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Floating Soccer Pitch on Devour

Simple Alchemy What is Alchemy? The dictionary defines it as : a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life. While this is true, I think of it as a blend of spirituality, philosophy and science. Science states that through matter life was created, in Alchemy, it was life that created matter. everything was created from one source of matter. Some believe that Alchemy is a psychological aspect in life. Alchemy has three aspects as I’ve said before, Mercury, Sulfur and Salt.

Winning Every Day Categories June 27, 2011 7:00pm By Rowdy Joe Videos Winning Every Day This guy just wins at everything he does. Tongue-tied Lawyer Rock Flip Fail Comments lol cool awesome win neat trick ftw stunts style Related Posts Recommended Posts Lebowski Fest > Home The Annotated Pratchett File v9.0 - Index The L-Space Web The Annotated Pratchett File, v9.0 Collected and edited by: Leo Breebaart <> Assistant Editor: Mike Kew <> Organisation: Unseen University Newsgroups:,alt.books.pratchett Archive name: apf-9.0.5 Last modified: 2 February 2008 Version number: 9.0.5 (The Pointless Albatross Release) Other formats: ASCII text file, PDF (A4 format), PDF (US Letter format), Palm Ebook (PDB format) Contents The APF is maintained by Leo Breebaart and Mike Kew,who always welcome corrections, questions or new annotations. The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians This mirror site is maintained by Leo Breebaart

The Most Offensive Jokes Ever | Funny Lists What is the most offensive joke ever? Here are twenty answers to that question along with a little something extra at the end, in my list of the 20 funniest ever offensive jokes: (If you have ever been upset or offended by humor of any kind please do not read any further. Q: What’s the difference between Santa Claus and a Jew? And here is a little something extra, cos you know I always like to go above and beyond – its a video of British comedian Jimmy Carr trying to find the most offensive joke ever based on the reaction of the audience. What is the most offensive joke ever? Desert Survival - Hazards There are several hazards unique to desert survival. These include insects, snakes, thorned plants and cacti, contaminated water, sunburn, eye irritation, and climatic stress. Insects of almost every type abound in the desert. Man, as a source of water and food, attracts lice, mites, wasps, and flies. They are extremely unpleasant and may carry diseases. Back to Desert Survival

Survival Gear Review Shakespeare Insult Kit Shakespeare Insult Kit Since 1996, the origin of this kit was listed as anonymous. It came to me on a piece of paper in the 90's with no attribution, and I thought it would make a cool web page. Though I searched for the origin, I could never find it. Combine one word from each of the three columns below, prefaced with "Thou": My additions: cullionly whoreson knave fusty malmsey-nosed blind-worm caluminous rampallian popinjay wimpled lily-livered scullian burly-boned scurvy-valiant jolt-head misbegotten brazen-faced malcontent odiferous unwash'd devil-monk poisonous bunch-back'd toad fishified leaden-footed rascal Wart-necked muddy-mettled Basket-Cockle pigeon-liver'd scale-sided Back to the insulter. Chris Seidel

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