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Kindle Direct Publishing help -

Kindle Direct Publishing help -
KDP Select Global Fund for April 2014 The KDP Select global fund amount is $1.2 million for April 2014. We’ll share the average global fund payout for March by the middle of April. In addition, KDP Select royalty information for March will be available on royalty reports in mid-April. Remember, if enrolled in KDP Select, you will earn a share of the global fund amount every time your book is borrowed from the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library on,,, and Visit your Bookshelf to enroll your books in KDP Select. With Kindle Direct Publishing you can self-publish your books on the Amazon Kindle Store. Here are some options for preparing your book: To get started, watch our video tutorial: How to Publish

e-book formats, Comparison of The following is a comparison of e-book formats used to create and publish e-books. The EPUB format is the most widely supported vendor-independent XML-based (as opposed to PDF) e-book format; that is, it is supported by the largest number of e-Readers, including Amazon Kindle Fire (but not standard Kindle).[1] See table below for details. Format descriptions[edit] Formats available include, but are not limited to: Broadband eBooks (BBeB)[edit] Comic Book Archive file[edit] Compiled HTML[edit] CHM format is a proprietary format based on HTML. DAISY – ANSI/NISO Z39.86[edit] The Digital Accessible Information SYstem (DAISY) is an XML-based open standard published by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and maintained by the DAISY Consortium for people with print disabilities. DAISY is already aligned with the EPUB technical standard, and is expected to fully converge with its forthcoming EPUB3 revision.[3] DjVu[edit] DjVu is a format specialized for storing scanned documents.

file extensions Обновленные словари Список словарей Cловарь естественных наук (15 647)Биографический словарь (37 432)Большой бухгалтерский словарь (87)Военный словарь (1 226)Древневосточный словарь (546)Древнегреческий словарь (434)Компьютерный толковый словарь (2 812)Критический словарь психоанализа (275)Музыкальный словарь (8 999)Обозначение российских фамилий (5 547)Психологический словарь (3 787)Русский орфографический словарь (175 628)Русский словарь антонимов (2 511)Русский словарь синонимов (20 374)Русский фразеологический словарь (11 236)Русский этимологический словарь (12 489)Словарь Маркетинга (727)Словарь Менеджмента (1 379)Словарь крылатых слов и выражений (9 380)Толковый биржевой словарь (21)Толковый словарь Даля (39 571)Толковый словарь Ушакова (74 944)Толковый словарь психиатра (40)Философский словарь (2 547)Финансово-экономический словарь (20)Церковный словарь (342)Экономический словарь (28 486)Энциклопедия Брогхауза (121 107)Юридический словарь (9 489) Список энциклопедий
