne Lektury

Wyszukiwarka Creative Commons 9paź, 12 Jeśli szukamy zasobów na licencjach Creative Commons, darmowych do wykorzystania w edukacji lub Twoim projekcie to wyszukiwarka Creative Commons jest najlepszym miejscem. Pozwala z jednego miejsca przeglądać zasoby z kilkunastu serwisów, z których niektóre jak YouTube nie oferują własnych wygodnych wyszukiwarek. Za pomocą możemy przeszukiwać: wideo z YouTube,Wikimedia Commons (grafiki i multimedia)google (strony www i grafika),flickr (zdjęcia),Europeana (zasoby bibliotek cyfrowych z Europy),OpenClipArt (grafika wektorowa)Jamendo (muzyka)SoundCloud (muzyka)

Open Science and Crowd Science: Selected Sites and Resources Open Science and Crowd Science: Selected Sites and Resources Diane (DeDe) Dawson Natural Sciences Liaison Librarian University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Copyright 2012, Diane (DeDe) Dawson. Used with permission. Table of Contents IntroductionOpen ScienceCrowd ScienceMethods and ScopeOpen Science - Definitions and PrinciplesOpen Science - Open Lab Notebooks of Individuals and Lab GroupsOpen Science - BlogsCrowd Science - Projects for Individuals or Small TeamsCrowd Science - Volunteer Distributed Computing ProjectsThe Main SoftwareOrganizationsSelected ProjectsFurther Sources for ProjectsSelected Examples of Collaborative Science Sites for SpecialistsMain Software & Online Tools for Open ScienceOpen Science Conferences and CommunityConferencesFurther Reading/ViewingVideosDeclarations, Reports and White PapersOpen e-BooksSelected Essays, Articles, and InterviewsReferences

FWiOO - Projekt Wioowszkole : Informacje o Wioowszkole - Projekcie fundacji FWiOO Fundacja Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania została zarejestrowana w lutym 2007 r. w Poznaniu. Powstała z konieczności zintegrowania wielu rozproszonych inicjatyw o podobnym charakterze, działających w kraju i poza jego granicami, celem połączenia sił i wspólnego działania w imię popularyzacji idei wolnego i otwartego oprogramowania. Fundacja powołana została przede wszystkim z potrzeby wspierania rozwoju demokratycznego państwa i społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Integralną częścią tego procesu jest informatyzacja.

Kulturalna Polska - opracowania lektur, matura, studia Creative Commons Many fantastic CC record labels already release and curate free music, making my job of creating an end-of-year list easy. I also browsed various CC music communities to end up with the following, somewhat eclectic, mix. If you're a west coast transplant like myself, this might be perfect for the east-to-west cross country flight home for the holidaze. It's definitely not exhaustive, so enjoy, but be sure to check out all the other great artists and tracks on FMA. By the way, the world of free and open music is made possible by Creative Commons licenses, which are developed, supported, and stewarded by Creative Commons — an actual nonprofit organization! To ensure that the legal and technical infrastructure by which you access, share, and remix music remains robust, please consider donating to CC's Annual Campaign today.

Creative Commons Resources for Classroom Teachers Posted by Bill Ferriter on Sunday, 09/08/2013 If your students are using images, video, or music in the final products that they are producing for your class, then it is INCREDIBLY important that you introduce them to the Creative Commons -- an organization that is helping to redefine copyright laws. With a self-described goal to "save the world from failed sharing," the Creative Commons organization has developed a set of licenses that content creators can use when sharing the work. Zadania i testy z matematyki - Matematyka w gimnazjum, liceum i na maturze

Creative Commons Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license. Here are some recently added bits and pieces: Attribution License » 89153200 photos (See more) Attribution-NoDerivs License Login to Powtoon New to Powtoon? Create an account Reset your password dhresourcesforprojectbuilding [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Digital Humanities Tools Guides to Digital Humanities | Tutorials | Tools | Examples | Data Collections & Datasets Online or downloadable tools that are free, free to students, or have generous trial periods without tight usage constraints, watermarks, or other spoilers. Bias toward tools that can be run online or installed on a personal computer without needing an institutional server. (Also see Other Tool Lists) Note about organization: At present, these tools are organized in an improvised scheme of categories.
