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The Definitive Book of Body Language: Barbara Pease, Allan Pease: 9780553804720:

The Definitive Book of Body Language: Barbara Pease, Allan Pease: 9780553804720:

Skill With People (9780961641603): Les Giblin Father's Day Gifts at 4 Bước Chinh Phục Đỉnh Cao - Steven Gary Blank 4 Bước Chinh Phục Đỉnh Cao Khoảng chục năm trở lại đây, khi mà những cái tên như Google, Facebook, Amazon,… dần trở nên quen thuộc với người Việt, thì các câu chuyện “như cổ tích” của Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos nung nấu trong đầu nhiều người trẻ Việt mơ ước khởi tạo công ty thành công của riêng mình. Hẳn bạn cũng nằm trong số đó? Tuy nhiên, khởi nghiệp không hề đơn giản, đặc biệt trong các lĩnh vực tăng trưởng nhanh và nhiều rủi ro như công nghệ. Có được ý tưởng đột phá đã khó, biến nó thành sự thực và thay đổi thị trường lại càng gian nan hơn. Ngay cả Steven Blank – tác giả của quyển sách này – cũng không phải đã đạt được thành công lớn với tất cả 8 công ty ông sáng lập. Cụm từ “khởi nghiệp” – “startup” – được mọi người biết đến nhiều kể từ giai đoạn bùng nổ các công ty dot-com (thời kỳ 1997 – 2000), tới nay đã trở thành khái niệm khá “thời thượng”. Nếu xem kinh doanh là môt cuộc chiến, thì các doanh nhân khởi nghiệp là những chiến binh. Trần Ngọc Thái Sơn Đôi nét về nội dung:

Confident Body Language For Women - Your posture can reveal much about your mood, your attitude, the day you’re having - as well as give hints to others about what you’d like to have happen next. One of the most common scenarios I deal with in my confidence coaching practice is getting women mentally ready to make a massive impact at an upcoming major event. And one of the most powerful tools at my disposal when creating the mechanics of confident female body language is always guided visualizations. A technique I originally used coaching combat athletes before climbing into a ring or cage for a fight, it quite literally involves creating a vivid, 3 dimensional mental rehearsal of the situation that accounts for all of our perceptual systems - sight, sound, smell ... even taste. The reason? What Confidence Looks (and Moves) Like ... “When we think of nonverbals, we think of how we judge others. … We tend to forget, though, the other audience that's influenced by our nonverbals: ourselves” Are your shoulders back?

Bí Quyết Quản Người - Ứng Dụng Trong Kinh Doanh Và Trong Cuộc Sống - Tạ Ngọc Ái Bí Quyết Quản Người - Ứng Dụng Trong Kinh Doanh Và Trong Cuộc Sống Tục ngữ có câu: "Không phép tắc không thành sự nghiệp" và còn nói: "Hiện quan không bằng hiện quản". Xã hội chúng ta phát triển đến ngày nay, công đó là do cách quản người. Cách quản người là khiến cho mọi người phải phục tùng đại cục xã hội, khiến mọi người yên lòng với bổn phận của mình, khiến họ lấy đức báo đức và đều có cống hiến: Mọi người sống với nhau hoà thuận, không xâm phạm lẫn nhau. Xã hội ngày càng phát triển thì vai trò của nhân tố con người và quản lý, tổ chức con người lại càng quan trọng. "Bí quyết quản người" là cuốn sách thuộc tủ sách kiến thức xã hội giới thiệu những bí quyết quản lý con người một cách khoa học, thực tiễn và hiệu quả. Mời các bạn đón đọc!

4 Ways to Talk With a Deeper Voice Edit Article Discovering How You Sound NowImproving your capacity to change voice toneTraining your deeper voiceChecking on and maintaining your voice progress Edited by Garshepp, Carolyn Barratt, Flickety, Devil President and 27 others Have you ever wanted to speak with a well rounded, deeper voice? Many radio announcers, voice-over artists and public speakers use such voices professionally because they command attention while at the same time suggesting gentle authority (e.g.: the deep voice of God in movies and ads on TV). And if you're male, you might be interested to learn that some women tend to subconsciously associate men who have deeper voices with as not only more authoritative but also with increased attractiveness, fitness and strength.[1] If you have a higher pitched voice, or if you'd simply like to extend the depth and range of your voice for an acting or voice-over role, it is possible within your voice range. Ad Steps Method 1 of 4: Discovering How You Sound Now Video Tips

The 4 Ways You Can Use Body Language To Influence Success If you see someone frowning, head bowed, shoulders slumped, it’s a fair bet they’re feeling low in confidence. But which came first: the slumped shoulders or the bad mood? Your body language doesn’t merely reflect your emotions, it’s often the cause. By learning some of the principal ways that your own posture, gestures, facial expression and even tone of voice affect your mind, you will be more aware of the factors influencing your mood, and give yourself an edge in presentations and negotiations. 1. Know the “Power Posture” Opening up your body and filling more space – known as a “power posture” – has been shown in studies to have a range of confidence-boosting effects. In a study published last year, Amy Cuddy and her colleagues at Harvard Business School showed that students gave more impressive speeches for a job interview if, beforehand, they’d spent two minutes in two power poses – one sitting, one standing. 2. 3. 4. How about you? How do you use body language when presenting?

25 Acts of Body Language to Avoid post written by: Marc Chernoff Email Our body language exhibits far more information about how we feel than it is possible to articulate verbally. All of the physical gestures we make are subconsciously interpreted by others. This can work for or against us depending on the kind of body language we use. Most people are totally oblivious to their own body language , so the discipline of controlling these gestures can be quite challenging. Practice avoiding these 25 negative gestures: I speak two languages, Body and English. - Mae West Holding Objects in Front of Your Body – a coffee cup, notebook, hand bag, etc. Additional Reading and Sources: Photo by: Tony Blay If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...

The Art of Business Influence – Selling without Selling | Mark Jeffries A Virtual Training course designed to elevate subscribers into: Trusted AdvisorsPersuasive CommunicatorsKey Influencers Mark Jeffries has taken all the ideas from his books and keynote speeches and packaged them within a unique and instantly useable e-learning experience. The course is very visual, engaging and interactive. It’s loaded with practical ideas and inspiration carefully curated to grow your business success. If you would like to receive more details on how Mark’s course can benefit your business, please enter your contact details by clicking here To visit the home of The Mark Jeffries Communication Academy and to discover more about the course: “The Art of Business Influence – Selling without Selling” click below

Carmine Gallo About page | Gallo Communications Best-selling author, Carmine Gallo is also a former reporter and anchor for CNN and CBS. He has sat down with many of the most dynamic and respected business leaders of our time. In these interviews, Carmine gained insight into what makes a great leader. Great leaders are also great communicators. He formed Gallo Communications with the mission of helping business leaders discover and apply the untapped power of effective communications. Gallo Communications prepares business leaders for these make it or break it moments. Speaking Engagements How to Innovate the Steve Jobs WayHow to Give a Presentation like Steve JobsFire Them Up: The 7 Secrets of Inspiring LeadersInspiring Leadership for Tough TimesThe New Rules of Persuasive Presentations10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Business Communicators Gallo Communications Group offers communication skills coaching for the world’s most admired brands. Communication Skills Training Contact us to find out how we can help your organization.

Course | Carmine Gallo Academy The New Rules of Persuasive Presentations – Sell Your Ideas the Steve Jobs Way Steve Jobs was the world’s best corporate communicator – period. Carmine Gallo followed Steve Jobs for years and has studied his presentation content, style and performance. Carmine analyzed and dissected the iconic and ever popular Apple presentations and developed practical ways to apply these techniques in his bestselling book, The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs. This eCourse is based on this book and Carmine’s experiences as a communications coach and a keynote speaker. Whether you are a CEO, salesperson, entrepreneur or anyone who needs to communicate ideas persuasively, this course will help you learn from the master and unleash your inner Steve. In the course, you will master three key elements that all persuasive presentations contain. You will learn how to make your presentation: UNDERSTANDABLE If your audience doesn’t understand what you are trying to say, you will lose their attention quickly.
