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Primal Blueprint 101 | Mark's Daily Apple - StumbleUpon FAQs, Intro, PB 101 – whatever you want to call it this is a great place to familiarize yourself with the content found on Mark’s Daily Apple. Getting Started This is ground zero. The BasicsThese posts explain the concept of “Primal” as well as easy ways to get started without feeling overwhelmed by so much new information: Here is the list of my Definitive Guides – thorough explanations of big health topics: Who Does This? Take the Challenge Once you’ve got an idea of what it means to live the Primal lifestyle, consider trying it out for 21 days. Click here or the image below to view an infographic describing how to conduct your own 21 day challenge. The Newsletter If you’ve gotten this far and still haven’t signed up for the newsletter do so now. If you’d like to learn more about Mark’s Daily Apple feeds and newsletters visit the feeds page. Is it Primal? You know the basics: Lean meats and vegetables are healthy, grains and sugars should be avoided. Eggs – Yes (even raw eggs? All About Mark

Ways to Reexamine Your Life We humans tend to get very comfortable with our circumstances. Change is always hard so staying the same often sounds like a great choice. However not changing some things can lead to stagnation, which leads to unhappiness and boredom. 1. Are you happy with how early you are going to bed or late your are waking up? HE Advice: Set a time that you want to wake up each morning. 2. What do you want in the next week? Don’t know what you want? 3. After you have figure out what you want, you need to figure out how you should spend yout time in order achieve your goals. HE Advice: Write or type-out a concise agenda for the day with approximation for how long you will spend on each activity. 4. I grew up the son of a pastor at a mega-church in Orange County, CA. We change as we get older. 5. You know from watching every movie and TV show EVER that friends are important. This does not mean you need to kick friends that don’t make the cut out of your life. 6. Do you love what you do? 1. 2. 3. 7.

Bible Questions Answered What Are the Benefits of Living Your Life Purpose? Before we can enjoy the benefits of our life purpose, we need to find it. How do we find purpose in life? Many of us live, unable to find our purpose in life, for much of our lives. We are born, go to school and cram facts into our heads, marry, go to work, and then rush home from work too tired to do much of anything. We live mediocre lives without purpose, only routine. Life rushes past us. Now back to the question how do we find purpose in life? Our life purpose shows itself in down to earth ways. Another way our life purpose shows itself as Being in the right place. The above shows two ways all of us can fulfill a purpose in our lives. Now how can you enjoy the benefits of living your life purpose? What is it to live, really live? Sri Bhagavan of Oneness University in India says, "Knowing how to live is the purpose of life." So how many of us knew we would find purpose if we enjoyed our lives and lived in joy? We can still engage in our previous activities.

Things You're Doing Wrong If you're like us, you might sometimes have a problem with complex tasks, like trying to drive an ambulance and send a text message at the same time. But hey, at least most of us have figured out the simplest things that get us through the day, right? Except, you know, some of the simple things we've done every day of our lives, like ... What could be simpler than taking a good crap? Even babies are good at it. You might be surprised, then, to find out that even those of us who can burp without throwing up get this wrong every single day. The one who just threw up on the other one's shoulder is better at pooping. Chances are the pooping facility nearest you is a sitting toilet, a relatively recent invention that flushed its way into mankind's heart with the advent of indoor plumbing in the 19th century. GettyFuture toilets will exist just to kill us. So how the hell are we meant to do it? Luckily, there's a relatively simple way to end this poop dilemma. GettyDemonstrated here.

NASA Debunks 2012 Apocalypse With New FAQ We all know that the world is going to end in December 2012 because a giant solar eruption is going to swallow the Earth. Or is it supposed to be the implosion of the Yellowstone Caldera? Reversal of the global poles? Does anybody even care about how the Earth will end if we are all doomed anyway? Apparently, yes. The 2012 Armageddon myth dates back to the Mayans. NASA reaffirms this: "Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. There is also the notion of the "Nibiru collision." There is no Nibiru. "Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. What about a giant solar eruption? NASA says that its satellites are in more danger of solar activity than our little blue orb, "Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. What should people fear about the possibility of The End coming in 2012?

Tips for Happiness and Productivity By Leo Babauta This is something I’ve been wanting to write for some time — a Handbook for Life. Now, is there any handbook that can be a guide to every single person? Of course not. This is just a list of tips that I think will help many people in life — some of them common-sense tips that we often forget about. It’ll also become apparent from the links in this handbook that I’ve written about this stuff before. How to use this handbook This handbook is not meant to be a step-by-step guide, nor should you adopt all the tips below. Pick and choose the tips that will be most useful to you. 52 Tips for Happiness and Productivity Try rising early.

How to Be Happy Anytime | zen habits Post written by Leo Babauta. My friend Barron recently asked, “If you could be anywhere right now, doing anything you want, where would you be? And what would you be doing?” And my answer was, “I’m always where I want to be, doing what I want to be doing.” I’ve notice that in the past, like many people, I was always wishing I was doing something different, thinking about what I would do in the future, making plans for my life to come, reading (with jealousy) about cool things other people were doing. It’s a fool’s game. Many of us do this, but if you get into the mindset of thinking about what you *could* be doing, you’ll never be happy doing what you actually *are* doing. Instead, I’ve adopted the mindset that whatever I’m doing right now is perfect. There’s nothing I’m ever doing that isn’t the most incredible thing on Earth. The Now Mindset, In Practice Let’s say you’re washing the dishes. Washing dishes can be as great as anything else, if you decide to see it that way.

First Time Home Buyer Tips EmailEmail First time home buyers risk the highest percentage of their assets in the typical purchase. Yet, they know the least about the whole process. If this is you, read on. Buying your first home can seem daunting at first. Buy When It Makes Sense With real estate, timing can make a big difference. Get Pre-approved for a Loan Before You Start Looking for a House During the boom years, you can get a loan for any house you possibly want. Consider a Shorter Term Loan You see 30 year fixed loans as the golden standard in mortgages, but there are actually other, shorter term loan options as well. Work Out the Numbers Yourself Every lender will give you different options. Figure Out Your Needs and Wants Once you have an idea of how much house you can (or want to) afford, it’s time to look at the options available. Be Patient One thing to remember during this whole process is to be patient. Get a Competent Agent Especially for a first time buyer, the whole process is very overwhelming.

The Best Books to Spark Your Creativity Books open up worlds we never even knew existed. Whether they address creativity directly or not, books are a treasure trove of inspiration just waiting to be tapped. For recommendations, I turned to bloggers and artists who connect to their creativity every day. Below they share the diverse books that have ignited their imaginations—which I bet will spark yours, too! “I’m a voracious reader and find most books in any genre inspiring in one way or another,” said Nellie Jacobs, a bestselling author, award-winning artist and creativity consultant. Jacobs enjoys reading for information, style and format. The books below have helped Jacobs think more creatively. Jacobs also suggested reading books outside genres you typically pick to help you think differently. “Learn how to write scripts, or paint watercolors, or take photographs, or create crafts. Life coach and artist Tiffany Moore agreed that seeing the world in different ways is key to creativity.

50 Things Everyone Should Know by Mark and Angel Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one. While not totally comprehensive , here is a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Read the rest of the article

How to Memorize - Learn to memorize and increase memory | Productivity501 - StumbleUpon If you are visiting from StumbleUpon and like this article and tool, please consider giving it a thumbs up. Thanks! Memorizing does not have to be as hard as most people make it. The problem is that most people only know how to memorize by reading the same thing over and over again. In this article we are going to focus on a technique that will let you easily: Memorize a speechMemorize the BibleMemorize linesMemorize Scripture At the end of this article is a Javascript tool that makes it easy to implement this method. Synapses and Neurons and How to Memorize In the simplified model of the brain in this discussion, we’ll be looking at neurons and synapses. When you remember something neurons fire signals down particular synapse pathways to other neurons which in turn fire signals to other neurons. Strong Pathways Synapses appear to exhibit plasticity. For example, consider remembering your home telephone number. Now consider a number that you will have trouble remembering.
