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Node.js v0.10.26 Manual

Node.js v0.10.26 Manual

How To Node - NodeJS 10 Excellent New Free Fonts Here at WDL, we know how important it is for our readers to have as many good resources as possible in their design library. That’s why we do our best to gather what is new out there and deliver it to you. So today we have a new round of free fonts to give you plenty of typography options for your upcoming designs. Nexa Maven Pro Corki Mission Script Balls Family Bouwen Pixa Type Family Frontage NeoDeco Signika About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 892 shares 10 Best New Free Fonts We’ve been on the prowl for some new free fonts to share with you. Read More 1136 shares 9 Free & Useful Fonts for your Designs Whether it’s PSD’s or icons, we love finding high quality free files and sharing them with our readers.

The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.js tutorial Formation Node.js Un monde nouveau Sorti en 2009, Node.js a complètement révolutionné la perception de JavaScript et des infrastructures logicielles côté serveur. Extrêmement performant, agréable à l’emploi, doté d’un écosystème et d’une communauté extrêmement vigoureux, Node.js affiche désormais de nombreux très gros acteurs en production avec des capacités de montée en charge insolentes et beaucoup de success stories. Objectifs La formation Node.js vous donne toutes les clés pour bien démarrer avec Node.js tout en professionnalisant et industrialisant vos pratiques de développement JavaScript. Elle permet aux stagiaires de : Il s’agit donc non pas d’une « simple » formation technique, mais véritablement d’un ensemble complet de savoir-faire qui donne non seulement les clés d’une fonctionnalité immédiate, mais aussi les moyens de produire du code maintenable et qualitatif sur la durée. Public visé Programme Le programme de la formation Node.js est le suivant : Jour 1 — Mise en jambe Node et JavaScript avancé

How to redirect your site to a mobile version through JavaScript « Sebastiano Armeli's Tech Blog The user needs to be redirected to the mobile version of the site (home page) if it’s trying to access the site from a mobile device. UPDATE 25/07/2011 : Version 0.9.5 released with support for “tablet_url”, “keep_path” and “keep_query” properties. Ipad and other tablet devices have been excluded from the list of mobile devices by default. To solve this problem, the best approach is implementing something server-side, and I find a good approach using the WURFL file to check the capabilities and features of mobile devices. Sometimes, a server-side solution can become difficult to implement especially if we have a CDN or reverse proxy (sitting in front of our Web Server) caching our pages. Here JavaScript comes to the rescue and I wrote a script that makes the redirection happen called ”redirection_mobile.js”. You can find the source here on Github. The function accepts an argument which is a configuration object with few properties: Go to main site ..and feel free to make a donation.

How to install Cygwin Cygwin is a Unix-like environment for windows. It can be obtained from: www.cygwin.comBelow are notes on how to install and setup cygwin for access to group computers.Installation Notes:Download setup.exe from application from your local harddrive.Chose next on first screen.Select "Install from Internet" and click next. Enter preferred installation (Root) directory and click next. Enter a temporary installation directory and click next. Select "Direct Connection" and click next. Select "Ok" to close both "Environmental Variables" and "System Properties" windows. substack/stream-handbook soulwire/sketch.js Understanding node.js Node.js has generally caused two reactions in people I've introduced it to. Basically people either "got it" right away, or they ended up being very confused. If you have been in the second group so far, here is my attempt to explain node: It is a command line tool. "But I can do everything I need in: ruby, python, php, java, ... !". I hear you. "Get to the point!" Alright, I will. "Huh?" That's right, everything runs in parallel, except your code. The day starts by one servant waking up the king and asking him if he needs anything. Once a servant finishes a task, he lines up outside the kings quarter to report. Life is good, for the king's servants carry out all of his tasks in parallel, but only report with one result at a time, so the king can focus "That's fantastic, but could you quit the silly metaphor and speak geek to me?" Sure. var fs = require('fs') , sys = require('sys'); fs.writeFile('letter-to-princess.txt', ' You got it! "Very nice, but why should I use it?" Yes and no. No. --fg

Node Demo What is this thing? An online quiz system with realtime sync between the quiz server and connected clients (desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones…) and an optional hardware interface. This is a wide-angle demo of Node.js capabilities, well-known modules, best practices, code patterns, etc. Annotated source The entire source (except for a few JSON files that by definition don't allow comments--ugh, JSON stupidity) was annotated and is available, thanks to Groc, a Docco spin-off: view the annotated source here. Installing it If you are entirely new to Node.js, it is quite likely you will need to setup a number of things to be able to run this demo. Also, we rely on two distinct authentication schemes for demo purposes, one of which will require you to register a new app of your own (this doesn't require any coding) with your Twitter account. This demo intentionally taps into a number of supporting technologies: brew install node sqlite redis Start by installing all local dependencies: There!
