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Accelerate Development with Agile Teams and Continuous Delivery

Accelerate Development with Agile Teams and Continuous Delivery
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Scrum – Beginners Guide To Scrum Scrum is an agile way to manage a project, usually software development. Agile software development with Scrum is often perceived as a methodology; but rather than viewing Scrum as methodology, think of it as a framework for managing a process. In the agile Scrum world, instead of providing complete, detailed descriptions of how everything is to be done on a project, much of it is left up to the Scrum software development team. This is because the team will know best how to solve the problem they are presented. This is why in Scrum development, for example, a sprint planning meeting is described in terms of the desired outcome (a commitment to a set of features to be developed in the next sprint) instead of a set of Entry criteria, Task definitions, Validation criteria, Exit criteria (ETVX) and so on, as would be provided in most methodologies. Scrum relies on a self-organizing, cross-functional team. Within agile development, Scrum teams are supported by two specific roles.

Agile Excel Spreadsheet for the Product Backlog I want to show a real easy way to put user stories in a spreadsheet-based product backlog. I wrote this after seeing someone tweet a screen capture of a product backlog I made nine years ago and thought to myself, “Yikes, that's out of date for how I do it today …” So in this post, well look at an agile product backlog template in Excel. As you probably know, I'm a big fan of writing the product backlog in the form of user stories and of writing user stories in the form: “As a _____, I ______, so that _______.” An example being: “As a frequent flyer, I really want to be able to connect to the internet while flying so that I can update my blog while traveling rather than having to save this as a text file and updating my blog later.” (Can you guess where I am while writing this?) What I've found makes a user story in this format very easy to work with in an agile Excel spreadsheet is to take the boilerplate parts and put them into column headings.

Scrum Board on Steroids: The Awesome Nature of Awesomeness Breaking news: Vodafone board wins Atlassian Ultimate Wallboard contest ... The Vodafone team in Copenhagen has a Scrum Board with RFID technology that knows when a card moves and updates data in their Jira tracking system. A video camera is always watching the board. This video is an entire sprint running in fast forward. There are projectors showing the burndown and how much of the sprint backlog is in each state. Software is written in Python by the ScrumMaster, Ole Hojris Kristensen. Free Agile Project Management Templates in Excel Agile Project Plan Template An agile project plan is based on features. The plan estimates how long it will take for each feature to be delivered, without much detail on how it will be delivered. And because the project plans are focused on features, you can group similar features into sprints. An agile project plan is always changing. Also known as an agile project schedule, this template lets you add your tasks, who is responsible, start and end dates, and status.  Download Agile Project Plan Template Note: when you add your own dates to the table, the Gantt chart will automatically adjust, however you may notice that there is a lot of white space at the beginning of your chart and it may display dates you did not enter.

Story Mapper by Carbon Five free online learning for careers, work, management, business training and education: find materials, articles, ideas, people and providers for teaching, career training, self-help, ethical business education and leadership; for personal, car How is businessballs is organized?... Below is an alphabetical listing of the main categories of information on this website, many of which equate to webpages. Businessballs has many very big webpages containing lots of sub-sections, rather like Wikipedia. Many of the sub-sections may be subjects in their own right. There are lots of internal site links from one subject to other releated subjects, so often the best way to learn about a subject is simply to start with a main section and follow the links to other content/subjects that you discover along the way. Alternatively use the site search boxes - at the top and foot of most pages. When you visit a page containing the information or particular term you are seeking, use the Ctrl+F keys to find where it is on the page. The additions and updates lists contain lots more interesting items not listed anywhere else. The site-map is another listing of main subject categories, according to broad subject classification. alphabetical listing about us

Value Streams are Made of People | Lean Systems Society | Lean Systems Society Note by Al Shalloway: I’m happy to present this blog from Liz Keogh. Liz is one of these out-of-the-box thinkers who somehow manages to connect many disparate dots. Here she deals with value streams, but not in your normal, in-the-box manner. Liz Keogh Independent consultant, Lean / Agile coach and trainer When I was first taught about value streams, they looked a lot like this: The idea is that you look at the different activities through which the work flows, and the gaps between them, then narrow the gaps, because waiting around for things to happen is wasteful. We’re used to thinking of software in terms of phases. As companies get larger, the value streams tend to get more complicated, but we still talk about our software in terms of those original phases. In software development, work is more like product development – designing a new car – than like a production line where we churn the same thing out over and over again. So the development team get their requirements. Liz Keogh

Project Tracking for Software Teams | Visual Studio Team Services Test and deploy your code to production at lightning speed with high-performance pipelines. Start small and scale up as needed. Quickstarts Read more “We moved from month-long deployment cycles to daily deployments […] to 6 data centers worldwide […] We (now) see 4,000 change lists a week, at check-in we run 20K tests and the check-in experience takes about 10 mins.” Read more “Microsoft made it really easy to break outside the silos […] and tie the DevOps process into the fulfillment of business process. Play video VSTS has everything you love about Git with free private repositories, pull requests, and code review. Quickstarts Git tutorial Team Foundation Version Control Read more “We can bring new products to market more quickly now that we use VSTS. Read more “Branches sync 500 percent faster. Read more Start doing agile on your own terms. Documentation Become agile Read more “VSTS has helped us embed a number of agile practices in our development methodology. Read more Play video Play video
