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Paper Mache Animal Heads

Felting Project: A Rug! This is the most beautiful felt project we’ve seen. Strips of felt are wrapped around each other with hot glue to create this amazing swirled effect. What a great project for a snowed-in weekend and a movie marathon with the family. The kids could even help cut strips and decide on color combination while you operate the hot glue gun. Would you attempt something like this? Keep reading to see more pictures and find out where to find more details about this beautiful felt project! You can see all the instructions and details here on The Crafts Dept blog A few other fun pictures of the process: Images: Martha’s Crafts Department Blog Other post of mine you might like: The Best Thing to Happen to Your Baby’s Feet This Winter! Zara Kids Winter Collection Snow Bricks!

Paper Mache Heart, Paper, Recycling, Crafty Corner, Easy step by step instructions showing how to make your own upcycled paper mache heart, presented by Crafty Corner For any questions contact: This is a fantastic project to recycle and upcycle old paper egg trays, cartons or boxes. Papier mache is a terrific project for all ages, especially young kids as they can get their hands involved – perfect for sensory development! By reducing what we use, reusing what we do need, upcycling, and recycling something once we have no more use for it, we can all make a small difference to the health of our planet Earth. What you need to make a papier mache heart: Several paper egg trays, cartons or boxesWaterBucketWall paper glue (one packet)Cardboard sheet (A4)Working surface Read through all the instructions first before starting this recycling papier mache craft. Step 1 Of the two methods of papier mache, you can already see that we will be doing the pulp version of paper mache in this recycling project. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Giant Paper Rose Flower If you loved the beautiful DIY wedding this morning and Nata’s gorgeous paper flower bouquets, you are in luck as Nata is sharing how she crafted them with us! She was inspired by a template created by Morgan Levine on Martha Stewart (as was I in the flowers I created for this styled shoot). I just love that this basic idea has inspired different brides to create their own version of giant paper flowers – you might remember these equally awesome giant paper flowers from this wedding I shared last year. :) Thanks so much Nata for sharing how you created your giant pink paper rose + special thanks to Studio Castillero for the photos of the DIY + her wedding! Materials (to make one giant rose) Step 1: Cut the petals Cut 5-6 teardrop petals and 15-6 heart-shaped petals from the petal colored crepe paper. IMPORTANT: Crepe paper is directional so it matters which way you’re cutting the paper. Repeat until all of your petals are cut Step 2: Cut the leaves + calyx Step 3: Make the rose stem

Les 46 astuces les plus brillantes que tout être humain devrait connaître pour se faciliter la vie Par Clément P. il y a 1 an La vie est faite de petits soucis en tout genre. Heureusement, il existe des moyens simples de contourner toutes les petites galères du quotidien ! En voici quelques unes. C'est si bête et simple que ça en devient génial, et pour certaines on se demande comment on n'y a pas pensé plus tôt ! 1. 2. 3. Parce que les glaçons ça fond, et c'est fait avec de l'eau...Et l'eau, c'est le Mal.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Versez une demi-tasse de bicarbonate de soude et une tasse de vinaigre dans un évier bouché. 10. 11. Parce que personne ne vole un stylo rouge....12. 13. 14. 15. Utilisez du scotch transparent/brillant sur l’objectif de l’appareil photo pour réparer la mise au point/ le flouté/ éviter les problèmes de réfraction de lumière de la lentille et améliorer la qualité de l’image ! 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Une lampe de poche standard attachée à un bidon d’eau peut illuminer une pièce tout entière ou une tente.23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Tee-shirt froissé? 31. 32. 33. 34.

A Tutorial: Fabulous Ric Rac Flowers » Matilda Jane Clothing Rocks Let me start out with a warning or sorry of some sort. The warning is because I have never done a Tutorial before, so I hope this is helpful and easy to follow. The sorry is for how horrible my nails look. I thought I would start off with a Flower, I too, just learned how to make. Material: Time-Roughly 20 minutes about 28 inches of Ric Rac ( This will make a flower about 2 inches in diameter) Suggestion: The thicker the Ric Rac the better Felt (Any Color) One sheet will be fine depending on how many flowers you want to make. Optional: Hair Clips, leaves or buttons Step One: Take the two pieces and hot glue them together. Note: You want to glue them together as if they are a mirror of one another. Step two: Lock in each curve of the first piece with the second. Say to yourself “over,under,over, under”. *If your piece does not look like this, then you most likely glued the two pieces going the wrong direction. *When you are finished wrapping the Ric Rac, it should look something like this.

Patron de la veste Patience | je serai grande Taille : SMatériel : Environ 1200 mètres de laine qui se tricote en 5 Aiguilles 6 (pour un rendu plus souple) et 4,5 pour les côtes 7 anneaux marqueurs (AM)Points employés : Point mousse Côtes 1/1 Veste :Montez 104 mailles. Tricotez 9cm de côtes 1/1 avec les aiguilles 4,5 en commençant les rangs envers par une maille endroit. Le côté droit deviendra le col. Promis, tout ça paraîtra évident quand vous l’aurez sous les yeux ! Poches :Montez 24 mailles et tricotez au point mousse avec les aiguilles 6 sur 7cm (comptez les rangs pour avoir 2 poches identiques). Ceci est un patron gratuit. PDF français : VestePatience-FREnglish PDF : PatienceVest-Eng Like this: J'aime chargement…

papier-mache easter eggs For Easter I made papier-mache polka dotted eggs. I created them using small water balloons and tissue paper then I filled them with candy and toys and sealed them shut. The egg can hold a surprising amount of candy and the tissue paper seems delicate making for a delightfully heavy and yet fragile object, much like real egg. Also like a real egg you have to break the shell to get at what’s inside. I like things you have to destroy to open. You’ll need: water balloons (they make the egg-iest shape)white tissue paper (one sheet will make about three eggs)colorful tissue paper (one sheet will make many eggs, so you don’t need much)a 3/4 inch hole puncha paint brush you don’t care much aboutliquid laundry starcha sturdy shot glass to hold your egg while you’re working with ita way to hang the balloons to dryenough time to let these dry overnight, and a few hours to let them dry after filling and sealing them (you’ve been warned) Note: I tried a few variations on the starch. Why the loop?

Peindre soi-même : les 10 pièges à éviter Si vous avez besoin de peindre votre intérieur vous-même pour rafraîchir votre décoration sans vous ruiner, attention à trop de précipitation. A vouloir peindre trop vite, vous risquez de faire des bêtises et de le regretter ! C'est pourquoi Côté Maison a pointé les 10 erreurs à éviter pour que votre chantier de peinture murale ou de sol ne tourne pas au cauchemar... >> A lire aussi >> Guide d'achat : comment bien choisir sa peinture ? Piège n° 1 : protéger insuffisamment son chantier Un pot de peinture renversé sur la moquette ou le parquet, un meuble taché par une éclaboussure, c'est très compliqué à nettoyer. >> Calculez la quantité de peinture qu'il vous faut Voici les secrets d'un chantier impeccable : - Videz la pièce au maximum, l'idéal étant de pouvoir travailler dans un espace entièrement vide. >> A voir aussi >> En vidéo : bien peindre un mur avec plusieurs couleurs Et que faire en cas de tache ? >> A lire aussi >> Top 15 des marques de peinture Cela vous semble insurmontable ?

Lace lamp – DIY | DosFamily We are at our little cottage in Dalarna and we are fixing it up. So we are able to use it even in the winter. (Dalarna is in th middle/north of Sweden. To me and Jenny it’s north but Sweden is a very tall country so I guess we are not even in the middle). Anyway it’s great cause I have the time and space to do lots of DIY projects. First we used a huge baloon that I bought at a party store. Then you collect all the old Dollys (?) Paint them with lots of wallpaper glue so they are soaked. Hang the ballon on a string and put the soaked lace on the baloon. Then wait for a while. Pop the baloon when the glue is dry. Update 1:Some of you asked how to get the bulb into the shade. You mos def want to use a LED lamp or a energy saving bulb because it’s cold and it will not affect the glue either. I bought a nice looking iron wire in pink but when I opened the box it was red. Update 2: Problems making the lamp?! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.Good luck! xxx Isabelle
